The encryption from Geneva to the GRU of the General Staff of the Red Army on the whereabouts of the "apartments" of A. Hitler n...

Title The encryption from Geneva to the GRU of the General Staff of the Red Army on the whereabouts of the "apartments" of A. Hitler near Kiev and Baranovichi, on the appeal of Germany for neutral countries to protest against the Anglo-Soviet agreement, the expectations of the Germans regarding the opening of the second front in the west.Certified copy.July 11, 1942
Dates 11 июля 1942 г.
Notes CA MO RF.F. 23. op.24153. D. 3. L. 497.
Text language Русский
Call number ЦА МО РФ. Ф. 23. Оп. 24153. Д. 3. Л. 497
Original location Центральный архив Министерства обороны Российской Федерации
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