Identifier 0128b4bc-9fed-474c-8a7c-fdbe2c2718e2 Title Documents of the Soviet period.1917-1933 Dates 1917 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 Cataloguing source GA_RF Extent 262 units.xp. Creator All -Union textile syndicate Fonds Collection of documents of Professor I. Kh. Ozerov File ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 1. The draft decree on the demobilization of industry that worked for the army (events of the Ministry of Finance) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 10. Statistical and technical and production indicators of the All-Union Textile Syndicate in the Textile Industry for 1926-1927. ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 11. The results of the implementation of the national economic plan for the first quarter of 1932, submitted in the NKF ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 12. Bulletins of the world economy sector of the State Planning Commission No. 2, 3, 4 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 13. Bulletins of the world economy sector of the State Planning Committee "Conjuncture of the World Economy" No. 5, 6, 11, 12 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 14. Review of foreign press materials on world economy issues (Appendix to Bulletins "Conjuncture of the World Economy") ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 15. Report of the Industrial and Construction section of the State Planning Commission of the Georgian SSR at a meeting of the Economic Council of the Georgian SSR on options for building the Grozny -MTskht - Poti oil pipeline ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 16. Resolution on March 3, 1918 on the management of nationalized enterprises and the draft Regulation on the organization and the procedure for the Central Council of Experts.Appendix: a list of nationalized enterprises on March 6, 1918 (part of the document at ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 17. Materials to the report by Tolokontsev A. F. at the Plenum of the Council of Congresses in 1926 "On the policy of wages" with the application of statistical tables for 1922 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 18. Bulletins of the All -Russian Financial Congress No. 1, 2, 3 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 19. Report of the Deputy People's Commissar of Finance Sokolnikov G. Ya. At the All -Russian Financial Congress ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 2. The draft resolution and an explanatory note to it on interest deductions from capital enterprises ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 20. Abstracts to reports at the All -Russian financial congress of Aliska, Levin, Efremov ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 21. Documents of the People’s Commissariat of Finance.Redogram I meeting of the NKF of the USSR, together with the NKF of the Union Republics ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 22. The stenographic report and protocols of the expanded meeting of the College of the NKF of the USSR together with the NKF of the Union Republics ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 23. Orders and circulars of the NKF for January-February 1923 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 24. Projects of typical provisions on the financial bodies of the USSR and the Union republics developed in the commission of a member of the College of the NKF Aliska ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 25. Circular about the financial plan of state and local economy for 1925/26-1927/28 years ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 26. Meetings and magazines of the Technical Conference of the Nikolaev Railway Management ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 27. Protocols, transcripts and reports of the conjunctural meeting on February 12 and 16, 1926 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 28. Reviews of the market department on railway transport, fuel supply, financial position of industry and other ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 29. Garf ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 3. Reports of preparatory commissions for the Plenum of the Budget Commission of the USSR CEC on indirect taxes, on non -tax income and loans, on estimates of the NKPS, VSNH, Ntx ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 30. Financial review of the Russian trade delegation in London ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 31. Financial review of the Russian trade delegation in London ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 32. Telegrams of a commercial telegraph agency on the situation in the markets of goods, raw materials, currencies in Russia and abroad ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 33. Nizhny Novgorod Fair Bulletin of a commercial telegraph agency No. 7, 12, 19, 29, 31 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 34. The expenditure estimate of the People’s Commissariat of Railways for 1927-1928. ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 35. Consumption estimate of the NKPS for 1928-1929 Budget year ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 36. Revision of the Railway Revision Protocol with the application of the instructions to the cashier and the treasurer of the department and the tariff for the transportation of goods ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 37. A promising plan for the development and reconstruction of railway transport for 1928/29-1932/33 years ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 38. A five -year promising plan for the development of railway transport - 1928-1932. ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 39. Control figures for transport compiled by the central planned control of the NKPS for the NKF transport sector ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 4. Protocols of meetings of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council of January 14 and 23, 1925 with convertible letters by the head of the NKF departments. ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 40. The development plan of railway transport for the III quarter of 1932 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 41. The development plan of railway transport for the IV quarter of 1932 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 42. Preliminary data from the Central Department Store for the implementation of the development plan of railway transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 43. The NKPS reports on the implementation of the development plan of railway transport as of September 1, 1932, sent to the NKF ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 44. Data of the Glavzhldorstroy on the implementation of the railway construction plan as of October 1, 1932 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 45. Preliminary data from the Glavzhldorstroy and CPTEU on the implementation of the railway construction plan for January-May 1933. ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 46. The main indicators of the implementation of the railway construction plan according to the CPTEU for the first half of 1933 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 47. The main indicators of the implementation of the development plan of railway transport according to the Central Department Store for the III quarter of 1933 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 48. Analysis of the implementation of the development plan for railway transport for 8 months of 1933 according to the Central Department Store ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 49. The results of the implementation of the plan of the new railway construction in January-July 1933 and for three quarters of 1933, submitted to the NKF transport sector ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 5. The transcript of the conference of the chemical subdivision under the Supreme Economic Council of December 15, 1917 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 50. Analysis of the implementation of the development plan for railway transport for 9 months of 1933 according to the Central Department Store ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 51. A plan for additional investment in railway transport for 1933, compiled by the Central Bank for the NKF transport sector ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 52. The problem of the general use of the general use within the Donbass is the message of the Kharkov mining committee with the application of the freight flows inside the Donbass ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 53. USSR.People's Commissariat of Finance ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 54. Addition to a promising plan for training specialists for transport (with tables and schemes) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 55. Documents for the reconstruction of water transport drawn up by the NKF transport sector ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 56. Consolidated balance sheets of state river steamboats as of January 1, 1927 and January 1, 1928 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 57. Statistical tables with information on the activities of shipping for 1925 and 1926 and estimates for 1927 and 1928 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 57. Consumption estimate for sea shops ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 58. Plans of Arkhangelsk, Baku, Batumsky, Mariupolsky, Nikolaev, Odessa, Poti, Rostov and Kherson ports and schemes of their future development ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 59. Maps of the districts of the Arkhangelsk port - "bacanitsa", "city", "strawbala", "savings", "export dam";Map of the Delta of the North Dvina River, the plan of the Berdyansk port (indicating the wind rose) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 6. Help to the Decree of the Presidium of the VSNH on "Economic Life" ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 60. The plan for the designed water line "Volga - Don - Azov Sea" ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 61. The plan of the Yeisk port, port structures;plans of the Evpatoria port (part of the plans certified by the head of the Yeisk port) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 62. Plans of the Kerch trading port (indicating the wind rose), the map of the Kerch-Senikal Sea Canal, the diagram of mechanical workshops ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 63. Plans of the Mariupol port (indicating the wind rose), certified by the head of the port, a plan of mechanical workshops of Mordorgport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 64. The plans of the Nikolaev sea shopping port (indicating the wind rose), the map of the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the lower part of the r.Bug to Nikolaev;Projects of stations for neutralizing wastewater of residential buildings of the Nikolaev port [options].Plans of Novorossiyskog ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 65. Plan of the Odessa Port with additions and indicating warehouses, a map of mechanical workshops of the Odessa port work (with an indication of the wind rose) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 66. Path Port plan, projects for the device of deep -sea berths of the Batumsky port, plan for building a northern mall in the Poti port, a project for preliminary expansion of the Baku port, a schedule of water fluctuations in the sea, roses of the wind of the Poti port, diagram ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 67. Plan and scheme of the workshops of Rostov-on-Don of the shopping port ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 68. Plans for the port territory of the shopping port of the southern bay in Sevastopol ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 69. The plans of the Taganrog Commercial port, the map of the southern coast of the eastern part of the Taganrog Bay and the Old Don River, the application to the port plan.Plan of the Temryuk shopping port ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 7. Maps of distribution of density of the population of European Russia-sheets 43, 56, 138, published by the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Economic Council ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 70. Port Tuapse Port plan, project and an application to the project of the oil pier, project projects, workshop plans, the location of a wave of wave, coastal fortification scheme ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 71. Feodosia port plans (options) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 72. Plans of the embankments of the Kherson port (indicating the wind rose), the plan of the Kherson marine approach channel and the plan of the Dnieper-Bug estuary with the Kherson Sea Canal ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 73. Plan of the Yalta port ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 74. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport from: "economic life", "trade and industrial" newspapers, "Pravda", "Izvestia" ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 75. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 76. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 77. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 78. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 79. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 8. The Monthly Bulletin of the Ural Mining Syndicate "Uralmet" for July 1926 Appendix: a summary table of trade, financial and supply operations ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 80. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 81. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 82. Newspaper clippings on the development of transport ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 83. Protocol of the meeting of the temporary board and the minutes of the meeting to resolve the activities of the national bank branches ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 84. Protocols of meetings of the commission on the introduction of the district management system of banks ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 85. Circulians of the People’s Bank to offices, branches and treasury ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 86. Documents on the reorganization of the banking system (instructions on the centralization of operations, the organization of local branches, the liquidation of the cases of Polish branches of private banks and others) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 87. Garf ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 88. Circulians of the People’s Bank to offices, branches, treasury ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 89. Correspondence of the NKF and SNK on the release of funds for the publication "Izvestia Narkomfin" ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 9. "Information".Bureau of Congresses of the State tobacco Industry for tobacco, statistics, economics and tobacco industry equipment in the foreign press ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 90. The combined balance of ten Moscow and ten branches of Petrograd banks as of December 15, 1918 and a note of the unidentified person on the beginning of the reorganization of the banking system ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 91. Newspaper clippings from the "trade and industrial newspaper", "Izvestia", "Moscow Pravda" on the reform of the banking system ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 92. Consolidated balance sheets of agricultural banks and agricultural loan societies as of June 1, 1924 and the consolidated balance of the agricultural credit system of the USSR on June 1, 1925 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 93. The consolidated balance of credit institutions of the USSR on October 1, 1924, on March 1 and February 1, 1925 with the application of the balance of the department of the People’s Bank and the journal of the meeting of the monetary commission (no end) ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 94. Consolidated balance sheets of joint-stock, communal and cooperative banks of union significance, agricultural credit societies and credit institutions of local significance for February 1 and April 1, 1925 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 95. Report on the activities of the Mongolian trade and industrial bank for 1925 Operational year with the application of tables ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 96. Information of the currency management on the status of accounts of banks for September-October 1925 ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 97. Consolidated balance sheet and list of reports for 1927 of the Far Eastern Bank in Harbin and its branches ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 98. The charter of the mutual loan (project) company, an audit of agricultural partnership (form).Typographic copy ГА РФ. 1838 / 2 / 99. Cutting out of Moscow newspapers on a loan of industrialization, peasant and other loans, about the exchange rate Display format Archival description RUSMARC