Discussive personality of the sports commentator of the United States and Russia: Gender aspect

Pak, Leonid EvgenievichThe discursive personality of the sports commentator of the United States and Russia: the gender aspect: the abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences: specialty 10.02.20 - comparative historical, typological and composite linguistics / PAK Leonid Evgenievich;[FGAOU in "Far Issue. Feder. University"].- Vladivostok, 2018. -24 p.: Il.;21. -Bibliography: p.23-24 (10 names).- On the rights of the manuscript.- With the autograph of the author..-130 copies..I. Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok) .1.People (collection).2. Comparative-historical, typological and compassionate linguistics.BBK 81.006.3y031BBK 81.055.515y031BBK 76.005.3: 75.7ya031Electronic copy source: FEFU.Website
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