Correspondence at the request of the attorney of the widow of the peasant Roman Ushakov on the issuance of 3,600 rubles from the...

Title Correspondence at the request of the attorney of the widow of the peasant Roman Ushakov on the issuance of 3,600 rubles from the funds of the Valuysky section of the allowance in favor of the widow for the death of her husband, who died through the fault of the administration in the performance of work in the Valuyx irrigated section of the Samara province
Series Inventory No. 1.
Fonds Докладные записки, справки, акты и переписка о передаче в казну Караязского имения Тифлисской губернии, принадлежащего обществу восстановления христианства на Кавказе
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