Decree of the Government of the Senate: on the deprivation of the ranks and nobility of Major Olkhovsky with writing to ordinary...

Title Decree of the Government of the Senate: on the deprivation of the ranks and nobility of Major Olkhovsky with writing to ordinary, auditor of the titular adviser Baklanov - to the rank -and -file, second lieutenant of Dyachkov - to ordinary ones;On the deprivation of the noble dignity of the nobleman Batirev with writing in Privov, the headquarters captain Poloumov - to ordinary;Advisers of merchants: Moscow - Kiryanov, Arkhangelsk -Zapov, Gzhatov - Tsarevitinov, Vereisky - Glushkov, Kalugovsky - Glukhov, St. Petersburg - Narva - Kramer;a complaint with commercial advisers to the Taganrog merchant Macronity, St. Petersburg merchant Paskova-Menshev;with the application of the statements about the various things sold from public bargaining, which remained after the Governor-General General of the Governor's House burned out in Zhytomyr
Series 1802-1810Cases of the Department of Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1808
Fonds Department of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
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