History of mankind.T. 4. Mediterranean Sea and countries along the coasts

History of mankind: World History: Full Per.C with.additional.For Russia, the elected Russian.Scientists: 260 Dep.Appendix, of which 60 chromolithr., 55 cards.In colors and 145 black silt./ Comp.Prof.: G. Adler, K. Rede, T. Ahelis and others;Under the general.Ed.Dr. G. Helmolt;Additional.per.made by gg.B.F.Adler, A.I.Braudo, A.A.Weinberg and others ..., took on the b.V.V.Bartold, I.M.Grevs, prof.N.I.Kareev et al. - St. Petersburg: [B.I., 1904-1909].-.I. Tille, ar .. II.Tille, Al .. III.Schmidt, e .. IV.Zwidinek-Zyudengorst, G. F. V. Skala, R.F. VI.Ranke, and .. VII.Pauli, K .. VIII.Set, K .. IX.Ratzel, F. X. Bartold, V.V. .. XI.Weinberg, A.A. .. XII.Kareev, N.I. .. XIII.GREVS, I.M .. XIV.Braudo, A.I. .. XV.Shurz, g. XVI.Sews, g. XVII.Helmolt, g. XVIII.Jung, Yu .. XIX.Milkovich, in .. XX.Weil, K .. XXI.Walter, in .. XXII.Winkler, g. XXIII.Wilke, e .. xxiv.Bretgoltz, b .. xxv.RELEDT, K .. XXVI.Adler, g. XXVII.Brandis, K.G. .. XXVIII.Ahelis, t .. xxix.Lushan, F.F. XXX.Cauler, and .. xxxi.Marengolts, p .. xxxii.Mayr, p .. XXXIII.Klein, K .. XXXIV.Gake, e .. xxxv.Vsloslotsky, G. F. XXXVI.Kleinshmidt, A .. XXXVII.Gabbler, K..1.People, territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PBT. 4: Mediterranean Sea and countries along the coasts: from 8 maps, 7 centers.and 5 black.Table, executed.Dr. R. Bon, M. Gilreneron and O. Schulz / [Op.] K.G.Brandis, prof.V. Walter, † e.Count Wilchek [et al.];Per.librarian imp.PUBL.B-ki A.I.Browno;Additional.Prof.M.I.Rostovtseva.- Printing.The book publisher T-va "Education", [1904-1909].-[684] p.Section.pag.: cards., Il .. -On add.Tit.l.Publishing House: The Book Partnership "Education".The 1st volume is approved by the training committee of his own imperial majesty of the office for institutions of Empress Mary for the fundamental libraries of secondary educational institutions of the department of the Empress Maria Empress;Recommended by the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions for educational institutions subordinate to it.Bibliogr.in the text.- Ex.: Without region..I. von-scala, p .. II.Pauli, K .. III.Jung, Yu .. IV.Shurz, g. V. Walter, in .. VI.Brandis, K.G. VII.Helmolt, G.F. VIII.Wilke, E. (Count).IX.Guilieron, M .. X. Schulz, o .. XI.Bon, p .. XII.Braudo, A.I. .. XIII.Rostovtsev, M.I..1.People, territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PB
Publisher Типо-лит. книгоиздательского Т-ва "Просвещение"

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