Representation of subjectivity in the culture of the Russian intelligentsia of the XIX century

Ivanov, Andrey Anatolyevich (Dr. Philos. Sciences, Ph.D. Culturology).Representation of subjectivity in the culture of the Russian intelligentsia of the XIX century: Author of Dis.On Soi.Uch.Doctors of philosophical sciences: specialty / Ivanov Andrei Anatolyevich;[Place of protection: Farwall.Feder.un-t].- Vladivostok, 2016. -42 p.: Il.;21. -Bibliography: p.40-42 (24 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.3. History.Historical sciences-the history of Russia-the period of capitalism (1861-1917)-socio-economic relations-classes.Estates.Social groups.The layers of the population are the intelligentsia.4. Philosophy - epistemology (epistemology) - philosophical problems of cognition - object and subject.Objective and subjective in cognition.The problem of reflection.5. Philosophy- the history of philosophy- Russian philosophy- philosophical and social thought of Russia 19- early 20th century.-1861-1895 ..BBK 63.3 (2) 5-283.2ya031BBK 87.152.42y031BBK 87.3 (2) 52ya031Electronic copy source: FEFU.Website
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