Resolution of the Far Eastern Regional Department of Labor on the timing of the start and end of seasonal work, May 3, 1929, mou...

Far Eastern regional labor department.Resolution of the Far Eastern Regional Department of Labor on the timing of the start and end of seasonal work, May 3, 1929, mountains.Khabarovsk.-Khabarovsk: Typo -Litography "Book business", 1929. -1, 12 s .. -Without a title sheet..1. Power (collection).2. The territory of Russia (collection).3. Far East: Point of Attraction (collection).4. Agriculture - Far Eastern Territory - Documents and Materials.5. The USSR-Economic Policy-the Far East-1920s.- Documents and materials.BBK 63.3 (2ros-4dal) 613-2ya1Electronic copy source: Far Eastern GNBOriginal storage location: Far Eastern GNB
Publisher типо-литография "Книжное дело"
Catalogue object