Protopopov Alexander Dmitrievich, deputy of the III and IV State Duma, Minister of the Interior (September 1916 - February 1917)...

Title Protopopov Alexander Dmitrievich, deputy of the III and IV State Duma, Minister of the Interior (September 1916 - February 1917), member of the Union on October 17 party
Summary Documents of official activities A. D. Protopopov: Information about the meeting of A. D. Protopopov with members of the IV State Duma, materials of special meetings on the food issue in Finland, fuel and transport during the First World War.Letters to A. D. Protopopov of the director of the Petrograd International Commercial Bank E. G. Shakevich, the jury of the attorney V. S. Yuryev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers V. B. Shturmer and other property and economic documents
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