Communist.1936, No. 12 (June 25)

BCP (b) Kuibyshevsky city committeeCommunist: Regional Party Monthly / Organ of the Regional Bureau of the Central Committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) of the Middle Volga region -G 1-24 -Kuibyshev;Saratov: Middle Volga Commune, 1928-1941-Subtitles: 1928 No. 1 Regional Party monthly authority of the regional bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) of the Middle Volga region;1928, No. 2/3 - 1929, No. 17/18 The body of the Central Volga Regional Commune of the CPSU;1929, No. 19/20 -1934 of the regional party two -week organ of the Srednevolzhsky regional committee of the CPSU (b);1935, No. 1/2 - 1937, No. 11 two -week journal of the Kuibyshevsky regional committee of the CPSU (b);1937, No. 12 Two -week journal of the Kuibyshev regional committee of the CPSU (b)Place of publication: 1928 - 1931 No. 9 of Samara;1931, No. 10/11 - 1934 Moscow -Samara;1935 Moscow-Kuibyshev;1936 KuibyshevPublishers: 1928 -1930, No. 1 Publishing House "Central Volga Commune";1930, No. 2 - 1931, No. 9 Publishing House "Volzhskaya Commune";1931, No. 10/11 - 1932, No. 6 State Publishing House;1932, No. 7/8 - 1934, No. 9 Partizdates;1934, No. 10 - 19/20 Central Volga Regional Publishing House;1935, No. 1/2 - 1937, No. 1 Kuibyshevsky regional publishing house;1937 No. 2 Kuibyshev Regional Publishing HouseI CPSU (b) Kuibyshevsky regional committee1 Socialism and communism-periodicals 2 Samara region-socio-political life-history-periodicals 3 socio-political magazines-USSR-USSRBBK 633 (2ros-4sam) 6-4y54Electronic copy source: PB1936, No. 12 (June 25) - [Kuibyshev]: Kuibyshevsky regional publishing house, 1936 -64 s: silt, portrait -Contains: a message about the death of the Gorky Decree of the Presidium, the draft Constitution of the SSR Union Party leadership of the cultural and educational work of the Partyard’s stands, [and other materials] - bibliography in adventure notes-9350 copies1 Gorky, Maxim (1868 - 1936) - periodicals 2 domestic serial and ongoing publications (collection) 3 people (collection) 4 power (collection) 5 Territory of Russia: Samara region (collection) 6 Samara region (collection)7 Maxim Gorky (collection) 8 of the USSR-socio-political life-1920-1930s-periodicals 9 socio-political magazines-USSRBBK 833 (2 = 4112) 6-8ya54BBK 633 (2) 61-4Y54Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
Publisher Куйбышевское краевое издательство
Catalogue object