In the black years

Puchkov, F. (Bezrodny).In the Black years: from the work of members of the Litggroup under the Politkatorzhan / F. Puchkov (Bezrodny);Ed.L.I.Murashko.- Moscow: Publishing House of All-Union.Former Politkatorzhan and Office-Pershelentsev, 1931. -47 s ..-(cheap historical and revolutionary library; 1931. No. 31-32 (315-316).-On the region.Publishing House: Publishing House of Politicator..I. Murashko, L.I..1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: RSG
Publisher Изд-во Всесоюз. о-ва политкаторжан и ссыльно-поселенцев

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