Certificates of the Polish Queen Bona Sforz to the Orthodox clergy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1523-1556): Source study

Bondarenko, Andrey AndreevichThe letters of the Polish Queen Bona Sforz to the Orthodox clergy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1523-1556): Source study: Author of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: Specialty 07.00.09 / Bondarenko Andrey Andreyevich;[Place of protection: Institute Ros.History of the Russian Academy of Sciences].- Moscow, 2018. -31 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.29-31 (15 names)..1. Sforza d'Aragon, Bon (1494 - 1557) - auto -recruits of dissertations.2. Power (collection).3. Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research.BBK 63.3 (4 Lit) 43-33y031BBK 63.211 (4 Lit) 43y031Source of an electronic copy: Iri RAS.Website
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