Samara OUNB

Havsky, PeterMonths, calendars and Russian saints: in 3 book./ Op.Chronological and historical, Petra Khavsky, d.Imp.Mosk.Islands of History and Antiquities Ros., Odessa island of history and antiquities, M-War.Enlightenment.- 2nd ed.-Moscow: [B.I.], 1856-1860.-.1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNBPart 3: The alphabet pointer to two books, under the title: months, calendars and saints, or part of these books.- Univ.Type., 1856. -[2], IV, 30 s .. -Ex.: Without region..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
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