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Decree Boyarin Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov, Dumany nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Baklanovsky, clerks Andrei Galkin and Vasily Shpilkin, Decree (Chernova) of the governor Osip Kasimerov, unsubscribing the governor of Kazimerov on sending from Dankov to Lebedan, the governor Semen Khitrovo for the Don service, and the copper was squealwheels and iron cores, murals of copper and iron foods and to them nuclei located in the cities of Dankov and Lebedyani, and a request for the name of the governor in Dankov.- -.-Treaty No. 117-19 dated October 9, 2019 Foundation 1. Office 1.Pushkarsky order. 1628-1700 business 161..Electronic copy source: PB