Identifier | d5ebefc3-f5d2-402e-8015-7a523a56d6aa |
Title | Dashkov |
Dates | 1779 |
Text language | Russian |
Level | Fonds |
Call number | РГИА. 1630 |
Cataloguing source | RGIA |
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Organization and arrangement | 1 op. |
Extent | 525 units. |
Summary | Historical certificate: Dashkov Dmitry Vasilievich (1788-1839), adviser to the embassy in Constantinople, comrade of the Minister of Internal Affairs (1828-1829), Comrade Minister (1829) and Minister of Justice (1829-1839), chief managing the second branch of his own imperial majesty (1839), member of the State Council (1839);His sons: Dmitry Dmitrievich (1833-1901), Zemsky figure;Andrey Dmitrievich |
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