The image of the "new woman" in the cinema of transitional historical periods

Smagina, Svetlana AleksandrovnaThe image of a "new woman" in the cinema of transitional historical periods: an abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Art History: specialty 17.00.03- film, theater, television and other screen arts / Smagina Svetlana Aleksandrovna;Russian State Humanitarian University.- Moscow: [b.I.], 2021. -58 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.56-58 and in the subscription.Note..I. Russian State Humanitarian University 1.People (collection).2. Artistic and game cinema-authorships of dissertations.3. A woman - in cinema - abstracts of dissertations.4. Ki-, theater, television and other screen arts.BBK 85.374.0.01y031y031Electronic copy source: VGIK.Website
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