The combat report of the headquarters of the Voronezh Front at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on battles in the Ca...

Title The combat report of the headquarters of the Voronezh Front at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on battles in the Castor-Voronezh and Chernyansko-Korotoyakovsky directions.Telegraph tape. July 9, 1942
Dates 9 июля 1942 г.
Notes CA MO RF.F. 203. Op.2843. D. 84. L. 1ob, 2ob.
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number ЦА МО РФ. Ф. 203. Оп. 2843. Д. 84. Л. 1об., 2об.
Original location Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Digital copy source Rosarchive
Creator Воронежский фронт
Display format