Projects of proposals to the 4th Khabarovsk District Conference of the CPSU (b)

BCP (b).Khabarovsk District Committee.Projects of proposals for the 4th Khabarovsk District Conference of the CPSU (B.).-Khabarovsk: Typo -Litography "Book business" No. 2, 1928. -5 p.;25x17 cm. -.1. Power (collection).2. Territory of Russia: Khabarovsk Territory (collection).3. Khabarovsk Territory: Pages of History (collection).4. Khabarovsk Territory-socio-economic development.5. Khabarovsk Territory - the national economy.BBK 63.3 (2ros-4hab) 6-2Electronic copy source: Far Eastern GNBOriginal storage location: Far Eastern GNB
Publisher типо-литография "Книжное Дело" № 2
Catalogue object