Inheritance of urban planning traditions in the design of the living environment of Leningrad of the 1960s and 80s.

Ovcharenko, Danil JavanshirovichInheritance of urban planning traditions in the design of the living environment of Leningrad of the 1960s and 80s.: abstract dis.... candidate of architecture: 05.23.22 / Ovcharenko Danil Dzhavanshirovich;[Place of protection: S.-Peterb.state.Architecture.-building.un-t].- St. Petersburg, 2014. -33 s .. -.1. Territory (collection).2. People (collection).3. Urban planning, layout of rural settlements.BBK 85.113 (2-2 Lelengrad) 63y031Source of electronic copy: SPbGASU.Website
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