How and from what to cook food for healthy and sick

Wiel, J.How and from what to cook food for healthy and sick: (hygienic kitchen): Per.With the last.him.ed./ [Op.] Dr. I. wiel, prof.hygiene in Zurich;Ed., With a foreword.And note.Prof.Hygiene S.-Peterb.Imp.Military.Acad.A.P.Dobroslavin.- St. Petersburg: ed.N. Tsylova, 1883. -[4], 209, II, [1] p.: table .. -Part of the text on it.ulcer.Ex.: Without region..I. Dobroslavin, A.P..1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: GAUK RK "Alupsky Palace-Park Museum-Reserve"
Publisher Изд. Н. Цылова

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