Report of the commander of the Caucasian Front D.T.Kozlova I.V.Stalin on the tasks of liberation of the Kerch Peninsula and the ...

Title Report of the commander of the Caucasian Front D.T.Kozlova I.V.Stalin on the tasks of liberation of the Kerch Peninsula and the beginning of the offensive in order to destroy the Kerch group of enemy troops.Script.January 1, 1942
Dates 1 января 1942 г.
Notes CA MO RF.F. 215. Op.1185. D. 1. L. 8-10.
Text language Русский
Call number ЦА МО РФ. Ф. 215. Оп. 1185. Д. 1. Л. 8-10
Original location Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
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