On the original palace on the Petrograd side

Identifier ded965f2-0e8a-4f69-b1d8-3233bfb572f7
Title On the original palace on the Petrograd side
Dates 1765
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 470 / 2
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 79 units.
Fonds GOF-Antentant Office of the MIDV
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 1. The case of the repair of the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 10. The case on the content part of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, on the issuance of money and on the vacation of materials, on making and painting poles and bars
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 11. 19 l.
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 12. The case of the correction of the Emperor Peter I, on the Palace of Emperor, on the St. Petersburg side, a boot
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 13. The case of the transfer from the original Palace of Peter I on the occasion of crossing the Savior's image to the Trinity Cathedral
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 14. The case of the correction in the initial palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, damage caused by the former on November 7, 1824 by a storm and a flood
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 15. The case of sending to the St. Petersburg Object Council for increasing from interest extracted from the mugs when the Savior forms in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, money and the vacation from the store for storage of two squares
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 16. The case of hiring an apartment for two disabled people in the original palace
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 17. The case of the estimate of the Architect Villers about various corrections in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the Petersburg side, on the total construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 18. The case, at the request of the merchant's wife, the widow of Anna Kusovnikova about the permission to arrange again instead of the existing kyota to the image of the Savior in the palace on the Petersburg side, about the refusal to do this and to correct the official artisans and the former in the image to the image
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 19. The case of sending to the St. Petersburg Object Council taken out of the mugs with the image of the Savior in the original palace, on the St. Petersburg side, money
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 2. The case of the acceptance by Commissioner Savel Smirnov on the inventory of the original palace, on the Petersburg side, from the commissioner Pashutin
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 20. The case of concluding a contract with Archpriest Petropavlovsky Cathedral Kolosov about hiring in a house belonging to the Cathedral, an apartment for the disabled who are at the guard at the Palace of Emperor Peter I
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 21. 13288
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 22. The case on the report of the Commissioner of Sharistanov about those who were pretending to the shore opposite the Palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, with lime ships
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 23. The case of the decision of the portrait of Emperor Peter I in the palace of this emperor, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 24. The case of work in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 25. The case of sending to the St. Petersburg Object Council for increasing the interest of money taken from a mug located at the image of the Savior in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 26. The case of hiring an apartment for the disabled who are in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 27. The case of work in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 28. The case of expelled money from a mug located at the image of the Savior in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 29. Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.Copies from the orders of the director of theaters belonging to the revision of the report for 1848.
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 3. The case of the short consent to build a marina opposite the Petrovsky Palace of the Merchant wife of a steam
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 30. The case of giving money for the hiring of an apartment in a house belonging to the Peter and Paul Cathedral for the disabled who are at the initial palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, from September 1, 1836 to September 1, 1838
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 31. The case of money, sprinkled from a mug located at the image of the Savior in the original palace on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 32. The case of money sprinkled from a mug located in the original palace on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 33. The case of the conclusion of the contract for hiring apartments for the residence of the disabled who are at the supervision of the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 34. The case of money sprinkled from a mug in the original palace, which is on the St. Petersburg side.Immediately about the reasons for the kiots and about the attachment of images in that palace
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 34. The case of money sprinkled from a mug in the original palace, which is on the St. Petersburg side.Immediately about the reasons for the kiots and about the attachment of images in that palace
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 35. The case of drawing up inventories of things donated to the image of the Savior, located in the palace of Emperor Peter I on the St. Petersburg side and on the surrender of excessive things in the spiritual department and to the church for Tivian marble britches
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 36. The case of the preparation of again describes of things donated to the image of the Savior at the palace of Emperor Peter I
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 37. The case at the suggestion of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court on the vacation from the house of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side for prayer for prayer on December 17, 1838
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 39. RGIA
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 4. The case of the correction in the original Palace of Oldness and the issuance of money, as well as the contribution to the inventory of the veils
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 40. 1841
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 41. The case of classifying the costs of hiring apartments for two people with disabilities, consisting of the initial palace of Emperor Peter I, on the Petersburg side, at the expense of the gathering taken out of the mugs, with the palace of those located
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 43. The case of the initial palace found in the initial palace, that on the St. Petersburg side, during a prayer in that palace on the window behind the Savior’s prayer, the envelope and sent to Mr. Minister of the Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 44. The case of alterations made in the palace of Peter the Great, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 45. The case of the release of mats and other things to the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 46. The case of making Reese with accessories for the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 47. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory about the expulsion of the watchmen who are at the Palace of Peter I, on the Petersburg side, for interrogation for the evidence of the clerk of the Trinity Cathedral, who was drunk in that palace in that palace
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 48. The case of the harvesting of wax candles for sale in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 49. The case of corrections in the house, the former French embassy, ​​and the vacation for the rooms of its ten images from among the Savior donated to the image, located in the original palace of Emperor Peter I
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 5. The case of the correction of the initial palace of the stone slope with the making ranges with bars around them
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 50. The case of the prohibition of carriers to lay fire to the near the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 51. The case of oilcloths made to post on the floor in the room of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, where the image of the Savior is located
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 52. The case of hiring an apartment in the house of the Peter and Paul Cathedral for the disabled who are at the initial palace of Emperor Peter I
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 53. The case of the report of the adviser Kirilov about the dilapidation of the walls in the palace of Peter the Great, on the St. Petersburg side and about his alteration, with making a new case, stone and other things in 1844
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 54. The case of making Reese with accessories for the original palace of Emperor Peter I, that on the Petersburg side, for serving the prayers to the image of the Savior and the departure of old Reese to church for Tivian marble breaking
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 55. Дело о распределении вещей, пожертвованных к образу Спасителя, находящемуся во дворце императора Петра I, что на Петербургской стороне
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 56. The case of inserting the Savior, located in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, a farm man donated by an unknown person in the palace.Immediately about the wardrobe for storing things with the delivery of the old to stores
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 57. The case of storage in a monetary pantry of a chest with donated things to the image of the Savior, located in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 58. Дело о сделанной мебели в Первоначальный дворец императора Петра I, что на Петербургской стороне
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 59. The case of the harvesting of wax candles for sale in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 6. The case of the original Peter I Palace.Immediately about the money presented to the office, taken out there from the image from the mug, and about the commissioner’s admission Brant Nevskaya Alley after the death of Commissioner Pantyukhin
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 60. The case of an audit of things donated to the image of the Savior, located in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 61. RGIA
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 63. The case of the compilation of the inventory of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 64. The case of the Savior donated to the image of the Emperor Peter I, on the Petersburg side, farmar, peronerke and other things and images
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 65. The case of measures to protect the original palace of Emperor Peter I on the St. Petersburg side and two retired non-commissioned officers hired for guard
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 66. The case of building for the original palace, on the St. Petersburg side, priestly ries
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 67. RGIA
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 68. The case of the emperor Peter I, which were determined in the original palace of Emperor I, on the St. Petersburg side, by the watchmen of retired non-commissioned officers Aranin and Efimov
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 69. The question of the painter Schreider about allowing to write off a drawing from the image of the Savior in the original palace, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 7. The case of the content of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 70. The case of inserting precious things into the crown of the image of the Savior in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 71. Дело об исправлении и заготовлении вновь разных вещей и священных книг в Первоначальный дворец императора Петра I, что на Петербургской стороне
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 72. The case of the conclusion of the Petropavlovsk Cathedral of the contract for hiring in the house of this cathedral of the apartment for disabled people and watchmen who are at the initial palace of Emperor Peter I
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 73. The case of the harvesting of wax candles for the image of the Savior in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 74. The case of the form of the Savior's image, located in the palace of Peter I, about the silver bowl for water association and the reduction of the highest persons who visited the palace
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 75. The case of the harvesting of wax candles for the image of the Savior in the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 76. The case of doing to the image of the Savior, located in the initial palace of Emperor Peter I, the new crown with the use of donated things for this, about making reiz and other things, and the setting of a mug to contribute voluntary alms in favor of the poor
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 77. The case of dismissal from the service of the watchman of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, Nikolai Aranin
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 78. The case of determining the retired non-commissioned officer Maxim Filipov by the watchman to the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 79. The case of a diamond ring and earrings with emeralds to the image of the Savior, located in the palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, about the mate made for the posting on the floor and about allowing artists to remove a copy of the Savior from the image of the Savior
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 8. The case of the content of the original palace of Emperor Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 80. The case of the death of the watchman of the original palace of Efimov and the movement of the Vakhter of the Baur and laundry houses of Koltygana in his place
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 81. The case of the dismissal of the watchman of the original palace of Maxim Filipov and the definition of his retired non-commissioned officer Vasily Zhezhorini
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 82. The case of the admission of artists to remove copies from the image of the Savior, located in the palace of Peter I, on the St. Petersburg side, and the procurement of a covering mat for the room where the image is located.Immediately about allowing the artist Timm to draw the insides then
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 9. The case of the correction in the palace of Emperor Peter I that on the St. Petersburg side of different works for the applied amount among 389,000 rubles
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