Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property, with the application of extracts from the magazin...

Title Correspondence with the Novgorod Department of Agriculture and State Property, with the application of extracts from the magazines of a meeting of the Technical Committee, to consider the project of drainage of the lands of the peasants of the village of Kiuya with nine villages of the monastery volost of the Kirillovsky district of the Novgorod province
Series Land improvement department of the Ministry of Agriculture
Fonds Дело о назначении Е.А. Иочеву опекуншей над имуществом в Виленской губернии малолетних: Александра, Ивана, Станислава, Марианны, Виктора и Ядвиги, оставшихся после убитого отца Адама Иоча и арестованной матери их
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