Sunday day.G. 17. 1903. No. 34

Sunday day: Il.Journal.For reading in a Christian family: two -year.ed.: G. [1] -31.- Moscow: Priest.S.Ya.Uvarov, 1887-1917.-Publishing House: 1887-1911 Holy.S.Ya.Uvarov;1912-1917 prot.S.Ya.Uvarov;S.K.Uvarova.Subtit.: 1887-1917 Il.Journal.For reading in a Christian family (1887 No. 1-21 ... two -year. Ed., 1888 No. 9 - 1917 ... weekly ed.)..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: RSPU them.A.I.HerzenG. 17. 1903. No. 34. - Type.T-va I.D.Sytina, 1903. -397-408 p.: silt .. -Weekly.ed.(52 No. No. per year), from adj.52 No. "Modern Chronicle", 52 No. "Sunday leaflets", 12 pr.learning."Pastoral edification", 12 book.extra -consumer services.Conversations "Sunday interlocutor" the Holy Synod Zhurne.admitted to the the text.- Ex.: Without region..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: RSPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher Тип. Т-ва И.Д. Сытина

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