[Comedies].T. 1. On the farm.Zhenya.On the southern coast of Crimea.In colors.Burning letters.Old fairy tale

Gnedich, P.P.[Comedies].- St. Petersburg: [B.I.], 1894-1901.-.1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: S-Peterb.state.Theater.b-kaT. 1: On the farm;Zhenya ;On the southern coast of Crimea;In colors;Burning letters;Old fairy tale.- ed.SPb.T-va live.and ed.Cases "Labor", 1901. -[4], 388, [2] s .. -Ex.: Without region., With a handle.droppings., with gifts.The inscription of Maria Gavrilovna Savina..I. Savina, Maria Gavrilovna. 1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: S-Peterb.state.Theater.b-ka
Publisher Изд. Спб. т-ва печ. и изд. дела "Труд"

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