Musical instruments of the Sakha people in the light of classical typologies

Dyakonova, Varvara Egorovna (Ph.D. Arts).Musical instruments of the people of Sakha in the light of classical typologies: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of art history: specialty 17.00.02 / Dyakonova Varvara Egorovna;[FSBOU in Arct.state.Institute of Culture and Arts, history].- Vladivostok, 2017. -27 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.23-27 (27 names)..-170 copies..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Folk musical instruments Yakut - abstracts of dissertations.4. Musical art.BBK 85.315.3/9 (2ros = yak) Y031BBK 63.521 (2 = 634.1) -72ya031Electronic copy source: FEFU.Website
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