Assessment of the ecological state of agroecosystems of the Upper Volga region

Schukin, Ivan MikhailovichAssessment of the ecological state of agroecosystems of the Upper Volga: Author of Dis.On Soi.Uch.step.candidate of biological sciences: specialty 03.02.08 / Schukin Ivan Mikhailovich;[Place of protection: Vladimir.state.University named afterAlexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov].- Vladimir, 2018. -24 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.23-24 (15 names)..1. Territory (collection).2. Ecology.3. Rural and forestry.Agricultural and forestry sciences - rural and forestry of individual territories - the Russian Federation - Upper Volga - soil science.4. Biological sciences - general biology - general ecology - biocenology.Biocenoses - types of biocenoses - biocenoses of the temperate belt (including Mediterranean) - other biocenoses of the temperate belt - agriculturalocenoses.5. The upper Volga region.BBK 08.080.3y031BBK 40.38y031Electronic copy source: VLSU.Website
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