Метафорическое моделирование понятия "технология" в научном дискурсе

Panasenko, Elena AlexandrovnaMetaphoric modeling of the concept of "technology" in scientific discourse: on the material of texts in the field of IT, bio- and nanotechnology: abstract dis.... candidate of philological sciences: 10.02.01 / Panasenko Elena Aleksandrovna;[Place of protection: Novosib.state.ped.un-t].- Novosibirsk, 2016. -22 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.22 (8 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Russian language (collection).4. Russian language.5. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Slavic languages ​​- East Slavic languages ​​- Russian language - lexicology - semantics (semaciology).6. Philological sciences.Fiction - general linguistics - general theoretical problems - psycholinguistics.7. Philological sciences.Fiction - linguistics - Indo -European languages ​​- Slavic languages ​​- East Slavic languages ​​- Russian language - linguistic style.Translation - linguistic style.BBK 81.411.2-55y031BBK 81.003y031BBK 81.411.2-31y031Source of an electronic copy: Novosibirsk State.ped.un-t.Website
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