99 units.

Identifier be9c911c-be29-4b10-bb37-b22bf54c7991
Title 99 units.
Dates 1912
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 815 / 11
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 99 units.
Fonds Alexander Nevskaya Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 1. The budget for the maintenance of employees in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 10. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 182 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 101. The case of reporting to the Control at the Holy Synod of accounting information on the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the St. Petersburg Hierarchal Home for 1911
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 102. The case of the delivery of reporting information on the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory for the General Report on the St. Petersburg Diocese for 1911
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 103. The case of awarding the clergyman of the Treasury of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra V.V.Vasiliev Gold Medal for wearing on the chest on the Stanislav tape
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 104. The case of the awarding of the church watchmen of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra U. Ivanov, I. Abrutin, A. Morina, Ya. Nikolaev and A. Maksimov and the outfitting of Lavra workers Udalov with a silver medal for wearing on the chest on the Stanislavsky tape
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 105. The case of giving A. Aleshina a lease on a plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra under No. 12 on the Obvodnoy Canal
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 106. The case of leasing to Alexander Vasilievich and Praskovye Aleksandrovna Epifanov plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra near No. 26 on Kherson Street of St. Petersburg a measure of 480 square fathoms from August 1, 1912 to August 1, 1924
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 107. The case of leasing to Alexander, Alexei, Nikolai, Vasily and Mikhail Vasilyevich Epifanov plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra near No. 28 on Kherson Street of St. Petersburg 475 square fathoms since October 1, 1912
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 108. The case of leasing to Alexander, Alexei, Nikolai, Vasily and Mikhail Vasilievich Epifanov plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra near No. 20 of the Kherson passage of St. Petersburg 378 square fathoms from October 10, 1912 to October 10, 192
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 109. The case of delivery to St. Petersburg city tax on apartment taxation of the presence of the information on real estate of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1912
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 11. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 1-3 on Shlisselburg Avenue of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 110. The case of orders on the occasion of the death of the High-Healthy Anthony of the Second (Vadkovsky) Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Holy Archimandrite of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 111. The case, according to the decree of the Most Holy Synod, about the being of Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow and Kolomna, metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladozhsky of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra, a sacred archimandrite
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 112. The case in relation to the office of the Imperial Academy of Arts on the molding of some remarkable gravestones, located in churches and cemeteries of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 112. The case of revaluation of apartments in some houses of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 12. The case of leasing apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 14 on the Kalashnikovskaya embankment of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 13. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 12 on Ambar Street St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 14. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 163 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 15. The case of the hospital of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 18. The case of the rental of barns and the pantries of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 19. The case of repair work by the houses of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the purchase of materials
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 2. The case of the arrival, expenditure and the balance of the nominal amount for the bishop's house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 21. Vedomosti on the arrival, consumption and balance of the amounts of the cemeteries of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 22. The case of receiving rental money for apartments in Lavra houses, barns, pantries and other lands of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 23. The case of singing St. Petersburg Bishop Choir of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 26. The case of the lapel assembly of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, subject to sending to different places and institutions
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 28. Case of court cases of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 29. The case of donation from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in different places with money and things
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 3. The case of the sale of grave places in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 31. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on receipt from the commission for the management of a 2-penicent collection bread.
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 32. The case of the division of monthly fraternal income of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 33. FundF. 815. Alexander Nevskaya LavraInventoryOP.11. The affairs of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1913CaseRGIA.F. 815 op.11 D. 31Vedomosti on the arrival and consumption of rye flour and various supplies on the fraternal meal of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.1913IdentifierB513D627-0E04-4E33-83D3-72849A130FF8The language of the textrusNameVedomosti on the arrival and consumption of rye flour and various supplies on the fraternal meal of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.1913Dates1913Volume98 l.LevelCaseOrganization-creator of the recordRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.815 / 11/31NoteCase
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 34. 1912
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 35. Vedomosti on the arrival, consumption and balance of money are the amounts of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 36. Vedomosti on the arrival, consumption and balance of money on Kinovia of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 37. Vedomosti on the arrival, consumption and balance of provisions of rye flour and various supplies on the fraternal meal of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 38. The case of immovable property insurance of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 39. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on payment to the St. Petersburg City Council of the percentage assessment fee
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 4. 4
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 40. Lavra case on the production of repair work on the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the purchase of various materials
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the film of the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. RGIA
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. RGIA
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 41. The case of burial in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of different persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 42. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the receipt of interest from the commission of repayment of debts and other places
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 45. The case of repair work in Kinovia of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 46. The case of the donation from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for business missionary charitable and enlightening according to the direct orders of the Holy Archimandrite of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 48. The case of a donation for the needs of churches and schools from church (passing) amounts of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 49. The case of the fraternal meal of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 5. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 4 on Shlisselburgsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 50. The case of payment to the St. Petersburg City Administration of the State Personal Property Tax of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 55. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 153 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 58. Russian
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 59. The case of awarding the brotherhood of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 6. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 151 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 60. The case of leasing apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 177 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 63. Case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the appointment of cash awards to various persons for the feast of the Holy Easter and the Nativity of Christ
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 65. The case of moving different persons from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to other monastery
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 66. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the monastic vows
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 67. The case of donating money to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and things by various persons
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 68. The case of appointing the brotherhood of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for different obediences
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 69. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on orders for the feast of the Holy Great Prince Alexander Nevsky on August 30
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 7. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 173 on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 70. The case of a report on the submission of the Eminence of the 3rd part of the balance of the economic amount of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for 1911
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 71. The case of the contribution of the zemstvo fee from real estate of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 72. The case of the death of the Lavra and Kinovia brethren of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 73. Metric book of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the deceased in 1912
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 74. The case of leasing apartments in the apartment house of Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 16 on Ambarnaya Street in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 77. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the relations of various institutions and individuals
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 78. The case of leasing an apartment in the house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra for the Lizarevsky Church
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 79. The case of the return of burial places in the ownership of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 8. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 22 on the Kalashnikovskaya embankment of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 80. The case of lease U.M.Fedorova Plotten of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra near No. 8 on Kalashnikovskaya embankment in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 82. The case of the appointment of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of the Jurisdered Options Viktor Viktorovich Pashkovsky
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 83. RGIA
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 85. The case of the delivery of the Offenbacher brothers to the trading house of the two sections of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra under No. 5 and 7 on the clay street of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 87. The case of lease P.A.The thunderous plot of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the house of the Glukhozersky farm of St. Petersburg about four acres
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 88. The case of leasing to Ivan and Alexei Nikolayevich Karpov plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the cottage of the Glukhoozersky farm, a measure of about 12 tints of meters
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 89. The case of leasing to Mikhail, Sergey and Leonid Aleksandrovich and Fedosier Semenovna Karpov plot of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the cottage of the Glukhoozersky farm
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 9. The case of renting apartments in the income house of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra No. 180 on Nevsky Prospekt St. Petersburg
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 90. The case of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra about the rental of about four acres of two thousand one hundred square fathoms
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 91. 1912
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 92. The case of giving back to KI. The gray section of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the dacha of the Glukhozersk farm, measuring about four acres 1,800 square fathoms, and the transfer of this lease to G. Stopkin
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 93. The case of lease for dumping snow in the St. Petersburg City Council of the land of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the amount of 20 acres in the dacha of the former Glukhoozersky farm
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 94. The case of leasing TS. Efimova kiosk at the Nikolsky Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 96. The case of leasing V.V. Kalachovu plot of land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra along Teleznaya Street measure 680 square sazhen
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 97. The case of the reconstruction of electric lighting in the cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 98. Case
РГИА. 815 / 11 / 99. The case of a rental to the NicAMP and Ks to the land of the land of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on Taurus Street, a measure of 8005 square fathoms.Here on the transfer of lease of the Baltin and Port Joint Stock Company
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