Я. Шестакова "Мои вечера". Посвящается Вл. В. Стасову

Identifier 9e8b6d34-25af-4072-b184-4b9b4c9d484a
Title Я. Шестакова "Мои вечера". Посвящается Вл. В. Стасову
Dates 1889

Редакция "Ежегодника императорских театров"

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 497 / 14 / 411
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series Cases of the administrative department, the production and mounting part, the economic part, the counting department, the theater and literary committee and the Moscow branch of the committee;Opera committee, economic committee, the revision of the States A
Extent 39 листов
Fonds Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA
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