Legal regulation of the investigation of accidents of marine merchant vessels in the USSR in the 1920-1930s.

Sorokin, Georgy AlekseevichLegal regulation of the investigation of accidents of marine merchant vessels in the USSR in the 1920-1930s.: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences: specialty 12.00.01 - theory and history of law and state;The history of the exercises about law and the state / Sorokin Georgy Alekseevich;Place of protection: FGAOU Belgorod State National Research University.- Belgorod, 2020. -22 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.20-21 (9 names) and in the tuning.Note..-100 copies..I. Belgorod State National Research University 1.Power (collection).2. Theory and history of law and state.3. Theory and history of law and state;The history of the exercises about law and the state.4. Abstract.BBK 67.911.17, I031BBK 63.3 (2) 61-36ya031Source of an electronic copy: NIU "BelSU".Website
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