
Kuznetsov, Dmitry NikolaevichPoor segments of the population in the social structure of modern Russian society (based on the materials of the Oryol region): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.04 - social structure, social institutions and processes / Kuznetsov Dmitry Nikolaevich;FGAOU Belgorod State National Research University.- Belgorod, 2020. -22 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.21-23 (18 names)..-100 copies..I. Belgorod State National Research University 1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Social security - Oryol region - author of dissertations.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes.5. Abstract.BBK 60.541.32ya031Source of an electronic copy: NIU "BelSU".Website
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