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Harutyunova, Asya EfimovnaSystemic education of the creative potential of the Russian economy: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences: Specialty 08.00.01 / Arutyunova Asya Efimovna;[Place of defense: North Ossetian State University named after Costa Levanovich Khetagurov].- Vladikavkaz, 2020. -46 p.: silt.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.39-46 (66 names)..1. Power (collection).2. Economic theory.3. Economics.Economic sciences - Russian Federation - Entrepreneurship.4. Sociology - social institutions - economic institutions - sociological issues of the development of the economy as a whole.BBK 65.9 (2ros) -31ya031Source of an electronic copy: SSU.Site
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