Documentary cycle "Mysticism of power".Film 4. Jokes and kings

Documentary cycle "Mysticism of power"/ Feder.Agency for Culture and Cinematography and the Center for;Operator: Peter Vlasov;Producer: Sergey Zernov.- [Moscow]: Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, 2005-2008Film 4: Jokes and kings / dir: Alexander Smirnov;aut.Script: Andrey Shishov.- Electron.Dan.(1 video file: 327 MB).-[Moscow]: Center for the National Film, 2007. -Duration: 27 min 01 p.The 4th film from the cycle "Mysticism of power" is a philosophical and historical parable about the relationship of power with representatives of ridiculous culture.The jester is also a kind of king, only among fools ....I. Smirnov, Alexander.II.Shishov, Andrey. 1.Ivan IV (Tsar Russian; 1530 - 1584) - multimedia publications.2. Peter I (Russian emperor; 1672 - 1725) - multimedia publications.3. Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich (1879 - 1953) - multimedia publications.4. Power (collection).5. Joking - History - Russia - multimedia publications.6. The court life - Russia - multimedia publications.7. The USSR - Politics and Management - 1917 - 1953 - multimedia publications.BBK 63.3 (2) -75ya04BBK 63.3 (2) -8y04BBK 63.3 (2) 6-33ya04Source of electronic copy: OJSC "Central Department Store"Original storage location: OJSC "TsNF"
Publisher Центр национального фильма
Catalogue object