Materials for describing Russian rivers and the history of improvements to their shipping conditions.Ext.22. Earth dimensions of...

Materials for describing Russian rivers and the history of improving their shipping conditionsExt.22: Earth dimensions of the Ministry of Railways on the internal waterways of the Russian Empire in 1906-1908.= Travaux de dragage executes par les soins du Ministere des Voies de Communication sur les voies de navigation interieures de l'Empire de Russie en 1906-1908 = Die Baggerarbeiten des Communicationen Ministeriums auf den Binnenwasserstrassen in RRussland in den Jahren 1906-1908 : (В4 hours) / Comp.on the of Art.Inspector of water messages and the INZh highway.L.I.Tsimbalenko;M-in the tracks of communication.Part 4, cards, plans and graphs.- and sons.Roads, 1911. -[12] p., 22, pl., Count .. -Plug.General descriptions also on the FR.Yaz.: Materiaux Pour La Description des Rivieses Russses et l'Histoire de l'Melioration de leur navigabilite.Plug.General descriptions are also on it.Yaz.: Materialien Zur Beschreibung russisCher flusse und zur geschichte der regulirungsarbeiten auf denselben.Paralle.Tit.l.on fr.And him.ulcer.The table of contents is also on the fr.And him.ulcer..I. Russia.The Ministry of Railways.II.Tsimbalenko, L.I..1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: RSGMU
Publisher Изд. Упр. внутр. водн. путей и шос. дорог

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