
Berdnikov, I.About reciprocity in baptism and spiritual kinship, as an obstacle to marriage: (Reply to the pamphlet of A.S. Pavlov: regarding some perplexities in the science of Orthodox. Church. Rights. Moscow. 1891) / [Soch.] I. Berdnikov.- Kazan: Type.Imp.un -of 1892. -67 s .. -Part of the text on it.and Greek.ulcer.Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note .. - Dep.Ott.From the magazine "Orthodox interlocutor" for 1892.- Ex.: With gifts.The inscription to Archpriest Mikhail Ivanovich Gorchakov..I. Pavlov, A.S. II.Gorchakov, Mikhail Ivanovich (Archpriest) .1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: St. Petersburg State University
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