Case of permanent storage.1857-1914

Identifier c805a107-4c41-4482-a939-9aa544013161
Title Case of permanent storage.1857-1914
Dates 1857
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 1729 / 1
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 1827 units.xp.
Fonds Svyatopolk -Mirsky Peter Dmitrievich, Prince, Minister of the Interior (August 1904 - January 1905)
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1. Documents related to the biography of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1002. Letter Levashova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the student movement in Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1003. Letter of E. A. Lvova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for her a pension for her longevity service of her father in the department of the Ministry of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1004. Letter N. Liven P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give an answer whether N.V. Perelman, who was under arrest, be allowed to live in Warsaw
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1005. The letter of A. Lindfort P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he was accused of complicity of the March demonstration of 1901 in Kiev, for which he was concluded, and then forbade him to live in university cities.Intercedes for permission to enter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1007. Letters of Hieromonk Leonty P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to petition to the chief prosecutor of the Synod on the appointment of him for spiritual and educational service in Russia, because the service in the Russian Spiritual Mission in Beijing is not within the power of it, intercessifies the restoration of Peter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1010. Letter of Professor Kharkov University L. Lazarevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide him with the position of a zemstvo figure in one of the Western provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1013. Letter P. Lazarev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - that the rottenness of the state apparatus lies with a heavy burden on the life of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1014. Letters of E. I. Lalosh P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange her in the Kharkov almshouse for nobles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1015. Letters L. Landzert P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for his intervention on making a decision in her case with Zverev
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1017. Letter I. Lisovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to protect him from oppression in the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1018. Service / copy / M. A. Lyubarskaya-writing P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the liberation of her husband from imprisonment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1019. Letter of I. Litvinov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the circumstances of his resignation from the post of the governor of the Vilnius branch of the state noble land bank and asks to petition for its restoration to the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1020. Women's Medical Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1022. Letter / original and translation from English / American journalist E. Ludwig Van Roman P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-proposes to establish Russian-American society on the model of the English-Russian literary society
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1023. Letters A. Lorie P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the alleged strike in St. Petersburg and other matters
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1024. Letters A. Lopukhin / Yekaterinoslav General Governor / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the growth of the strike movement among workers of factories, factories, mines and other enterprises of the Yekaterinoslav province;On the removal of Cossacks to suppress the strike movement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1028. Garf
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1029. Letters L. Lomonosova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the illness of the father and mother;About the death of the father;asks for his assistance in the appointment of her paternal pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1030. Letters of M. Loris P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the well -being of his family and sympathies to the family of worldly
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1032. Letter L. Luzhin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports to satisfy his request to extend the validity of permissive evidence for intelligence issued by the Office of Agriculture and State Property in the Turkestan Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1034. Letter of V. Lysogorsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition the Ministry of the Interior about permission to the Society "Ant" to open a pharmacy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1035. Letters of N. Livens / commander of the 160th Abkhaz regiment / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-invites to take part in the regimental holiday, thanks for the congratulation in honor of the holiday
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1036. Letter of V. Levin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition the Ministry of the Interior about permission to his son to open a pharmacy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1037. Letters of Lisa / niece / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about her life and common acquaintances
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1042. 2 sheets
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1043. The letter of N. Martynov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention, promises to visit him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1044. Letter of N.F. Morshenka P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his autograph
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1045. Letters of A. Meisidorf P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of the position of the Stanovy bailiff Sherwood
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1046. Letters of A. Mikhailov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the state of the Vedzhinsky estate;about the grape harvest;about the demarcation of the estate, the repair of the house, taxes for the estate;About the spill and sale of wine;about the murder of Minister Sinyagin;On the education of the Armenian Committee Armyansk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1047. Letters of M. Mablovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help her financially, thanks for the money sent and attention;expresses condolences on the occasion of the death of Cleopatra Mikhailovna;writes about the surrender of Port Arthur and a shameful world with Japan
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1048. The letter of L. Mishnev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the hospitality provided to him, reports his official position and conduct of the economy in the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1049. Письмо П. Машкова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит принять инженера А. А. Неклюдова, поздравляет с новым годом
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1050. Letter G. Meyer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send his documents on the service in the 29th Infantry Chernihiv Regiment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1051. Letter Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses condolences about the death of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1052. The letter of V. Makarov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his beating priest Vasily, asks to punish the guilty
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1053. Письмо А. Малевинского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о зачислении сына ее на должность старшего ревизора Екатеринославского окружного акцизного управления
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1054. Письма М. Майданского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит оказать ходатайство о зачислении И. Гребеня в Екатеринославское горное училище
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1055. Letter V. Melnikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates him on his birthday
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1056. Letter of V. Makeev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to assist to the speedy end of calculations with the administration of the Amur shipping company
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1057. Letter of E. O. Meshcherskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to characterize D. Z. Chiabrov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1058. Letters of N. Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send money to them, reports that her mother is very sick, and that brother Paul is passing the exams to the corps
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1059. Letters of N. Muravyov Dmitry Sergeyevich - about the widespread spread of the ideas of Marxism among students;on the connection of the student revolutionary movement with the worker;About the widespread among students and working literature, which sets out the ideas of socialism
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1060. Letter M.V. Matveeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends for the post of Grodno provincial leader of the nobility of S. Ginzich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1061. Письмо А. Мерказиной П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит оказать ходатайство о назначении ей пенсии
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1062. Письмо С. Мостовенка П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит оказать содействие в зачислении сына ее в Военно-Медицинскую Академию
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1063. Letter to Mukhanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports his pedigree and asks to provide a petition for a pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1064. Письмо М. Мельникова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - излагает обстоятельства, при которых он был уволен с занимаемой должности /волостной посредник Свенцянского уезда/ и просит оказать ходатайство о его восстановлении
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1065. Прошение полицейского надзирателя С.-Петербургской сыскной полиции Мищука П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому об устройстве его на службу в должности станового пристава в Ковенской, Виленской или Гродненской губерниях
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1066. Прошение Н. Мурач, управляющего имением Орбелиана, асессора К. К., П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит удалить из имения Пружаны самовольно проживающего там механика Б. И. Деревенского
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1067. Letter M. Menshikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange for the position of world mediator V.N. Sokolovsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1068. Письма Мец П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о своей работе в особом отделе департамента полиции
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1069. Letters A. Meisidorf P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of the Zemsky chief to the captain of the Bystrotsky position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1070. Letter M. Mamrezhanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the donation he made in favor of the shelter for the children of divine workers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1071. Письма М. Б. Миронского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит дать распоряжение о вознаграждении его за полученное им увечье на Нелидовском винокуренном заводе
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1072. Letter of N. Moshkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out his autobiography and asks him to provide him with a request to provide him with a position in postal censorship
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1073. Letter of the rector of Moscow University A.M. ... / The surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that E. Kanyutsevich was fulfilled by a student of the medical faculty
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1074. Письмо В. И. Мейендорфа П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении Дмитриеву должности начальника телеграфа в г. Вильно
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1075. Letter of K. G. Maevskaya, V. N. Yuretskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the difficult conditions of the work of their husbands in the position of doctors of the Vilnius District Hospital
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1076. Телеграмма Минковского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит сообщить, по какой причине ему запрещено проживать в Западном крае
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1077. Service / copy / Yekaterinoslav Politzmaster Mashevsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on his transfer to the service in the St. Petersburg police.Formular list is attached
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1078. Letter of I. S. Maevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the permission of the Catholics to buy estates in the Western Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1085. Letter A. Mitlin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding his appointment to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1086. Letters of V. M. Meshcherskaya (?) P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding his appointment to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1087. Letters of Musin-Pushkin A. / Minsk Governor / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports his dismissal of his post for failure to take measures during the strike of students of Minsk./The letter has a detailed description of the strike/
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1091. Letter P. Martynov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-regarding the departure of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky from the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1096. Letters of D. Mikhailov / Chairman of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out his views on the education and formation of the younger generation;asks for a recommendation for the position of trustee of the Caucasian training district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1097. Letters of K. Mikhailov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the foreign and domestic policy of tsarism;On the rottenness of the state system of tsarist Russia and the growth of dissatisfaction with them among the popular masses
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1098. Letters of I. Medrinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his hospitality in Giyevka;About issuing money to a loan
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 110. The political report of the head of the Saratov Provincial Gendarme Administration for 1899
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1100. Letters of P. Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about great material difficulties, asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1104. Letter S. D. Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to send him 1000 rubles / from 10,000 rubles due to him / to pay debts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1105. Letters of V. Meshcherskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the well -being of her family;About being in France and Italy, thanks for a good attitude towards it, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1106. The letter of I. Margolina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-offers him to buy the estate in the Novgorod-Volynsky district;sets out a detailed description of the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1114. Letters by A. Modestova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to enroll her son to the Institute of Railways
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1116. Letters of Nina / Sister P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the state of health of family members;About staying in gg.Moscow, St. Petersburg and Finland;reports the death of his father and daughter, and other messages personally
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1119. Letters of N. ... P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for the transfer of Y. Shili from the post of head of the Lugansk prison to the post of head of the Yekaterinoslav prison
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1120. Letter D. Nazarov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to order to accelerate the removal of inquiry from A. Riganelovich about his mockery of his relative
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1121. Letters of V. Novitsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the gathering of the "Kyiv Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party", which discussed the issue of celebration on May 1, 1900;On the arrest of participants in the gathering and searches for them
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1123. Прошение И. А. Нащекина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о предоставлении ему должности земского начальника в Витебской губернии. Приложен формулярный список о службе И. А. Нащекина
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1125. Letter of V. Radnik P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to petition for the permission of the lottery-Allegra for the needs of the Astrakhan and Chisinau musical schools
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1128. Письма В. Никольской Е. А. и П. Д. Святополк-Мирским - просит ходатайствовать о назначении ей добавочной пенсии
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1129. Письма В. Назарова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит удовлетворить ходатайство С. В. Перова о предоставлении ему службы на юге
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1130. Letters of G. Naydich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the sale of the Verkhutin estate on favorable terms in the Babruisk district, the Minsk province.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1132. The report of the state adviser to Nikolsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the work of the museum of M. N. Muravyov in Vilno
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1135. Letter to E. Nolde / manager of the affairs of the Committee of Ministers / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports on the sending of P. D. M. of the printed font of the Lithuanian-Uniatic publications
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1136. The letter of the manager of the Committee of Ministers Nolde P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to send his conclusions on the report of the Vilnius, Kovensky and Grodno General General for 1902-1903.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1138. Letters of N. Novosiltseva P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on issues: intelligence work in the Ferghana Valley area on the presence of coal deposits;on the development of the found coal deposits;about the equipment of mines;On expenses and income on coal
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1139. Letter of I. Novikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to pat on the transfer of his son from the Novogiergiev serf artillery to field artillery
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1140. Letters of M. Orbeliani P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the successful actions of the Caucasian army during the Russo-Turkish war;About acquaintances;On stay in France;interested in health and its activities
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1141. Letters to O. Orbeliani / niece / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on stay in Dagestan, Tiflis, Crimea, Giyevka, acquaintances and relatives
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1142. Letters of Vano and Vera Orbeliani P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of service to his friends
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1143. Letters to S. Orbeliani / Nephew / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he is following the events of the Russo-Japanese War;On traveling around the country and abroad and other meetings
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1145. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1146. Letters of N. Odarchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the death of her husband, asks to petition for the appointment of her a pension and enrolling her daughter to an institute at the state account
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1147. Letters of A. Obolensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the revolutionary situation in the country;considers it necessary to submit to Nikolai II approval by the Kryzhanovsky project
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1149. Letters of A. Ostroumov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to sacrifice money to assist seminarians
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1150. Letters G. Orbeliani P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky and Ole - asks to send the font of the police department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1151. Letters of P. Opochinin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercessors about the release of a student at St. Petersburg University P. Sherber
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1152. Letter of V. Ofrosimov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the arrest of the son of their common acquaintance Alexei Ivanovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1155. Letters to M. Osochinina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his family, petition for the provision of a position to G. I. Tulaev, gives him a characteristic
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1157. Letters of the Grodno governor M. Osorgin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about a strike of 3 thousand people of Lancer and factory weavers of the city of Bialystok;On distribution among workers.Bialystok, Grodno and other revolutionary appeals;About the gatherings of workers in BRA
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1166. Прошение М. А. Омельяновича П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - об устройстве его на работу в одной из винных лавок Виленской губернии
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1169. Letters by A. Orbeliani P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activities, asks to provide a petition for his service in the specific department, thanks for the petition provided, thanks to which he received the position of managing actor.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1171. Letter to A. Olenina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the link of V.I. Orlov, a student of the natural faculty of Moscow University not to the Irkutsk province, but to Krasnoyarsk or Minusinsk, where there is a museum in which he will be able to continue
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1172. Письмо Н. Орбелиани П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает, что во время демонстрации на Кавказской площади 4 марта был арестован В. Крылов, студент института Путей сообщения, 18-го числа был освобожден с обязательством в 3-хдневный срок выслать из Петербург
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1173. Letter of Peter and Alexander P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on receipt of the rank of colonel
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1174. Letters of S. Popov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official position;About staying in gg.Odessa, Kharkov, Dresden, etc.;About meetings and conversations with common acquaintances for them;on the management of the economy in their estates;about the well -being of your family;Interested in bl
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1175. Letters G. Panchulidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the distribution of leaflets among the peasants with an appeal to take up weapons and seek freedom, about the widespread defeat of the landlord estates by peasants /1904 /, asks to provide a petition for the provision of him from
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1176. Letter of D. Pagokhinsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the destructiveness of the Russian-Japanese war for Russia;Supplies about the provision of service to his friends;On the management of the economy in his estates
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1177. Letter of M. A. Polonsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide him with a teacher's position in the gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1178. Letters of the Penza Bishop P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent medicine for him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1179. Letters of V.E. Plakhova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the provision of a service to her son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1180. Letters of M. Panchulidzeva and N. Panchulidzev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the gymnasium building burned down in Penza, and asks to provide assistance in the construction of a new building, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1181. Letters of V. Popov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the results of the census in the Penza province, about his official activities, congratulates on the New Year
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1182. Письма Павла, Сережи, Нади и Ани П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщают об успехах в учебе
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1183. Letters of D. Panchulidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to provide him with a service in the gymnasium;Happy New Year;Thanks for responsiveness to him, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1184. Letters of P. Pertsov / Penza Governor / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activities, on the conduct of the economy in estates;About a strong fire in Penza and on other issues
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1185. Letters of N. Peshkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official position, petition for the provision of service to his friend, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1186. Letter of F. A. Polumordvinova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the position of the Zemstvo chief V.V. Voitov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1187. Letter of V.P. ... / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses condolences about the death of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1188. Panteleev’s letter P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the search in his apartment and the atrocities of the police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1189. The letter of N. Palen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the appointment of him as a consul in Melburg;about climatic conditions in Melburg and asks to recommend to him for the service of a person who is well -owned by the Russian language
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1190. Letter of N. Prince P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the celebration of the anniversary in honor of the annexation of Georgia and Imeret to the Russian Empire;About the newspaper "Caucasus", about Dmitry Ivanovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1191. Letters of the Livonia Governor M. Pashkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the recommendation for him for the service of Epanchin, about family problems, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1192. Письма Л. И. Пашковой - благодарит за оказанное ходатайство о предоставлении службы на заводе ее зятю
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1193. Letter P. Poskhov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to hand over the estate of Vyzhina in long -term lease
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1194. Letter to G. Polovtsova Vera Vasilievna - gives a positive response to A. I. Petropavlovsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1195. Letter of E. Polesky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that if he is busy, then Timashev will send him to the meeting
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1196. Письма М. Прозорова /инспектор/ П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - по вопросу ремонта его дворца
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1197. The petition of the state adviser to Paulny P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on his appointment to the position of Zemstvo chief in the Grodno province.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1198. A report note by the state adviser S. N. Peshkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his biographical data.He asks for his determination to the service in the position of commissar in peasant affairs in the outskirts of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1199. Letter S.V. Pichelka P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - complains about the bailiff and the police, asks to help resume the People's Theater in Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1200. Letter Dm.Pilessik P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the enrollment of M. Kogolen as a candidate for the post of city Peterhof city police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1201. Letter D. Passek P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activities, petitions for the provision of him the post of senior official of special assignments
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1202. Letter of the Council of the Pokrovsky Brotherhood s.Krichilsk, Rivne district P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - ask his consent to be an honorary member
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1203. Letter S. Peshkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide him with the position of an official of special assignments
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1204. Письма Г. П. Петерсона П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит поддержать в Министерстве Внутренних Дел ходатайство о выдаче ему пособия по случаю тяжелой болезни
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1205. Letters of the Minister of Internal Affairs V. P. P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the strengthening of the revolutionary movement in the GG.Sevastopol and Vilna and the need to strengthen police supervision;On the release of P. D. Mirsky from the head of the department Paul
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1206. Letter Prozorovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of his son of the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1207. Letter of Z. M. Putyat P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide the position of governor of one of the provinces of Russia S. N. Taskim
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1208. The petition of the head of the Vilnius private female school V. Prozorova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the issuance of her rights to her school
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1209. Справка Прозоровского /заведующего Политическим отделением/ о выдаче заграничных паспортов помещикам западных губерний
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 121. 121
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1210. Letters of K. Palen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the strike movement in the city of Vilna and the strengthening of police supervision;on the organization of the shelter / "St. Jadwigi" / in the city of Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1211. Письмо А. Покровской П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о тяжелом материальном положении, просит оказать помощь
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1212. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1213. The petition of F.F. Panov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the provision of his service;sets out his biography
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1214. Letters of M. Pavlich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to satisfy the petition of the Kyiv governor for permission to expand the program of the magazine "Izvestia of the Kiev City Duma", considers it necessary to pay special attention to the cultural development of Kiev, like other
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1215. Letters of M. Writing P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to pay attention to the abuses of the officials of the Kharkov land and Yekaterinoslav commercial banks, reports that she sent A. Aneepach to the rod on the peasant issue
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1216. Letter of Bishop Paul A.N. Barsukov - asks for his petitions and P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky to cancel the tax on monastery property with the fact that the church will be built with this money - a parish school and a shelter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1217. Letter L. P. P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he was very injured by the fire, was left without a dwelling, and therefore asks to petition for his transfer from metro Kamenets in St. Petersburg or his environs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1218. Letter O. Pasko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for participating in the fate of her husband
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1219. Letters of S. Platonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the upcoming discussion at a meeting of the Duma of the issue of the Constitution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1220. Letter A. Pobedonostsev Anatoly Alekseevich about the need to open rural schools
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1221. Letter of M. Poznansky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a temporary subsidy or loan of the State Bank for the purpose of delivery to Manchuria for Russian soldiers of products at less low prices than they are sold on the spot in Manchuria
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1222. Letter of N. Polozova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the purchase of his estate in Kozlovsky district, the Tambov province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1223. Письмо Е. Пономаревой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает, что выслал ему свою записку, в которой налагает свои наблюдения о бесправии и нуждах народов царской России
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1224. Letter of the former editor of the newspaper Penza Provincial Vedomosti - D. Popov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky regarding the appointment of his Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1225. The letter of G. Poretsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the economic, military backwardness of tsarist Russia, that the peasants are hungry, cold, naked and are subjected to brutal exploitation;about the unemployment and lawlessness of the working class
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1226. Letter A. Porokhovshchikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need to give the Russian people freedom of speech, about the cosmopolitanism of the Russian official apparatus, about the anti -people's policy of Bungl
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1227. Письмо О. Порошиной П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении службы ее сыну в г. Самаре
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1228. Letter N. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to borrow 100 rubles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1229. The letter of A. Prokofiev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about a difficult financial situation, asks to provide a petition for providing him with a position in any office
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1230. Letters of N. Prince P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide him with a position under the Ministry of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1231. Letter to A. I. Prokhorova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the appointment of her increased pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1232. Letter M. Puzanova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports on the appointment of the commander of a separate corps of the gendarmes of von val, a member of the State Council;asks to provide a request for the appointment of Volkonsky by the head of the gendarme police department of the iron
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1233. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1234. Pavlov’s letter to Alexander Grigoryevich - asks to find lists written by him in the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1235. Letter of M. Pevzer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the Jews are included in the list of Jews, for which Kharkov University will be busy before the Minister of Education on their crediting students to the number of students
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1236. Letter I.F. Popov Peter Andreevich / Surname is not indicated / - On the collection of tax from peasants with.Tulinovka, Tambov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1237. The letter of I. Pogodin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to provide him with a business trip;about the fit of the son of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1238. Letter of D. Rypov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a petition for the appointment of a pension of the non-commissioned officer Belous
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1239. Letter of I. G. Pisarev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about enrolling him to the post of estate manager P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1240. Letter F. S. Pevzer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention, so he had the opportunity to graduate from the university
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1241. Letters of Petit / nephew / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the indignation, which caused him a newly issued law in relation to the natives in military service in the Caucasus
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1242. The petition of Z. M. Ptashkina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the release of her sister from paying for training at the Vilnius Music School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1243. Letter G. Pankratov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for a pension for him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1244. Письмо Л. А. Панченко П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о своей актерской деятельности на протяжении 15 лет; о тяжелом заболевании чахоткой, просит оказать материальную помощь
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1245. Letter to N. Panfilova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation, asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1246. The letter of V. Patulov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he compiled a program for the revision of office work;Supplies about the provision of a service to his son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1247. Letter of V.N. Petrova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding his resignation from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1248. Letter of Peter P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation, intercedes for assisting him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1249. Письмо полковника Плазтина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит принять участие в панихиде по гусарам, павшим в бою под Телишем
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 125. The draft instructions for the officials of the police to combat the revolutionary speeches of mining and factory workers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1250. The letter of E. Volotskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-thanks for the petition to enroll her son to the 2nd year of the Moscow Technological School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1251. Letter of V.P. Pedeschedov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult material situation of his family, asks to talk with P. I. Tolstoy so that he submits an application for the termination of the court case for non -payment of debts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1252. Letter of the Kharkov mayor G. Pogoreryko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses gratitude on behalf of the Kharkov City Duma for assistance in a positive resolution of the construction of an electric tram in Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1253. Letters of N. Poltoratskaya Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the provision of a service to her husband
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1254. Letters by A. Panchulidzev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his son’s departure to Munden, petitions for the appointment of I. Razumovsky in the guard, about the determination of Bulgakova’s boy to the Gatchinsk Institute;reports that there was a big fire in Penza, many
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1255. Letter of N. Petrov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about his views on the Constitution, the Republic and the monarchy, condemns doctors who require the expansion of rights
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1256. Письмо С. Риппера П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - по вопросу празднования в 1901 г. столетия основания Пажеского корпуса
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1257. Letters of I. Rebinder P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1258. Письмо А. Рагумовского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении службы Якобе Швили в Екатеринославской губернии
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1259. Письмо Н. Ришшера П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому о необходимости уделять больше внимания развитию литературы и прессы
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1260. Letter of E. Rudolf P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide him with the position of the manager of the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1261. Letters of S. Radetskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of service to her friends
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1262. Letters of Sofia Rodzianko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the arson of some buildings in her estate and the murder of the governor of the peasants with.Fourocrats
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1263. Letter of O. Richter P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a request for permission to move from Krasnoyarsk to the central part of Russia and providing him with service there
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1264. Письма О. Рихтера П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении службы его другу
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1265. Letters of V.P. Rodzianko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a meeting with Obolensky, about official activities and the poor state of his health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1266. Manuscript text
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1267. Letter S. Rybakov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his achievements in the field of ethnography, music and asks to provide a petition to the Minister of Internal Affairs to provide him with a position that would meet his material needs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1268. Letter of P. Reitern P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to provide him with a vacation while maintaining a salary
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1269. Letter to L. Rakunov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for providing him with a service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1270. Letter of V. Russian P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide an application to accelerate the investigation of what her son is accused of, since imprisonment adversely affects his health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1271. Letter A. Ryndovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll her son to the Institute of Transa
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1272. Letter V. Rumyantseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - briefly sets out his biography and intercedes the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1273. Letter M. Rutchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll her son to the Polytechnic to the financial department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1274. Survey / copy / editor-publisher of the newspaper "Gamelits" by L. A. Rabinovich to the head of the Main Directorate of the Press on permission to publish in the city of Vilno daily newspaper in the Jewish language "Der Tog" with the application of the program of this newspaper
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1275. The letter of the commander of the Finland Regiment K. Rudanovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky notifies that in pursuance of his request, an electrical engineer G. A. Lust will be enrolled in his regiment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1276. Letter of Ya. B. Rapport P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll him in the Riga Polytechnic Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1277. Letters of V. Rokososovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends a method of treating gout, asks to provide a petition for his commanding to the Cangle Congress Congress
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1278. Letter G. Romanenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on a change in the domestic policy of Russia, considers it necessary to give a general battle between Telik and Mukden
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1279. Letter of N. Ruzsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion for permission to publish the newspaper "Kyiv Responses" without subjecting it to preliminary censorship
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1280. Letter of I. Rousseau P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his service on the military Georgian road, intercessors about providing him with a service on the Tiflis railway
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1281. Letter of V. Romanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - asking for advice on how to get a plot of land, reports his own genealogy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1282. Letter of V. Raaben P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official position, asks to provide a petition for the appointment of his son to the post of military agent in Italy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1283. Letter of K. Redzevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports a revolutionary upsurge in the Caucasus
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1284. Letter of the chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee of the Russian Society of the Red Cross P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for monetary assistance for the arrangement of reception in the Moscow outpost area
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1285. Letter of Rishwansky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the issue of providing a furrow to the award of the estates to his estates
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1286. Letter A. Ryabova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1287. Letters of Yu. Radetsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the work to combat drought;asks to provide a petition to provide him with the position of the authorities of the estate in the southern regions of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1288. Letter P. Rodzianko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the impudent attitude towards him from his children
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1289. Letter G. Rudin Ekaterina Alekseevna Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks E. A. to inform about the conditions of the land sold
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 129. A collection of articles (printed) M. M. Speransky, state secretary Valuev, M. T. Lorisa-Melikova on the issue of administrative-sustainable reforms in tsarist Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1290. Letter of Rosen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to set the time for a date with him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1291. Letter of B. I. Rombishevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his previous official activity;asks to provide a petition to provide him with a service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1292. The letter of B. Rudisky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send a notarial power of attorney to the authority to take part in the auction for the supply of coal for the management of the Tashkent railway;About staying in Sevastopol and Yalta
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1293. Letter to A. A. Rumyantseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his difficult financial situation, asks to provide a petition for the provision of a service that would provide a subsistence minimum at least
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1294. Letters S. Svyatopolk-Mir's son P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1294. Letters of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the foreign policy of Russia;on conducting an economy in their estates and Orbelian, about the crops of bread, harvesting;On repair and construction work;about the quantity and quality of the wine produced on
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1295. Letters of N. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the state of the economy in his estates;On the stay in the Gievsky estate P. D. Mirsky;On the state of health and stay in the resorts in Dresden, Nice, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1296. Letters of N. M. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the state of health of her and family members;About staying in resorts;on the management of the economy in their estates;About relatives and common acquaintances;Interested in the state of health of P. D. Mirsky and members of Sem
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1297. Letters of E. A. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya / wife / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the state of health and study of children;About relatives and acquaintances;On the state of the economy in estates /about the sowing of grain crops and the collection of the crop of bread, fruits, etc.;About construction and repair slave
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1299. Письмо Семенова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит приехать ко дню дворянских выборов
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 130. A note by G. A. Jewinov is presented to the Minister of Justice on the construction of state power in tsarist Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1300. Letters of N. Stefansky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the revolutionary movement among students;on the arrival of L. L. and Yu. A. Girschmanovs in the Giyevka;About the trip of the son -in -law to Persia;On the fundraising for the construction of the hospital named afterHirschman;about his health and with
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1301. Письмо Гр. Стимбри П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - по поводу состоявшихся выборов в уездную управу в г. Ломове
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1302. The letter is ditched by P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for a good attitude towards him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1303. The letter of Sukovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the petition for enrolling his family in the noble pedigree book will be satisfied after introducing 30 rubles.for each family member in favor of the noble cash register
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1304. Letters of S.P. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya / Daughter / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the pastime;about classes;About meetings with relatives and acquaintances;On stay in Tiflis, Giyevka, Moscow and other cities
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1305. Letter S. Saburova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide the place of N.E. Raevskaya in the widow of the house
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1306. Letter of L. S. Savvich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out his pedigree and asks to petition for providing him with the position of assistant to the police officer or background bailiff
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1307. Letter M. Sambikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - promises to fulfill his request / which is not indicated / in relation to the two officials of the Penza province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1308. Letter S. ... Director of the Department of Ottryniy Tuks by P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that his petition for the appointment of L. V. Rebinder will try to satisfy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1309. Sprish by V. Sobolev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his arrangement to work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 131. Garf
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1310. Letter of Sokolov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies the provision of the post of police supervisor Antonov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1312. The letter of A. Skuratov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the peasants p.Alfervki elected the trustee of the school of the parish priest
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1313. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1314. Letter S. Stroganova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to attend her first performance in Taganrog
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1315. Russian
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1316. Letters of N. Somov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity;about the death of N. N. Ermolov;on moving from Penza to St. Petersburg;On the recovery of arrears from the Blitsyn
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1317. Letters A. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about classes, pastime;On stay in Batumi and other issues
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1318. Letters of V. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the harvest on the estate "Golden Balka";about the desire to buy an estate from P. D. Mirsky, located near Moscow;About paying debts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 132. The opinion of S. Bekhterev, A. Obolensky, A. Prazukhin on the transformation of local institutions of tsarist Russia.Explanatory note and a project on changes in some articles of the Regulation on provincial county institutions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1320. Letter of I. Sandomirsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the deposits of iron ore in the Volyn province, Zhytomyr district are open and proposes to conclude a contract for the development of the found deposits
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1321. Letters of D. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the well-being of his family;about staying in resorts, thanks for the hospitality
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1322. Письма К. Смирнова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о своем добром расположении к семье П. Д. Мирского
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1323. Letter A. Smolyanin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he bought a plot of land in the village of Sukhaya Balka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1324. The letter of A. Solovyov on behalf of the parents of the students of the schools of the G. Penza P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the attention and care that he showed to students in the schools of Penza
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1325. Letters of I. Speransky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for enrolling him to the position of Zemstvo chief, thanks for a good attitude towards him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1326. Letters Strukov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity;About a trip to St. Petersburg;thanks for his attention, he is interested in the state of his health and official matters
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1327. Sasha’s letter / nephew / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the call of troops to suppress the movement of railway workers in Tiflis
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1328. Letters of D.P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky / Son / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the pastime in childhood, about classes in the lyceum, about workers' strikes in Moscow, about classes at St. Petersburg University, about the gatherings of students, about staying in Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1329. Letters of the Yekaterinoslavsky Bishop Simeon P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the performance of the seminary pupils against the inspector demanding that his post
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1330. Letter of A.E. Solovyova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his service as director of the Penza gymnasium, asks to provide a petition to enroll him as an inspector of a four -year gymnasium in the Turkestan region
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1331. Letter O. Strunova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the results of the inspection of shelters in Yekaterinoslav
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1334. Letter of Saransky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the appropriateness of changes in the course of the river.Surah
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1335. Letters of V. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the well-being of relatives and their common acquaintances
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1336. Letter V. Smirnov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide him with a service, about his good location to his family
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1337. Письма начальника Главного управления почт и телеграфов Севастьянова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает, что во исполнение его ходатайств Епанчику будет предоставлена должность почтово-телеграфного чиновника 3-го класса, а Катрухину начальника III кл.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1338. Письма директора Екатеринославского коммерческого училища А. Синявского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о завершении работ по строительству здания для Екатеринославского коммерческого училища, о дне открытия и о начале занятий
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1339. Letter of V. Skoritsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for leaving him in the future to the position of ranger of the Vilnius court
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 134. A note by the Ministry of Finance to the Managing Affairs of the Committee of Ministers on the formation of a special meeting for consideration of the legislation on rural
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1340. Letters of the Chief Military Medical Inspector N. Speransky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports the provision of a service to persons who were requested by P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1341. The letter of N. Sumarokov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to consider the complaint about the peasants p.Neplyuyevki
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1342. The letter of N. Sumbatova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange Obolensky by the leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1343. Letter P. Sidorsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to award him the Order of Stanislav for 40-year service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1344. Letters of A. Stishinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the work of the county leader of the nobility of Davydov and asks him to increase his pension;on the petition of the peasants of Grigorovsky society;on the purchase of land from Rubinstein;promises to write to Alexander Pavlovich about
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1345. The petition of M. I. Sytina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the provision of her assistance to determine her granddaughter, A. N. Sytina, to the Moscow Alexander Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1346. Letter of the director of the Institute of Civil Engineers N. Sultanov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski-reports that the evening of engineers-graduesmen of 1899-1900.will take place on June 3
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1347. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1348. Letters A. Strukov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - wishes to success in work, asks to accept the officer Krivoshapkina
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1349. Letter P. Savvin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks his help in the device for service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 135. 39 sheets
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1350. Letter P. Sidorsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to petition for the structure of his son to the position of judicial investigator of the 2nd section of the Alexander district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1351. Letter I. Saranov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help him get a job as a county leader in the provincial city
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1352. Letters of L. M. Slovkin / Honorary trustee of Vilnius theaters / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give an increase in position;reports on the repair of the palace in Vilna;About a trip to Moscow for sending tourists in Vilna;welcomes with the holidays, wishes to be healthy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1353. Letters of the bishop of Kovensky Sergey P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - the need to resolve the Polish issue;about the breakdown of diplomatic relations with Japan;About the war of Russia with Japan;about the heroism of Russian people;About a trip to Palestine;About a meeting with bows and string
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1354. Letters of the manager of the Zemsky department of G. Savich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the distribution of the free vacancies of the Zemstvo chiefs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1355. Letter V. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-regarding the approval of the list of Zemstvo chiefs in the Baltic district;About the upcoming trip to Monte Carlo
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1356. Letters of A. Selivanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about friendly relations with his parents;Supplies about the provision of service to her son and son -in -law
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1357. Letters by V. Sluznev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the appointment of an increased pension;On the transfer of his son from the 2nd grenadier brigade to the horse artillery brigade located in the south of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1358. Letter of the leader of the nobility of the Chernsky district, the Tula province of Sukhotin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the speech "On the freedom of conscience", uttered by the Orlov provincial leader of the nobility by I. Stakhovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1359. The letter of E. N. Stravinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult situation of her family, is petitioning for the provision of her husband of the service at the palace department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1360. Письмо А. Стремоухова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает, что будут приняты меры к предотвращению волнений
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1361. Letters of Volodya Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his stay in Kyiv, Moscow, about the state of health of the family members of the worldly
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1362. Письмо Ф. Саркисовой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении службы его племяннику И. Л. Саркасову
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1363. Letter M. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a petition for transfer to service from Beijing to Russia, due to the poor state of health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1364. Letter to E. Savastyanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide a service to her husband
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1365. The letter of V. Selezneva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to the Minister of the Interior on the recognition of his notes "Memory of the old police officer"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1366. Письмо И. Семеновского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о назначении его на службу при канцелярии министра Внутренних Дел
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1367. The letter of E. Merdobolskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky thanks for the rendered material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1368. Letters of I. Sazonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he serves as a manager of the province in Krasnoyarsk, asks for advice whether he can count on a transfer to Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1369. Letter V. Starov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the sent portrait
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 137. Отчет /печатный/ министра Юстиции по ведомству Министерства Юстиции царской России за 1900 г.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1370. The letter of Skrzhinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he was sentenced to 3 years links to the Vyatka province, as if for participation in the distribution of obscene literature in Russia;justifies himself to Peter Dmitrievich, affirming the falsehood of the indicated accusation
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1371. Letters of P. Stolypin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about a trip to Grodno and Vilna, criticizes Pleve on the issue of the editorial office of the manifesto proposed by Nicholas II, gives characteristics to Prince Obolensky and Provincial Secretary Pisarev, writes about strikes in Belos
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1372. Letter P. Sinegube P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the revolutionary movement in the city of Tolik and about the measures of the fight against it
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1374. Letter A. Speesh P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide financial assistance by Butavich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1375. Letter to V. Suslin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the provision of P.E. Directsky to the service as an official of special assignments or a clerk at the office
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1376. Letter A. Stepanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent a report on the working movement in the Vilnius province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1377. Letter of P. Stefani P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-sets out in detail in which military units he served about participation in the Russian-Japanese war and asks to provide a petition to transfer him from the 5th border Zaamursky infantry / regiment and one of theparts ar
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1378. Letter of the Sumy Bishop Stefan P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take part in the raise funds for setting up an almshouse
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1379. A report note by the Chairman of the Society of "Priest" E. Saburova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the history of the organization of this company and its goals, asks for permission for the annual manual for the Company
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1380. The memorandum of Colonel L. M. Slovkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity.He asks his petition to provide him with the position of vice-governor in one of the Western provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1381. The petition of the captain Sokolovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the provision of him the position of a world mediator in one of the worldly provinces entrusted to the worldly.An applied certificate on the official activities of Sokolovsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1382. The letter of V. Seletsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept the title of honorary member "St. Pokrovsky Brotherhood" in the village.Krichilsk.The draft charter is attached to the letter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1383. Letters of A. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the refusal of A. V. Zharkevich to fulfill the duties of a clerk in the Vilnius department of the Russian Imperial Society
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1384. Letter of the head of the St. Petersburg City Duma P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-invites to take part in the celebration of the 200-year anniversary of the foundation of St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1385. Letter V. Sakharov / Military Minister / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the appointment of General Freze by the commander of the troops of the Vilnius Military District
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1386. Letter P. Senchin D.I. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange for Mordzharov’s service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1387. The letter of the Smolensk Bishop P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1388. Письмо П. Саввина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении ему должности Таврического генерал-губернатора
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1389. Letter V. Savich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of a son to the post of Zemsky chief in the Western Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1390. Письма А. Салошнева П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении должности вице-губернатора Бодиско, просит назначить аудиенцию его знакомому
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1391. Письмо А. Самарина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о причинах отказа принять пост Тверского губернатора
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1392. Letter M. N. Sambikan / Statsky Advisor / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his unfair resignation from work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1393. Письмо Самойлова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствовать о продлении занимаемой им должности в корпусе жандармов
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1394. Letter of the Chairman of the Saratov Society of Agriculture P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding his appointment to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1395. Letter V. Selezneva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports how he settled in Odessa
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1396. Letter K. Semashko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to enroll his daughter by his student of Warsaw University
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1397. A report note by P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky Nicholas II on the rite of consecration of the monument to Catherine II in Vilno
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1398. Letter V. Semashko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the appointment of P. D. Mirsky to the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1399. Letters of Bishop Sergei P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send Chicherin’s brochure, reports poor health condition
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1400. Letter G. Serenkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the importance of resolving the peasant issue in Russia, asks to read his work dedicated to the issue of the need to carry out the reform of the internal structure of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1401. Letter I. Sinkov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he has a 20-year experience of the gardener, asks him to take him as a gardener in one of the estates of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1402. Письмо Е. М. Сич П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о переводе ее сына, занимающего должность инспектора в г. Острове, Псковской губернии, в один из городов южных губерний
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1403. Letter / from Warsaw / V. Spasovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his attitude to the Russian nation
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1404. Письмо В. Скорятина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о зачислении его на должность исправляющего особых поручений при Министерстве Внутренних Дел
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1405. Письмо Т. Смоленского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о своем служебном положении, ходатайствует о предоставлении ему службы
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1406. Letter V. Sobolev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the appointment of P. D. Mirsky to the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1407. The petition by N. Sogrina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his petition to restore her son -in -law in the rights of a student of the Kharkov Technological Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1408. Letter A. Somova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide the service to her relatives
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1409. Письмо Ступина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о предоставлении ему службы
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1410. Letter of Stakhovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give him a letter of recommendation to the Minister of Education
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1411. Letter of A. Stakhov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the results of the election of the leader of the nobility in Yeletsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1412. Letter of K.P. Stelling P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on what conditions he agrees to buy from P. D. Mirsky in the Kromsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1413. Letters of N. Sultanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - promises to help the furrow while passing exams to the institute, asks for permission to present to him a compiled description of the church in Peterhof recently completed
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1414. Letter F. Szepura P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding his appointment to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1415. Letter S. Szepura E. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya-asks to provide a petition to P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky to enroll him in military service in the 2nd Manchu army
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1416. The petition of E.V. Stotsky to the chief of the gendarmes - on the establishment of police supervision of the Office of the Southern access roads by V. M. Dorozhinsky, convicted of for fake documents
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1417. Letters of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky / Comrade Minister of Internal Affairs / V.P. Fredericks-asks to provide assistance on the provision of the title of chamber-junker;Biographical information has been attached
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1418. Letter P. Sakvorelev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the permission of A. Labuts to open a pharmacy in the mountains.Volnovitsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1419. Letter F. Samoilov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to release him from military service, in connection with his father's illness
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1420. Письмо Л. Н. Селивановой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит оказать ей содействие в приобретении имения в Ковно
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1421. Letter of S. A. Sedletskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult material situation of her family, asks to provide a petition for the provision of her service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1422. Letters of I. Senatorov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the anti -people policy of the tsarist ministers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1423. Letter of A. Svistunov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - where he expresses his thought about the crisis experienced by Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1424. Letter of the director of the lyceum S. ... P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on entrance exams in the Lyceum
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1425. Письмо С. Сенкевич П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует об оказании ей материальной помощи для уплаты за право обучения в Виленском коммерческом училище
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1426. Письмо Л. Сидорова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит оказать ходатайство о зачислении его в число студентов-стипендиантов при Харьковском или Московском университете
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1427. Letter of the manager of the "Russian dramatic artists" by N. N. Sinelnikov in the Council of the Russian Theater Society "On the need to provide financial assistance to the artist Panchenko, who is sick with tuberculosis, for a trip to the Crimea to the resort
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1428. Letters of A. Sitnikov, Yurazov, M. Ivolina and others P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on behalf of the Ulalinsky residents, thank for assistance in the opening in Ulala, the Tomsk province, the post office, are asked to be consented to be a member
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1429. Letter S. Skarzhinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites him to visit him with his family
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1430. Letter A. Smirnov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation, asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1431. Letter of A. Sokolov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a petition to transfer his son-in-law from the Brest-Lithuanian fortress battalion to one of the southern districts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1432. Letter K. SPELT P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about a difficult financial situation, asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1433. Letter E. Simonich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the appointment of his brother to the post of vice -human
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1434. Letter of A. Siner P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky that hundreds of innocent people languish in prisons and in exile
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1435. Letter V. Svetlova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1436. Letters of Bishop Sergei P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about meetings with their common acquaintances, is interested in the well -being of the family of worldly and Baryatinsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1437. Письмо Л. Сидорова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - предлагает принять участие в эксплуатации нефтяных источников в Ферганской области
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1438. Letters of the head of the rolling stock service and traction of the southern railways of B. Kukupsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the persons recommended by him are enrolled in the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1439. Письма Н. Старостина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - пишет о своем времяпрепровождении на даче /на берегу Волги/, описывает достопримечательности местности
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1440. Letter P. Saburov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a trip to Baden for treatment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1441. Letter P. Sakhovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll him for the position of county police officer in the Poltava province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1442. Письма инспектора Петербургского врачебного управления Скобичевского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - обещает устроить доктора Боровского в ближайшее время на работу в гор. Петербурге
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1443. Письмо К. Стефановича П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит прислать характеристику Э. Л. Висиоцкого
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1444. Letter of V. Snezhnitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his previously occupied official position, about poor health, asks to provide a petition for his appointment of increased pensions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1444. Letter L. Svetlova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1445. Letter / from Germany / T. Statkovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the upcoming arrival of it in the Caucasus
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1446. Letter of B. Struve P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that upon arrival from abroad, he will go to inspect the estate sold by P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1447. Письмо В. Стулькинского /начальник южных железных дорог/ П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о принятии на должность студента Бораденко на строительство здания управления дорог в Харькове
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1448. Letters M. Sipailova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange for the post of overseer in the Alexander Gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1449. Letters O.P. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya / Daughter / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-writes about Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 145. Note by N. Shafranov "On the nature of the activities of the Russian Assembly"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1450. Letters of E. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that the Jews of the metro station of the Pruzhany gather at night and hold meetings
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1451. Letter P. Semenov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to appoint him and the roll, who arrived from Chicago Audience
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1452. Letter E. Samelovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for a pension for her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1453. Letter of N. Skirzhinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a conversation with General Hesse on the issue of individual houses
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1454. Письмо Складской П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о результатах выборов в земскую управу г. Пензы
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1455. Letter F. Sukhanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends the method of treating asthma
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1456. Letter of Sushkova-Belousova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to extend tickets for a concert through police assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1457. Letter E. Stopchanskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide his daughter with the position of a class mentor of the Sevastopol gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1458. Letter B. Skropitsyn P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1459. Письма М. Твердова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о своем материальном положении, просит оказать ходатайство о предоставлении ему и товарищу его службы
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1460. Letters of S. Tolstoy P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of the service to his friends, reports the poor state of his health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1461. Letters of Tizengauzen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to sacrifice funds to build a new iconostasis in the church of the village of Vysokoye, Kursk province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1462. Letter of the assistant to the chief of the Main Directorate of Dolzov Titz P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - reports that the destinies suspended the operation of the purchase of estates, and therefore the proposal to buy the estate of his wife is rejected
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1463. The open letter of Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy to Nicholas II -Mu / A copy of the accused Vladimir Grigoryevich Sysoev in October 1898 / - Tolstoy L. N. criticizes the speech of Nicholas II, said on January 17, which is unlikely to understand it to
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1464. Letters of Tobizen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of a foreign business trip to him;Open the pharmacy about the permission of Kranzfeld about the appointment of a pension of his friend, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1465. Letters of M. Teleshov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recalls a joint stay at the Academy, promises to visit him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1466. 1900
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1467. Letter of E.K. Tripolskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition for the improvement of her son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1468. Letters of A. Tolstikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll his son to the Yekaterinoslav Mining School, thanks for the assistance in the opening of a commercial school in Yekaterinoslav
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1469. Letter of V. G. Tutberidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help get a service in Kutais.A metric certificate is applied
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 147. Decrees / Printed / Nicholas II to the Government Senate on the convening of the Zemstvo Cathedral
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1470. Letter P. Tomich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - asks to transfer Captain Mojich to the gendarmes corps, reports a detour to the northern coast of the Caspian Sea to study the position of workers in fish crafts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1471. The letter of K. Tuder P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - asks N. D. Den to be transferred to destroy the letters that he sent to her husband
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1472. Письма В. Тренова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о желании Дюре иметь с ним свидание
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1473. Letter Tobrinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the speedy analysis of the case of the teacher P. S. Khramov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1474. Letter M. Taube P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercessors about the transfer of the Akmola governor general to the same position to another province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1475. Letter of Yu. Titarov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take under the defense of his son, who is accused of participating in the labor movement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1476. Letter al.Tirkhevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the election of his wife by his chairman of the Vilnius Society of Red Cross
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1477. Letters from O. Tomich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide a service to her husband, on the appointment of her an increased pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1478. Letter A. Timasheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the provision of service to M. M. Eversman in the Turgai region
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1479. Letter of the head of the Military Medical Academy A. Taranetsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that the captain of the 1st railway battalion Kirilov, in whose fate he takes part, was enrolled as a candidate for the position of assistant headquarters-officer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 148. Программа вопросов, представленных организационным бюро для обсуждения на совещании земских деятелей в ноябре 1904 года в Петербурге
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1480. Letter of A. Toritsky / Cousin of Peter Dmitrievich / - On work in the Mitavsky gymnasium, about a wide variety of students in nationalities, about the hidden struggle of all nationalities against representatives of Russian power and strong international enmity
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1481. The letter of the Chairman of the Committee of the Company for the maintenance of the Khortitsky Women's School I. Tissen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks his petition to be arranged in the village.Khortitsa Lottery in favor of society
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1482. Letters I. Trusheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the issuance of E. I. Lopukhin on bail, for his stay in prison is detrimental to his health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1483. Letters G. D. Toropov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the conduct of the economy and the progress of construction work in the estates of P. D. Mirsky in the south, in the district of Sochi
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1484. Letter P. Tverdokhlebov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to pay attention to the situation of affairs in Kharkov educational institutions if he loves the unfortunate Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1485. Letters of A. Tolstoy P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the issue of shifting from the positions of members of the Tauride provincial zemstvo council of Obolensky and Murzayev, thanks for the application for the provision of it for the award
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1486. Letter of Turaev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide him with the service at the Ministry of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1487. The petition of I. A. Folevich P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on permission to sell the estate located in the Vilensky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1488. Tikhonov’s letter to Ekaterina Alekseevna / wife P. D. Mirsky / Svyatopolk -Mirskaya - asks to petition to Peter Dmitrievich about the cottage of the place of the Zemstvo chief;He promises the daughter Miroshnichenko to arrange in one of the Kharkov gymnasiums
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1489. Letter of N. D. Trubetskoy P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept the Clutch and help in his case;Congratulations on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1490. Letters of F. Titov / Peasant / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - welcomes the entry into the post of Minister of the Interior;He wants the gloom of the reaction to dissipate, that the domestic policy follow the path of progress, so that the nobility does not live on the expense of the impoverished people
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1491. Letter B. Tabachnik and N. Kaplan P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - ask to provide a motion to transfer them from the Berlin Medical Institute to St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1492. Letter / from Bulgaria / Peter Trifonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks permission to come to Russia to study the Russian language
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1493. Letter / from the USA / M. Telshik P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for remuneration for letters sent to Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1494. Letters of F. Tyshkevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the history of the founding of the hospital in metro Padangen, the Courland province, the charter of this hospital was attached
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1495. Letters of P. Trubetskoy P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the proposal at the meeting of the provincial leaders of the nobility, about the creation of the sea corps in any place on the Black Sea, asks to provide possible assistance in this matter and about the ways "
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1496. Letter N. Taganus P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1497. Letters of V. Teplov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - characterizing the policy of P. D. Mirsky during his stay as Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1498. The petition A. Tomkavad P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1499. Letters of Tobizen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends to the post of head of the provincial rule of his son -in -law P.N. Yurkevich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1500. Letter S. Tatishcheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to transfer the nephew of Troinitsky from Semipalatinsk to European Russia, accept for negotiations on a personal file
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1501. Letter of F. Taube P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports a visit to him by O.A. Pershoy, promises to transfer him to Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1502. Letters of M. Treskina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for petitions in the State Duma about an increase in the annual subsidy for the Vilnius music school, the founder of which was Dmitry Ivanovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1503. Letter to O. Taube P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that in pursuance of his application, the headquarters captain Gusakov was seconded to the headquarters of the corps for listening to lectures
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1504. Letters of A. Troitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the course of work on the exploration of deposits of coal and oil in Uzbekistan
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1505. Letter G. Tereshchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to appoint him to the position of assistant chief of the bailiff in Kherson or Elizabethgrade
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1506. Letter S. A. Delivlev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange an audience with him and warns that among government officials many are hostile against P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1507. Letter M. Timchenko-Yareshchenko P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the procedure for the distribution of scholarships Nikolai Ivanovich Mirsky in the educational institution of St. Nina in Kutais
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1508. Letter of M. N. Timkovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to influence Marusya in paying her debts and help her financially
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1509. Letter A. Troitsky Ekaterina Alekseevna / Wife P. D. Mirsky / - About the work of the plant, coal mining, preparation of broocets
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1510. Letter Tumanov I.V. P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help in the restoration of the appeal of the land that was missed
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1511. The letter of the commander of a separate corps of the gendarmes V. Tolmachev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to notify whether he will be attended by the parade of troops on December 6, 1912
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1512. Letter of I. R. Tarkhanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to approve the charter of rice classes as soon as possible, which are opened by a student of Repin L. M. Antopolsky in the city of Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1513. Letter of N. Timiryazev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends Captain Grigorovich to the post of gendarme
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1514. Letter to A. Tobluzina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the appointment of her pensions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1515. Letter E. Tatishcheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes on the issuance of the manual of M. D. River
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1516. Letter N. I. Tolstoy P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1517. Letter Tundin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that on September 6, Karazin will arrive in Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1518. Letter to N. Timasheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for the transfer of the Orenburg governor to the existing vacant position in Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1519. Letter of N. Terpigoreva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to be a petition for an appointment of an increased pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 152. Письмо В. Красинского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому о русификаторской политике самодержавия в Польше
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1520. Tobori P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the positions of the county leader of the nobility to S. S. Golitsyn, gives a positive review about him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1521. Letter of the second lieutenant of Urbanovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the conditions for the upcoming military game
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1522. The petition of the poet N. I. Uspensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the mockery of him by royal officials and police officers, asks to petition for his liberation from the Buratshevsky colony, returning his apartment with all the property
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1523. Letter E. Umanets /to whom it is not indicated / - reports that the comrade of the Minister Rydzevsky went to the place of the strike /place is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1524. Letter of the French consul P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to write a review of the Kharkov banker I. A. Rubinstein
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1525. Letter of N. Fedotov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1526. Letters Fisher P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for permission to open a pharmacy in Yekaterinoslav and other personal issues
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1527. Letters of O. Philosopher P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the construction of her friends;The permission of Beklishev to engage in a gymnasium in a state account asks to pay her a visit, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1528. Letter to S. Filterova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of a service to her familiar - Eropkin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1529. Letter A. Fovoshinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the execution of his petition
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1530. Letter Flavitz P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the collection of exhibits for the museum in Penza
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1531. The letter of Archpriest Felix P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1532. Telegram / copy / Lieutenant General Freze, the chief chief of the civilian part in the Caucasus on great mortality among workers' manganese mines of the Sharatapan district from malignant epidemic inflammation of the lungs and measures undertaken for the struggle
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1533. Letter of V. Fisher P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the provision of the manager of the Yekaterinoslav state tent of the right of personal nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1534. Letter of I. Fullon P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the application of Helmitsky’s petition for the publication of a spiritual and religious magazine in Warsaw
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1535. Letter F. Findeyzen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the death of Dr. Slivitsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1536. Letter of A. Fedorov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports some data on A. Nadich, who is in conclusion for the distribution of poems and proclamations sent against autocracy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1537. The petition of the nanny Faina / surname is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1538. Letter of B. Fedorov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that G. Volotsky, about whom he petitioned, was credited to the II course of the mechanical department of the Moscow Technical School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1539. Letter D. Dedulov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - asks to provide a petition for the provision of a falcon position of a teacher
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1540. The petition of L. Franeurova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about permission to live in Moscow to study at the Philharmonic School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1541. Letter of V. Falenberg P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give him a letter of recommendation to Prince Kochube
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1542. Letter of N. Feigin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to enroll him with a student of Kyiv University
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1543. Letter of N. A. Firks / Colonel / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity, intercedes the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1544. Letter of Yu. K. Florova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the appointment of a scholarship to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1545. Letter S. A. Philosopher P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1546. Letter Frolov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give an opportunity to go to his son in the army
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1547. Letter of K. Frederiks P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1548. Letter of M. Filonenkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - promises to fulfill his application for the provision of service to Yablonsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1549. The petition of F. Finkelshtein P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the enrollment of it as a student of the St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 155. Доклад /перевод/ земских чинов Финляндии, собравшихся на сейм Николаю II: о тяжелом внутреннем положении страны; о колонизаторской политике царской России по отношению к Финляндии; об участии земств в управлении страной
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1550. Letter of S. G. Findseisen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his good feelings for him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1551. Letter of A. A. Frantov Peter Andreevich - about his official activity, intercedes for giving him the position of Kharkov notary
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1552. Letter of S. G. Findeyzen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to remove the fine from him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1553. The letter of I. Filippov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the provision of the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1554. Letter M. Fedotova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition for the appointment of her pensions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1555. Letter of Y. Feilinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the issue of sewage on the estate of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1556. Letter P. Frumkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to provide him with the title of commerce of an adviser
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1557. Letter of A. I. Falin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to restore it to the position of leader of the nobility in the Penza province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1558. Letters of A. Fedoseeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the appointment of a pension and to provide his son's opportunity to study at the state account
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1559. The letter of the Sumy Bishop Fedor P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - thanks for the welcoming reception provided to him during his stay in Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1560. Letter of A. Fedoseeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for a pension for him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1561. Letter of Feiningder P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for a pension for him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1562. Letter of T. Finkelstein P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to enroll him with a student of the Chernihiv real school
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1563. Letter of A. Frenkel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to give him a reward for work in his estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1564. Letter of V.I. Fuhner P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take part in the fundraising for the Pavlovsky children's orphanage
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1565. Letters of I. Kharitonenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the conditions by which he is ready to sell him patho
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1566. The letter of the Kharkov Governor P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky sets out his considerations under the law of 1889 on the joint activities of the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice to send justice in the newly formed forensic administrative
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1567. Letter of I. Khrushchev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his readiness to fulfill his application for the provision of A. Panchulidze's position of a French language teacher in the Penza female gymnasium, reports that he sent an article by Rachinsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1568. Letters of A. Khodorovich P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his official activity, expresses condolences about the death of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky;Supplies about the provision of service to his friends, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1569. Letter V. Khokhryakov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 157. Брошюра /автор не указан/ по вопросу выборов в верховные и местные органы государственного управления в России на протяжении XVI-XIX вв.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1570. Letters of P. Kharitonenka P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the position of the official of the special assignments to the Specitnitsky;Happy New Year
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1571. Letters of A. Khvostov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need to attract the population of the Kherson province, suffering from crop failure to public work in order to avoid hunger
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1572. Letter of A.N. Khilkov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes the provision of any position by P.E. Palanitsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1573. Letters to K. Khilkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that his petition for the provision of the position of senior railway doctor will be fulfilled;On the provision for the award of M.N. Nelidov for participating in the Russo-Japanese War, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1574. Letter Art.Chryzleva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the case of the attempt in the Belgorod district of the greyhound was transferred to the prosecutor of the Kursk District Court
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1575. The petition of the retired lieutenant colonel A.O. Khaletsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the provision of material assistance to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1576. Letters of A. Haruzin / manager of the Chancellery of the Vilensky, Kovensky and Grodno governor / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about antagonism between the Polish, Jewish and Russian population of the Western Territory;about the unrest of the peasants;About the growth of the revolutionary movement n
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1577. Letter of the Kharkov district zemstvo council P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take part in the work of the next Zemstvo assembly of the Kharkov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1578. Letter of N. Haruzin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the transfer of his brother to the service from Finland to St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1579. Letters of the Chairman of the Kharkov Council P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the decree of the meeting of the provincial vowels and asks to take part in the meetings of the Zemstvo Assembly of the Kharkov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 158. Записка А. Васильчикова о необходимости созыва Земского собора в виде "представительного учреждения"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1580. Letter S. A. Khan-Melik Megrabov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the falsehood and hypocrisy of censorship;On his official activities of the censor of the Caucasian Censorship Committee, it intercedes to provide him with a position in St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1581. Letter G. Khitrov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need to change tsarist politics
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1582. Letter of E.K. Kharasova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll it to the women's medical institution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1583. Letter M. Khost P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation, petitions for the provision of a service to her husband
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1584. Letter A. Kholod P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - notifies about receiving a check from him for 100 rubles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1585. Letter of Ch. Khmelevsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the results of the expedition to study water pools in the North-Western Territory, asks to assist the further development and improvement of the achieved results of the expedition
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1586. The letter of S. Khaler P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he sent him an inventory of 2 estates, which he can buy if he would like to buy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1587. The letter of B. Khlebnikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the death of his father, wife and great material difficulties, asks him to borrow 60 rubles to
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1588. Letter A.P. Khomutova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1589. Letter S. Chernitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about enrolling his brother to the position of assistant police officer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 159. Note / Author is not indicated / about the need to convene a "representative meeting" to consider the issue of war and the world
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1590. Letters of I. Churplin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for a good attitude towards him, congratulates on a new year, reports the well -being of his family and is interested in the well -being of the family members of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1591. Letters of P. Caesarevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity, about the well -being of his family and acquaintances, thanks for his attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1592. Letters of A. Chebyshev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about poor state of health, promises to report his opinion in the Gurina case, gives a positive characteristic to Anichkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1593. Letters of E. Chekalova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates a Happy New Year and asks how to distribute church money
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1594. Letter I. Chuev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide him with the post of chairman of the Kharkov district congress
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1595. Letters to O. Chervinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of her husband to the post of member of the provincial presence, thanks for participating in her husband’s position of a member of the provincial presence
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1596. The letter of K. Chervinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to provide him with the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1597. Letters of Tchaikovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his well -being, about the upcoming trip to Constantinople and Italy, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1598. Letter of L. M. Chichagov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition the king to move to him from Suzdal to Moscow and on his appointment to a spiritual position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1599. Letter Cherkasov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide him with a position in the gendarme corps
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1600. Letter I. Chepelsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites to his lunch
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1601. Letters of N. Khlokoeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of services to relatives and acquaintances
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1602. Letter V. Chumakov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the publication of the agricultural sheet by the Vilnius Agricultural Society
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1603. Letter to E. Chilcheva P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes to provide her husband with any service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1604. Letter of S. A. Chernevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the method of treatment of asthma
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1605. The petition of G. E. Chok P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the provision of material assistance to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1606. Letters of L. M. Chernyakovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to be the trustee of the Kharkov gymnasium;reports on his pastime during the summer vacation, about the success of the grandson in his studies, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1607. Letter of D. A. Chalogo P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help with means of expanding the building of the Korotchensky Temple in Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1608. The letters of S. Chirkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the allotted premises in which he conducts missionary interviews, congratulates Happy New Year, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1609. The petition of N. A. Chkheidze P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the appointment of his daughter, a student of the 2nd grade of the Kutaisian educational institution of St. Nina, the scholarship of his name
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1610. Letters of G. Chuykevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send cash contributions to the cash desk of the mutual assistance of the officers of the individual corps of gendarmes, and intercessifies the provision of service to his son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1611. Letter I. Chikvidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for money
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1612. Letter S. Chirkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the Gievsky estate P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1613. Letter K. Chub ... P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the poor state of his health, reports the appointment of Sazonov as the Minister of External Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1614. Letter of N. Zeimer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent a brochure on the need to join the village of Zuev Bogorodsky district to the village of Orekhov, Pokrovsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1615. The petition of A. I. Tsudovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on assisting in the receipt of property bequeathed to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1616. Letter I. Qyun P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the contents of his brochure dedicated to the topic "The internal and foreign policy of Russia"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1617. Letter of N. Centerus P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of him a pension and on moving him to a position with a large salary
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1618. Letters of A. Caesarevskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the provision of services to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1619. Письмо Церетели П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит ходатайствовать об увеличении ей пенсии
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1620. Letter A. Tsapenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on preparatory work for sowing bread
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1621. Letter of V. Ts ... P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the stay of Baron Bays in the Pskov province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1622. Letter P. Schumacher P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to excuse that he did not visit his family
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1622. Letters of N. Sheremetev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1623. A letter to A. Sheremeteva P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky writes about his boring stay abroad
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1624. Letters of S. Sheremetev / Chairman of the Society of "Jealous Roaders of Russian Historical Education" / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the activities of the Society of "Jealousness of Russian Historical Education";About a trip to Italy;About his attitude to the appointment of Kuropatkin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1625. Letters by V. Shirokov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the opening of a children's shelter in the city of Valkov and that donations are accepted monetary and material in favor of the shelter;Happy New Year, asks to come to Valkov by October 23, 1894.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1626. Letters of Natalia Sheremeteva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for councils on the issue of land located at the Church;asks to help the widow Petrova
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1627. Letters of G. Shmelkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition the Minister of Education about the adoption of his son to the Vitebsk gymnasium, asks to give a recommendation letter for entering the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1628. Letters of I. Shenshin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about joint work with him in the city of Penza, asks to petition about his increase;Congratulations on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior, reports on the Zemstvo and provincial elections
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1629. Letters F. Shipov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the assistance rendered in the case of his peasants
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1630. Letter S. Stegnel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to forgive Dr. Zuher, explains the circumstances in which a "bad" act was committed
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1631. Letter of I. Schimberger P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1632. Letter Sh. Shishko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the presentation of his position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1633. The letters of P. Sheremetev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help student V. Yastrebov, who was captured during a demonstration in Warsaw;make out the petition of Muranova and help her;reports on the balancing in the evening zemstvo meeting, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1634. Letter I. Storts P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition for the provision of him for the award
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1635. Letters to H. Shakhabov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give a position on the Giyevka estate and write a letter about health about health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1636. Letter to W. Shalikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the well -being of his family, about the desire to buy the Kakhetian estate from P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1637. Letter Vl.Shimiobs P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to provide him for award
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1638. Letter V. Steikh P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the enrollment of S. Baylik to the highest courses in the city of Yekaterinoslav, sets out good reviews about it
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1639. Letter of Shupinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about providing him with a service at the headquarters of the gendarmes corps
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1640. Letter of B. Sturmer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - asks to appoint time for negotiations on the case, reports the stay of Baron de Bal in Yaroslavl and read lectures
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1641. Letters of M. Shakhovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to arrange a brother with a zemstvo chief in the North-Western Territory;report on the appointment of a report in the case of continuing the guardianship of princes Shakhovsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1642. Letters of Ek.Sheremeteva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to appoint an investigation in the case of Smirnov, who in the warehouse found illegal literature, asks Micishch to arrange the Stanovy bailiff, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1643. Letters K. Schramm P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about clarifications by the assistant chairmen of the school councils in the Mozhaisk and Volokolamsk counties among students, about the insolvency of the policy of Russian tsarism and detection during the search with O. I. Kokurina and Popov Revol
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1644. Letter E. Shakhovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of position to E. A. Ionin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1645. Letter of N. Shilovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to cleanse for her son the right to keep an exam for a certificate of maturity in 1902 in the Ryazan gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1646. Letter of J. Swede P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the issuance of a gold medal for his service in the gendarmes building
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1647. Letters of M. Shervashidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the payment of debts;asks to sign a bill;arrange for the post of Rams and Novikov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1648. Letter of S. Shakhovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - shares the opinion of the Zemts former at a meeting in St. Petersburg from November 6 to 9
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1649. Letter A. Spekht P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky is asked to arrange it for service in one of the state-owned institutions for the economic part
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1650. Letter of N.K. Sh ... P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about Jewish pogroms arranged by Ignatiev in 1881
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1651. Letters to O. Sheremeteva P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to arrange a son-in-law for the post of vice-governor in Moscow and give a letter to the architect Meisner and Minister Glazunov, thanks for the assistance in selling the picture
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1652. Letter Art.Shtonda P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about well -being in the estate and resignation of the watchman Yashchenko
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1653. Letters of I. Shipov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the appointment of a pension Sheremetev;On the useful activity of Frumkin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1654. Letter Elo Shervishidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for permission of the daily publication of the Georgian newspaper in Kutais
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1655. Letter of Barbara Sherwood -Wern P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for advice on how to achieve her husband /who should retire for more years /, who is in Harbin - takes part in hostilities
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1656. Letter of I. M. Shikhovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to transfer it to a teacher of natural science to the Vilnius Real School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1657. The letter of S. Sharapov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the permission of the publication of the journal "Russian business"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1658. Letter D. Shipov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, as well as Petrunkevich and Lviv G.-are asked to transfer the conclusions of Zemstvo figures to Nicholas II and appoint a day for negotiations on the congress of zemstvo figures
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1659. Letter V. Sherwood-Vernaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to free her husband, taken to war illegally
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1660. Letters P. Shuvalov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the reckoning of Yakunin to the ministry
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1661. Letters of S. Swedeun P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help him in the device for the service as a traffic controller or the head of the agricultural supplies;reports that he did not receive a position, since there is no free vacancy and offers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1662. Letters of V. N. Shevchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes that he himself is in the army in Manchuria and asks to help his family, reports that he participated in battles near Mugden and received a reward for courage, stamina
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1663. Letter Scheftel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about his activity during his stay in Russia and then abroad /in Geneva /, about his political views;about the continuous persecution of his police;asks to do anything to
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1664. Letter to O.P. Shalatsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to arrange it in the department of the Kyiv southwestern railways /describes the position of her family in detail /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1665. Letters of Shtonda P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the situation at the front during the Russo-Japanese War;About business in Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1666. Letters from S. A. Shirkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about a trip to Giyevka, asks to give a letter of recommendation to Virta
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1667. Письмо Г. Шервашидзе П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - советует ему не уходить с поста министра Внутренних Дел, как бы тяжела ни была эта должность
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1668. Letters by A. Shuvalova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about his affairs;About my family;About a trip abroad;On the murder of Minister Stolypin and other issues
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1669. Letter T. Shaporenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to leave him at work in Lubotin;On the profitability of Lyubotinsky postal office, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1670. Letters of P.I. Shishkin / Provincial Secretary / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - complains about the unfair attitude of his boss to him;and incorrect dismissal from work, asks to help in his business
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1671. Letters of B. Shcherbatova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-ask to characterize the gardener Zan-der-Elst, intercedes the provision of service to his friend, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1672. The letter of N. Shcherbinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the application in providing him with the position of director of the Yekaterinoslav gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1673. The letter of Shcherbatova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the reasons for the resignation of her husband from military service, asks him to provide him with another service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1674. Letters P. Schababelle P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult material situation of her family, asks to determine her child in the Kharkov charitable society and provide material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1675. Letters L. Epsyman P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1676. Letters of A. Eristov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him to work in Kutaisian governorship;to free from the arrest of student Tsereteli;on land reforms conducted by the Sultan Girey;about the philosophical reasoning of Mednikov;About the peasant Dv
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1677. Letters of I. Annatsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to provide his son with his service in the main artillery department with secondaryment in Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1678. Letter A. Aismont P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide assistance to money or in nature of the 1st overnight-working house for homeless children in St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1679. Letter D. Eigel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for enrolling her as a student of the Vilnius Medical Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1680. Letter of K. Yuzefovich P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses condolences about the death of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski, intercessors about the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1681. Letter of Yudersky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his thoughts on the question of the procedure for serving military service by citizens of Finland
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1682. The letter of N. Yurov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about material difficulties, asks to pay 32 p.for the right to study at the Moscow Technical School of Railways
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1683. Letter of I. Yuvchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the gross, inhuman attitude of the Yekaterinoslav Governor of Clangenberg to residents of Yekaterinoslav, intercedes for the provision of a service in one of the cities of the south
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1684. The letter of the head of the southern railways of P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that his petition for the provision of his familiar woman on the southern roads cannot fulfill, because women on the southern roads are not accepted
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1685. Letters of the manager of the Giyevsky estate N. Yaralov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the management of the economy in the estate /sowing of bread, potatoes and harvesting, on the repair of the distillery, on the payment of debts for bills, etc. /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1686. Letter V. Yanenko P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a motion to appoint him to the position of Zemsky head of the 6th section of the Alexander district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1687. A report note by S.F. Yarzhembkovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his pedagogical activity.Asks to petition for the provision of the position of inspector of the People's School or Gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1688. Letter of S. G. Yagdfeld P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll him in St. Petersburg University
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1689. Letter of M. Yanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange her relative Krutovsky, who graduated from the Law Faculty of the University, for the position of Zemsky chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 169. Note / author is not indicated / on the system of police supervision in the Volga provinces about the development of local crafts;On public administration in the field and school education in Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1690. Letter of Yarmonkin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky with the application of his notes / printed / "Progress and freedom. Public good. Print"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1691. Letters of M. Yablonsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about revolutionary unrest in Odessa;about traveling in the Crimea and Germany;about their official activities, on the issuance of Baryatinskaya’s loan for the construction of a sanatorium in Yalta;On the shipment of the wine P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1692. Letters of M. Volkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the antisanitarian position of the Kindeevsky district, the Penza province, justifies the need to arrange a medical center in the village of Kindeevka and asks for its assistance in this matter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1693. Letters of K.E. ... / The author’s name is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that she sent for him a "collection of Belinsky’s memory" , thanks for the sent photo portrait
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1694. Letters E. Kleinmichel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about liberal aspirations in Russia;about the murder of Minister Sipyagin;About the immoral life of the Prizhan leaders of the nobility, thanks for the attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1695. The case of the reports of the head of the Minsk Women's School and the caretaker of the Minsk Theological School on the participation of students of these educational institutions in the demonstration of students of various educational institutions of Minsk, which took place on February 16, 1905
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1696. Letter / Author is unknown / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to intercede for it in the management of state property in court of the case for the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1697. Letter of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsk Vice-Director of the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the award of P. D. on the day of December 19, 5000 p.into a one -time allowance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1698. Letter / author is unknown / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the liberalism of Peter Dmitrievich, advises to begin radical reforms
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1699. The letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - is indignant that Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich is organized for the wounded in Conn in France at a time when there are places that are not inferior to Nice, etc.;writes about the possibility of satisfying everything is possible
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1700. The letter of the Russian woman / surname is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - condemns ministers Durnovo, Goremykin, Sipyagin and Pleve
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1701. The letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - calls for Peter Dmitrievich to send his domestic policy in such a way as to earn support among the masses;About the difficult living conditions of Russian people
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1702. Letter / translation from Slovak, the author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the need of Russia to have a constitution, call for the unification of the Slavs of Russia and Austria for the defeat of the common enemy - Prussia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1703. The letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for a good attitude, reports that there are rumors about the advancing agrarian movement;About a trip to treatment in Samara lips.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1704. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses against benefits to the Jews
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1705. Письмо /автор не указан/ П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - излагает свои взгляды по вопросу воспитания патриотизма в народе
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1706. Letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take part on sale from the trading of his brother's estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1707. Letter of the representative of the agricultural industry in the Veterinary Committee P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the abnormal state of affairs in the veterinary committee
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1708. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the internal position of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1709. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the alleged transformations of the peasant and zemstvo law
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1710. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - intercessifies about permission to buy an estate in the Western Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1711. A letter from a student in exile / surname is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the rottenness and arbitrariness of tsarism
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1712. Letter of the St. Petersburg Vyzha-Industrialists P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-ask to pay attention to the work of the cabmen, to free from overwhelming fines
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1713. Letter of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky /ministries.Internal affairs/ - writes about the need for a story of the struggle against hooliganism.Eat was attached from the newspaper "Priazovsky Territory" / for September 24 / On cases of hooliganism
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1714. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the education of national pride in Russian citizens
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1715. The letter / surname of the author is illegible / G. Riga P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the permission of the right of residence for Jews engaged in craft;on the prohibition of them to be listed to other societies, except for Lithuanian and Polish;About the relocation of Lutheran and Catholics from Finl
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1716. The letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - about the attitude to him from the plevan and the circumstances of his dismissal from the post of the head of the Main Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs, asks Peter Dmitrievich to take him under his defense
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1717. Letter R. Slava P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - calls to pay special attention to the enlightenment of the Russian people
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1718. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the rottenness and mediocrity of the Russian autocracy, as a result of which Russia suffers defeats on the fronts of the Russian-Japanese war
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1719. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about their attitude towards Jews
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 172. A memo of editors of daily publications in St. Petersburg to the Minister of Internal Affairs on the need to convene a Zemstvo cathedral with a representative office of all classes and classes of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1720. The letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the hatred of the masses to the royal ministers Durnovo, Witte, Meshchersky, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1721. The letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the distrust among the people to the tsarist government and its ministers, expresses the idea that the revolutionary movement cannot be suspended by weapons
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1722. Letter /author is not indicated /addressed to "comrades" - calls for reconciliation with the internal and foreign policy of tsarism
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1723. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out its point of view on which the internal policy of tsarism should be directed during the growth of the revolutionary movement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1724. Letter / author is not indicated / on the growth of the strike movement of workers, students, calls to take measures to suppress the revolutionary movement of the masses
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1725. Letter of officers and lower ranks of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky that the people with a curse belong to the Russo-Japanese War and its instigators, that it leads to the death of Russia and calls for stopping the bloodshed of the folk masses
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1726. Letter of the Minister of Finance P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he cannot satisfy the petitions of the peasants with.Shevekhny about the duty -free transport of the altar from Austria for the newly built church
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1727. Letters / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the serious tasks facing him in the publication of a reformed newspaper
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1728. Letter / Chairman of the Anonyevsky Zemstvo Council / E. A. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya-on the donation of 500 rubles by residents of the Ananyevsky district in favor of lower ranks, defenders of Port Arthur
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1729. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1730. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-regrets Peter Dmitrievich's illness and thanks for the release from prison of a 15-year-old girl
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1731. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the departure from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of Mirsky;On various views of existing in Russia on the issue of further transformations within the country
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1732. Letter / surname of the author inaudibly written / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the appointment of a pension of L. Lomonosova
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1733. Letter of P.F. Bulatsel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out its judgment on the participation of the people in the legislation and administrative administration of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1734. The letter of the leader of the nobility of the Kharkiv district P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the enrollment of P. D. to the number of persons entitled to vote in the election of the noble assembly, asks to take part in the provincial noble assembly on September 20
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1735. Letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses condolences about Olga Petrovna's disease
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1736. The letter of the peasant / surname is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the plight of the Russian peasant, bureaucracy, developed in Russia and the all -growing indignation of the masses with the policy of the tsarist government
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1737. Letter P. Gosse P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites to arrive at a meeting with Nicholas II at Art.Belovela
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1738. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the abuses of the Zemstvo chief Speyer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1739. The author / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - speaks out against the Constitution, about the need to limit the arbitrariness of the gendarmerie and increase the number of clinics and hospitals
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1740. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on actions in Odessa so called."Executive combat organization"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1741. Letter / author is not indicated / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, in which he invites to arrive at the meeting, where E. E. Sivers on the situation P.V. Rodzianko and M.P. Rodzianko will be offered for the period since 1902-1910
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1742. Letters /copies /Vasiliev M. N. /writer-publisher-editor "magazine of six readers" Prince.Alexandra Mikhailovich, N.K. Plev, N.V. Muravyova, S. Yu. Witte, P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky and M. I. Dragomanov/ to ministers in which he criticizes existing
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1743. Note by A. N. Chikalev on the working conditions of workers at the plants of St. Petersburg, their everyday conditions and the growth of the revolutionary movement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1744. Letter to A. Bulygin A. A. Musin-Pushkin on the issue of the strike of students of educational institutions of Minsk in the 2nd half of February 1905
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1745. Order on the 57th Infantry Medlinsky Regiment of Odessa on the actions of the troops on the signal "Anxiety"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1746. The case of the land ownership of the landowner of the Coven province G. D. Naryshkin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1747. Letters /surname of the author of the illegible /manager of the estate of E. A. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya in the Oryol district on the conduct of the economy in the estate /about crops of bread and harvesting, on the construction in the estate, on the arrival and consumption of money, products on the estate, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1748. Letter / surname of the author of the illegible / Odessa mayor P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the question of the honor of the writer N.K. Mikhailovsky, working in the editorial office of the journal "Russian wealth"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1749. A note by K. Military / addressed to the head of the Main Directorate for Press Shakhovsky / "On the issue of restrictive orders relating to Little Russian Writing"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1750. Article / author is not indicated / on the policy of Russian tsarism in Georgia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1751. Brochure /by manuscript rights, the author’s surname is illegible / - about the internal life of Russia /about the peasant issue, the authorities of the Supreme and local authorities, about the press, etc. /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1752. Letter of the director of the T-va Romanov sugar factories Y. Epstein to sugar factories to mark a decade of the Law on Sugar Industry Settlement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1753. Letter /copy, the surname of the author is not indicated /Count Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov -Dashkov - shares his impressions of the trip and stay at the cattle exhibition in the village of Vorontsovka, Lori Steppe /Detailed description of the natural conditions and economic life.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1754. The characteristic issued by the director of the Nemirovsky gymnasium, Yagdfeldo
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1755. Memorial note / author is not indicated / - about the leader of the nobility of the Grodno province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1756. Letters of N. I. Svyatopolk -Mirsky E.I. /Nikolai Ivanovich - uncle Peter Dmitrievich, Ekaterina Ivanovna - Aunt Peter Dmitrievich / - On the victory of the Turkish army near Alexander, about the capture of the trophy and prisoners, about the wound of Dmitry Ivanovich /Father Peter Dmitrievich /,,O
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1757. Letter N. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-On the state of health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1758. Characteristics / who are written, not indicated / tsarist officials, leaders of the nobility: A. A. Mukhanov, P. D. Dolgorukova, V. A. Golitsyn, N. N. Lvov, S. D. Samarina, A. D. Samarina,D. Lvova, Yu. A. Novosiltseva, V. M. Petrovo-Solovovo, P. A. Stakhovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1759. Letters of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky N. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-On the state of health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 176. 1857
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1760. Letters A. A. Den / Countess / Countess Nadezhda Alexandrovna - on the management of her estate of the crossroads, Kobrinsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1761. Letters / author is not indicated / on the service of an official of the Ministry of the Interior I.I. Chernik
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1762. Treaty of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky with the St. Petersburg Society of Electric Light on the release of electric energy to illuminate the apartment of Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1763. Note / copy / Moscow governor regarding the form of imposition of the decisions of the provincial presence at the request to cancel the final sentences and decisions of county congresses;On the procedure for presenting him with reports on consideration
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1764. Circulars of the Moscow governor Zemstvo chiefs of the Moscow province on the issues of sending to peasant passports subject to volost rulers;measures for tax evasion;the procedure for sending complaints brought to the decisions of the Zemsky principles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1765. A copy of the report of the Secretary of the Provincial Presence / Which, not indicated / Rychinsky on the procedure for appealing the decrees of the provincial presence
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1766. Letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky regarding the structure of the school in Lyubotin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1767. Note by the Zemsky chief of the 1st section of the Penza district D. A. Panchulidzev about the organization of the house for orphans in the Penza district for orphans
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1768. The letter / surname of the author is illegible / D.P. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports his desire to buy from him an estate located at s.Engalychev
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1769. The circular of the Minister of Justice of Muravyov about measures to fight strikes, unrest and strikes among the factory workers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1770. Case /copy /, considered by the Tiflis Judicial Chamber for disputes arising from land surveying in the Ozurgetsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1771. Note / Author is not indicated / and the addressee is not indicated - about a non -approval attitude to patients in hospitals of tsarist Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1772. Service S. Fedorov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on his appointment to the post of police supervisor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1773. A report note by the Yekaterinoslav Governor to the police department on the excitement of workers of the pipe and Bryansk foundations in Yekaterinoslav
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1774. The appeal of the volost gathering of the Vasersky volost, Mokshansky district, Penza province P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky regarding his departure from the post of Governor of the Penza province to the post of governor of the Yekaterinoslav province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1775. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1776. Solution / copy / rural gathering with.Novogrigoryevki, Verkhnedneprovsk district on the return to many residents of the village.Novogrigoryevki their estates for rent to entrepreneurs to find iron ore
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1777. A report note of the college assessor S. N. Andreev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity and asks him to provide him with the position of a police chief in Yekaterinoslav or a police officer in one of the counties of the Yekaterinoslav province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1778. The review drawn up by E. Ivanov about the conclusions of officials of expert commissions for the revision of the sacred and liturgical books, for the original sources
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1779. A letter from the Valkovo noble guardianship of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-they ask to inform how he wants to dispose of the values, which was inherited by the young prince S. N. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, whose trustee he is
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1780. The decision (copy) of the Urusovsky rural gathering.Serdobskaya u.Saratov province.On the issuance of gratitude to the manager of the estate of the village of Borkha Yu. A. - Tsillinberg I.P.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1781. The case of the head of the office work of the Aleksandrovsky district on the military service of the presence of Babenko, accused of bribery
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1782. Letter of Morda T. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. with gratitude for the request for awarding him by the title of hereditary honorary citizen
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1783. Letter of the manager of the Zemsky department of Savich G. Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. with a message on the provision of Art.Advisor to the Vsevolozhsk service in the Zemsky department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1784. Memorial note on the official activities of the state adviser V. N. Vsevolozhskoy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1785. Circular of the Minister of Internal Affairs D. Simyakhin to all governors about the rules for the appointment of zemstvo chiefs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1786. Forgiveness of A. Barsukov Svyatopolk-Mirsky P. D. on his determination to serve in the police department attached a certificate of his former public service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1787. The author / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies about his transfer to the service of the Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1788. Brief information about the economic condition of the Peter and Paul County of the Akmola region
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1789. Letter of Lieutenant Colonel Dremluga to the chief of staff of a separate building of the gendarmes on the issue of sharing borrowers Urgent payments to banks
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1790. A report of the Podolsk provincial gendarme rule and.village chief of staff of a separate corps of gendarmes F.N. Kairov - on the struggle of peasants against landowners
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1791. Letter / author is not indicated / Count Sergey Dmitrievich regarding the publication of the "Russian messenger"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1792. Message of Rotmistra Makarenko commander of a separate corps of gendarmes that the recipient of transported publications Sh. A. Levin was detained at Ekaterinoslav station
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1793. Letter of V. Lamadorf P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites him to his dinner, where S. Yu. Witte will be present
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1794. A report / copy / headquarters of Krapivin to the head of the Astrakhan provincial gendarme department on the spread of the plague in the Chernoyarsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1795. Petition / whom and before whom it is not indicated / on the appointment of a college adviser Mulin, who has served more than 65 years in the military and civil service, an intensified pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1796. Letter of B. Petrovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1797. Letters of Bishop Paul P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention;about your lifestyle;He asks to report on the well -being of the family, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1798. Letter of V. G. Tutberidze I.E. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes for his appointment for any position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1799. Forgiveness of a retired non-commissioned officer S. Bakhterina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the appointment of a one-time manual to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 180. Reports of military commissions on exams in the Odessa infantry and Elizabethgram cavalry cavalry schools
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1800. Letter of the I. Tsedrovsky chief of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff / Surname of the author Negroosly / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski-reports on the decision of the Academy conference on the appointment of the annual prize named after Major General A. A. Zeyfart, which dedicated 45 L.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1801. Schwartz's letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that due to the fact that Kreger does not have a special philological education, he cannot provide him with the available free vacancy of a German language teacher in Higher
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1802. Letter / copy / trustee of the Vilnius training district A. Popov Bishop Grodno and Brest Joachim - regarding the transition of some schools of the educational department to the spiritual department and the construction of new Orthodox churches
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1803. A report of the trustee of the Vilnius training district of the Vilensky, Kovensky and Grodno General General about the collections of Zionists in Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1804. Letter / translation from a foreign text that is not attached here / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the mediocrity of the state apparatus of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1805. Vedomosti of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the collection, sowing and the balance of bread for 1904 on counties of 72 provinces and regions of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1806. The manuscript of I. Zedrovsky (Joan of secular) "A brief history of the dominance of the prince of this world or Satan and its characteristic"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1807. Letter / copy / Bishop of Penza and Saransky Pavel Nikolai and Alexander Barsukov regarding the payment of the Holy Office of Taxes
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1808. Certificates of the equestrian Ryzhta Plant A.N. Strekalova and N. G. Neverovich about the horses "Ruslan", "Bayan", "Struna", "Ostrushka"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1809. Letter of the peasant of the Courland province A. Z. Berzin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about a difficult financial situation, petitions for the appointment of his postal-telegraph official of the lower category
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1810. A report note by F. E. Sanders to the Minister of Internal Affairs - offers to submit to the common zemstvo assembly to discuss his project on the formation of a bank engaged in the sale of state lands to the best peasants
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1811. The petition of the peasant E. I. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the assistance in the release of his beloved house, since the police, committing a mockery of him, placed him there quite healthy;gives examples when the police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1812. The letter of Dobrovolsky-Mikhailov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-shares his impressions of common acquaintances;what he does and what he is fond of;About his sense of respect and love for Peter Dmitrievich, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1813. Message of the chairman of the trusteeship of children's shelters of Bakhmut district K. Kartsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the results of the inspection of children's shelters in several provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1814. Letter / surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - gives a positive review about Kairov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1815. Letter of the director of the Penza branch of the Russian Musical Society / Surname was written inaudibly / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to assume the title of authorized Penza branch to the main directorate and attend the meetings
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1816. Letters from the department of Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - ask to make money for the fifth volume of the publication "Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX century."
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1817. Letter of the Chairman of the Kharkov district Zemstvo council P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform him whether he agrees to entrust the head of the Gievsky foster rest to the doctor Balzamov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1818. Note / Author is not indicated / on the appointment of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1819. Letter of the peasant village of Yakovlevka, Kharkov province P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange his son to work in the depot at Lyubotin station
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1820. Letter / authors are not indicated / appeal to Nicholas II - on the growth of police arbitrariness in the country;on the destructiveness of warfare for Russia;about the need to convene people's representatives to resolve issues about war and the world;On the internal position of the country, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1821. Without the author.Dogging a native of the city of Penza Dvishka Bishka Penza governor about the punishment of persons mocking his uncle
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1822. The official characteristic of the estate manager P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky S.P. Borozda./Who is written not indicated/
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 1823. Newspaper clippings about responses in connection with the appointment of the Minister of Internal Affairs Prince.P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 196. A note by General D. I. Subotich to the military minister A. N. Kuropatkin on the situation of Russia in the Far East
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 206. Disposition No. 1 on a separate Austro-Hungarian corps
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 211. Циркуляр директора училищ Ковенской губернии учителям "народных" и сельских приходских училищ об обеспечении учеников учебниками и чтении молитв во всех классах
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 215. Докладная записка профессора Н. Коломийцова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому о нуждах русской печати
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 216. Report of a member of the Congress from Russia V.K. Lilienfeld at the International Congress of Journalists in Vienna in 1904 on the development of the Code of Laws for Press
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 220. Report of the Board of the Society for Assistance to Students at the Novomoskovsk City School and Women's Gymnasium for 1901
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 231. Report on the activities of the Bilensky art circle for 1904 and the estimate of income and expenses for 1905
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 232. Report on the activities of the Vilnius Society "correctional agricultural colonies and craft shelters for minor criminals" for 1904
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 237. Inventory of the exhibits of the museum of Count Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravyov in Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 241. Note /author is not indicated /about the North-Western Territory /about the activities of the Catholic clergy, on the production of school education, on land ownership and administrative management of the region /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 242. Circular / copy / Ministry of Internal Affairs of May 11, 1900, comrade prosecutor of Odessa on holding the participants of the Stundy sect of "
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 244. Summary table with data on population growth among schismatics, the number of students from them in schools and in the almshouses in Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 247. Notes of the Ministry of Justice "On the question of the fight against street drunkenness"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 254. Note by Adjutant General Fredericks on the conduct of the baptism ceremony of Alexei Nikolaevich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 259. Letters by A. Arapova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski reports strikes in the Shlysselburg district of St. Petersburg on the device for the service of Snegirev and Boyarinov;On the opening in the metro station of the volost rule
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 260. Letters of A. Atrysanyev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the epidemic of diphtheria in Troitsk;On abuses in the service of the doctor of Tedora, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 264. Letter M. Annenkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept it in his reception hours
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 265. Letter A. Ackerman P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform you whether he agrees whether he would buy from her forest
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 269. Letter of I. Adamovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks his petition to provide him with the title of extraordinary professor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 273. Letters of F. Azhaurov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the growth of the revolutionary movement in Yalta and Reef;about his stay and Vadim, son of Peter Dmitrievich Mirsky in Crimea;On the state of health of Mirsky children and their education
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 274. Alekseev’s letter P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for assistance in the construction of him to work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 287. Letters of Altukhin / Director of the Police Department / Peter Dmitrievich Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the arrest of the daughters of Trusheva and their husbands in Kharkov;about their participation in the revolutionary committee;on the discovery of the printing house of socialists-revolutionaries;The package is reduced
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 296. Letter of the chairman of the Zlatoust council of Aistov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the collection of the Zlatoust zemstvo regarding the institution of the State Duma
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 302. Letter S. Ansenov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a sense of joy about the recovery of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 303. Letter of the commander of the 9th Rifle Regiment /g.Zhmerinka/ Ya. Amasia P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-a characteristic of the non-commissioned officer of the 1st company P. Mirsky was described
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 304. Letter S. Anoshin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for him to provide him with material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 305. The letter of F. Aznesurov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks him to send him a certificate that he was the teacher of the children of P. D. Mirsky and prepared his son in the 6th cell.lyceum
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 306. Letter G. Andreev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the consent of Nobel to buy oil sources from P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 307. Letter S. Alekseeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to sacrifice money to arrange a performance, the collection of money will go to the purchase of textbooks for a group of students of Moktan
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 310. Letter N. Artsigin Peter Dmitrievich Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for permission to build a house in Penza in Penza
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 312. Letters to L. Andreyanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide her with the position of the head of the Saratov female gymnasium, thanks for attention to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 316. Letters of O. Baryatinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: about the state of health of family members, acquaintances and relatives;about the material situation of her family;About the death of a daughter;about her stay in Batum, Shura, St. Petersburg and other cities
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 317. Letters of the Olympiad Baryatinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: On difficulties in money;about the well -being of relatives and acquaintances;thanks for the gifts;Happy New Year and others.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 318. Letters of N. Barsukov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the invitation to Giyevka;writes about the recall of the Viennese academician Yagich about his book "Pogodin";about the return of the book "Pogodin" in censorship;about printing books "Pogodin";On preparation for printing letters of Filaret to n
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 319. Message of the head of the world section of the Tiflis province D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the appointment of him by the minor son of Prince I. Orbeliani
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 320. Letters of A. Barsukov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: impressions of St. Petersburg;about the desire to open an archival commission in Penza;on the study of the Sheremetyevs clan;about his stay in Giyevka;About acquaintances and relatives, etc. Family messages
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 323. Letters of Art.Furrows managing the Nemidovsky estate and the Giyevsky Vinokuynaya Plant in the farm of Moskovka P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: on the repair of equipment at the Giyevsky distillery and Nemidovsky distillery-recuiting plants;About the blanks of raw materials for
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 324. Letters of A.P. Bobrov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the payment of money for bills;asks to arrange a relative to the service;About poor health condition
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 325. Письма предводителя дворянства Богодуховского уезда П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому об избиении его поручиком Зацепиным
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 326. Letters of D. Belavina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about his journey through the Crimea and stay in Moscow
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 327. Letters A. Belgard / Poltava Governor / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give advice on the service;about the decline of state life;about the work of the Duma;about the income of their estates and the factory;about the desire to see Peter Dmitrievich;About the elections of the Duma, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 329. The letter of A. Bezobrazov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange a brother to the service, reports the appointment of Launets in Arkhangelsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 330. Письмо Е. Бекауровой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит его ходатайства о зачислении ее сына на стипендию в Тифлисском железнодорожном училище
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 331. Letters of N. D. Belizo P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 332. Letter G. Belyaev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for the provision of material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 334. Letter of Bukseeden P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the Penza House of the shelter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 336. The letter of A. Belov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the money raised in favor of the society of "lovers of ancient writing" they received
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 341. Письма предводителя дворянства Бахмутского уезда Ф. Бантыша П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит разрешить открыть в г. Бахмуте аптеку; о заседании Екатеринославского губернского земского собрания; просит устроить на службу его знакомого Коптева
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 342. Letter of M. I. Bekman P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 348. Письма А. Барятинского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о росте революционного движения на Кавказе; о забастовках рабочих в Батуми; сообщает о своем служебном положении и их общих знакомых
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 353. Letter of K. Batonsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange for service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 356. Letters of V. Bobrinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent him a check to 5.217 p.;About their stay in France
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 357. The letter of Brodsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the plot of land purchased by Mirsky in the Black Sea province is suitable for the construction of a summer residence
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 359. The letter of A. Babushevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to transfer him to military service.Writes about his work in the gendarmes building
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 360. Letter of D. Boginsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks for the appointment of a pension of his daughter-Vdov and to provide a petition for the transfer of a son-in-law to work from Omsk closer to Yekaterinoslav
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 362. Letters of Bubberg / Chief Managing Chancellery for Products / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to speed up the case of the arrested Bulgakov;provide assistance to the former dean and rector of the Oshmyansky church, Aborovich in conviction of him, concluded in the monastery;
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 363. Letters by P. Bobrinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accelerate the analysis of the case of L. N. Nikonov, who is under arrest;to submit a petition to resolve the construction of the bridge on the Dnieper-Bug Canal;about the protection of Svenson of the interests of the peasants;About households
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 364. Letter A. Bobrinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange a son voluntary in the Chernihiv regiment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 366. Letter M. Baranov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to petition for the appointment of him in Kharkov as the head
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 372. The petition by N. Baldina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the conduct of her husband in the shortest time
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 373. Letters of V. Baryatinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange Kriger as an official of special assignments /gives him a characteristic /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 376. Письмо Д. Богинского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - поздравляет с новым годом
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 377. Letter of V. Zabozov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky that there is information about the ties of the winter with the revolutionary organization /which is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 380. Letters of Andrei Bobrinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to make certificates of Skizhinsky, reports the consent of the directors of the gymnasiums to accept the son of Peter Dmitrievich Dima to the gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 383. Letters of S. Bondar P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the secularization of the Armenian-Grigorian church and monastery property;about the expulsion of the Armenian clergy from the Caucasus and their imprisonment in prisons;on the transformation of the Office of the Armenian-Grigorian Church in Russia;He
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 384. Letters A. Bantysh P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him for a rural teacher and help him with money
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 385. Письмо В. Барятинского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит помочь в выкупе заложенного в казну имения; посоветовать о возможности перевести его друга из Эривани в Варшаву
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 386. Письма Л. Бертенсона П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому о том, что царский правительственный аппарат пришел к полному загниванию; о гибели своего сына во время Цусимского боя и др.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 387. Letter A. Beletsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the hacking of castles at the cash desk at the Jewish teacher's institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 388. Letters of I. Baryatinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the construction of Borzenkov as a zemstvo chief;On the stay of Baryatinsky in the Yaroslavl province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 391. Letter of N. Bystrov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies him to enroll him as a zemstvo chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 393. Letter of A. Buturlin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him for service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 395. Letter S. Balaker P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him in the service of the State Bank
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 396. Letter to Yu. Boborikina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the transfer of the hereditary estate to her son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 397. Letter F. Brosse P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help him in receiving an inheritance in Dresden
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 398. Letter E. Bogdanovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to pay attention to the newspaper "Our Life", which causes its articles an excitement among factory and factory workers;reports on the sending of Peter Dmitrievich his brochures, asks to speed up the case of placement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 40. Help of the Main Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs on the issue of opening in p.Ulalinsky, Tomsk province of the post office
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 405. Letter to L. Baryatinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - intercedes for permission to participate in concerts /where and which is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 410. Letter G. Berg P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him for the position of governor in the Western Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 418. The letter of I. Boromirsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange him in the service at the Vilensky, Kovensky or Grodno governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 420. Letter N. Bronnitskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 421. Letter A. Brynganinov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky expresses his opinion regarding the appointment of Sokolovsky to the post of Samara Governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 424. Letter S. Bantysh P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of her husband to serve in Cairo and the results of the noble elections in Kherson
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 432. Письмо Л. Булгаковой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о назначении ее брата казначеем при министерстве Внутренних Дел
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 436. Letter V. Brudny P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for the provision of material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 437. Letters of M. Balabanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the arrival of Kharkov for negotiations with Epanchin about the conclusion of the contract;on the postponement of the conclusion of the land agreement with Joseph Nikolayevich until the issue of obtaining a loan for Peter Dmitrievich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 440. Letter Belitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of a pension to the bailiff Zagrebin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 443. Letter S. Binda P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about his stay in the city of Tambov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 444. Letters of the Babakins P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulate on religious holidays
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 445. Letter V. A. Bazilevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the definition of her son, student of the Law Institute, to the excise tax
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 446. Letter V.A. Bazilevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about removing her husband from the service in the police for the reason that the latter could not fulfill the task - suppress the excitement of the peasants of Molchansk, for the peasants, providing a strong rebuff to the military team, sett
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 447. Letter to A. quickly P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the opening of a shelter in the city of Mokshin, the Penza province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 448. Письмо Л. Блавдзевича П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о предоставлении на имя П. Д. Мирского записки о мотивах изменения положения поляков в стране. Записка Л. Блавдзевича
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 451. Письмо И. Бочарова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит о материальной помощи
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 452. Letter Ek.Baryatinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regrets that he had not met him in St. Petersburg;writes about acquaintances and about his treatment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 461. Письма В. Виспорель П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о принятии им русского подданства; о ведении хозяйства в его имениях; поздравляет с новым годом
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 463. Letters of N. Voeikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the abandonment of V. N. Alekseev as a background;On the provision of M. I. Nekrasov’s position of the Overseer in one of the classical gymnasiums in Penza
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 464. Письма П. Волконской П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о зачислении Р. Ульянова в Медицинскую Академию
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 465. Письма М. Васильчикова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает о болезни Петра Александровича, ходатайствует о предоставлении хорошей должности В. И. Миллеру
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 467. The letter of Vorontsov-Dashkov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercessors about the abolition of the decision of the Nizhnelomovsky congress in the case of the city of Mazharov, who beat the rural older
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 468. Letters by M. Verigina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide assistance in the immediate approval of the Forestry Plan, presented by her in the Penza forestry committee
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 469. Letter of A. Wagner P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of Agafonov Service in the Confused Mirsky Province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 470. Letter P. Valuev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: On the work of a musical society in the city of Yekaterinoslav;Supplies about the recovery of the Balabukha;About the health of his family members
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 471. Letter S. S. Vasyunin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the New Year
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 472. Letters of the priest with.Giyevki N. Vlasov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: On the repair of the Church in the village.Giyevka;On the expenses and income of the church;About his translation in with.Dergachi, Kharkov province;Happy New Year congratulations
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 473. Letter V. Voskresensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the sent photograph
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 474. Письмо Г. Велитченко П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - просит выслать договор /какой и о чем - не указано/ с ореховскими крестьянами
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 475. Letters of the mayor of the city of Lugansk V. Verbovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the removal of him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 476. Letter to M. Verevkina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for the transfer of the Stanovy bailiff G. Chuguev to the Yekaterinoslav province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 477. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 478. Letters of A. Voronov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates a Happy New Year, thanks for the invitation to visit
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 479. Letter A. Valueva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide her husband with the service at the Ministry of Railways
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 480. Letter of the manager of the Mountain Department Vasiliev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the issue of enrolling the son of Colonel Berlandin at the Mountain Institute is submitted to the permission of the Minister of Agriculture and State Property
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 481. Letter to M. Wilke P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide her with a position of a cool overseer in the Yekaterinoslav city gymnasium
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 482. Letter A. Varzhenevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to make a certificate of the personality of the sanitary doctor of the Mozhaysky district of Kostorsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 483. The letter of E. Vasilchikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky is petitioning for the appointment of the Zemstvo agronomist A. Levitsky in the city of Podolsk, the Moscow province.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 484. Letter Gr.Voronina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the definition of F. Eremin to the position of seller of wine shop in the village of Vysokoye, Yekaterinoslav province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 485. The petition of V. Zesta P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies him to enroll him in the Institute of Civil Engineers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 486. Letter of the coachman Vasily P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes about material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 487. Letter A. Vasiliev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition for the liberation of his son, the cadet of the Naval Corps N. Vasiliev, from swimming in the summer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 488. Письма управляющего Веджинским имением Н. Вахвахова П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому о ведении хозяйства в имении
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 489. Letter of R. Vachnadze P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the poor condition of the gardens in the Vedzhinsky estate of Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 490. Letters of S. Witte P. D. Svyatopolk-Mir about the causes of the Russo-Japanese War and the behavior of the state secretary of Bezobrazov;On the appointment of the manual E. N. Ivanova
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 491. Letters of S. Vladykin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: about the poor state of his health, congratulates on the addition of the family, on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 492. Letters of the head of the Vitebsk provincial gendarme department Volkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the immoral behavior of a member of the provincial presence of Chaplin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 493. Letter of N. Voruvava P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about unjusting his dismissal from work, asks to petition for the provision of another work to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 494. Письма Е. Вырубовой П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - ходатайствует о снятии ареста с недвижимого имущества, принадлежащего ей; об устройстве на службу Алексеева
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 495. The letter of the faith of the Svyatopolk-Mirskaya to the Svyatopolk-Mirskaya Dudusha-asks to petition to P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski on the return on bail that is under arrest for participation in student performances by Sasha Potemkin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 496. Letter of the assistant to the Saratov governor A. Vysotsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about his official activities;Supplies about leaving him in the service until the length of service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 497. Letter of A. Veraksin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the heavy covers of the peasants with the priest metro.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 498. The letter of S. Vitkin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept from him an essay on him.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 499. Letter to L. Viktorova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes her brother to serve at the office of the Vilnius Governor General
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 500. 5 sheets
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 501. Letter A. Witte P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for participating in the improvement of his son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 502. Letter V. Voichinsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about his official position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 503. Letters E. Vatat / Kovensky, Tiflis governor / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky reports: about his work in Kovna and Tiflis;On stay in St. Petersburg;about their socio-political views;on the assessment of the activities of the Minister of Internal Affairs;On the issue of UCR
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 504. The petition of Z. I. Velikinsky Chairman of the Department of the Russian Musical Society in Vilna on its enrollment among the scholarships in the class of singing
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 505. Letter of the publisher of the magazine Polybiblion, candidate of mathematical sciences V. Vrublevsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, in which he reports the edition of Herzen’s novel "Who is to blame" and the outrageous mockery of the personality of the writer and man from the parties
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 506. Letter of the head of the Moscow-Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod and Murom Zhel.roads reports that the position of head of the Siberian train is busy and cannot be represented by the supplicant Aksenov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 509. Letter of N. Volynskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the difficult and hopeless life of the Russian people;about the growth of indignation among the masses against the domestic and foreign policy of tsarism
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 511. The author’s letter / signature is not legible / Sergey Alekseevich - reports that he sent to his address the "historical certificate on the Little Russian issue" drawn up by him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 513. Letter P. Verevkin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes the confession of the title of chamber-junker of the Tsarist Court A. E. Meyshtovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 519. Letter of D. N. Voronin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies about his reckoning the Ministry of the Interior with the leaving of the clerk of the boundary department in the Kharkov province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 524. Letters and.The village of Kovensky Governor P. Verevkina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the inhabitants of the Kostya, Linkovskaya, Girsudkaya and other volosts were decided to allocate from the so -called.worldly capital of these volosts 160 p.At the scholarship named after P. D. Svyatopolk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 530. Letter L. Z. Volosina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - offers to buy a house in Kharkov, reports on the conditions of sale
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 536. Letter of B. Voskresensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - reports that E. Masyuk refused the position of the unsatisfactory previous service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 538. Letter Ek.Vasilchikova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a petition to the Minister of Internal Affairs about permission to Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov to enter the 5th year of Yuryevsky University
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 540. Letter of P. Viscutan P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes for providing him with any position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 541. Letter of N. Vladimirova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to petition for the issuance of a one -time benefit to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 543. Письмо В. Витте П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - приглашает посетить их дом
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 548. Glosov’s letter / Chairman of the Council / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrive at the opening of the Zemsky Assembly, Kharkov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 549. Letters of M. Grachev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on bills of bills
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 550. Letter of N. Geneles P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-regarding the conclusion of the contract of Princess Mirskoy with a puppet-field sale and purchase of land
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 556. Letters of F. Globa P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: About staying in Nice, congratulates a Happy New Year and thanks for his attention to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 560. Letter A. Goryainov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks Stanevich to arrange for the post of Penza city doctor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 566. Letters of D. Golitsyna P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give a review about Rosen;A petition for his acquaintances
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 567. Letters to M. Golitsyna P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the disadvantage of distillation, due to the introduction of a monopoly on alcohol, it intercedes the provision of a relative of her chin-junker, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 568. Letters of the Minister of Internal Affairs I. Goremykin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: about the comments made by Nikolai II according to the report for 1896 on the state of the Penza province;On the appointment of Mirsky 2000 rubles of lifting in connection with the appointment of Yekaterinoslavsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 570. The petition of N. Heiden P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the permission of H. G. A pharmacy to open the 7th pharmacy in Yekaterinoslav.A certificate of graduation from the Medical Faculty of Yuryevsky University and a conduytite list of pharmaceutical figures was attached to the petition.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 574. The letter of the Mariupol district police officer P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - that Yekaterinoslav can arrive in the city only by his challenge
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 576. Letters M. Grosberg P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent 2 barrels of wine from Kakheti for the worldly and his amount of debts on his estates
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 582. Letter of F. Golubovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about enrolling the nephew to the Higher Special Educational Institution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 584. Letter P. Golyanitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of his police position to his son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 585. Letters by N. Gureli P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks for his petition to transfer her son to the service in the 43rd Dragoon regiment, on the issuance of a one-time allowance to her, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 588. Letters of P. G. ... / The surname is not legible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the time of admission of Mirsky Nicholas II, about the attempt on the life of Prince.Maria Fedorovna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 589. The petition of the daughters of the deceased Colonel Goncharenka P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski on the appointment of a pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 590. Letter of Yu. Gagarin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the termination of the issuance of loans on the bail of property of the Nikolaev bank Bessarabian and Poltava banks;About the intention to sell glass produced at the Santurinsky glass factory in Odessa
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 591. Letter A. Gevlich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange a nephew to the position of leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 592. Letter A. Giruchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recommends at the service of I. Khudikov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 593. Letter of V. Golovin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the issue of confirming his signature - a will of the deceased book.E. A. Baryatinskaya
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 595. Letter of Y. Gonserovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his sympathies to his family
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 602. Letters of P. Geisman P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of service to the lieutenant V. L. Zheltobryukhov;It is expressed regarding the growth of noble land tenure in Russia, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 603. Letter of A. Gamor P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need of peasants in the ground;On the participation of peasant banks in the operation of the sale and sale of land
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 604. Letters to K. Golitsyna P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the position of teacher, about the well -being of her family
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 606. Letter M. Grabbe P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about permission to buy an estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 607. Letter S. Glinka P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-regarding the defense of Port Arthur;about their last works;as, for example, the "main provisions of socio-economic transformations", "main principles of the state system", etc., offers its services under the
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 608. Letters of A. Girsa P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the congress of zemstvo and city public figures;On the departure of a delegation to Tsarskoye Selo to Nikolai II, with an address, in which it petitions for the immediate convocation of people's representatives to discuss the issue of mi
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 609. Letter of K. Golovin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of dissatisfaction with the policy of the government among the people and the influence of revolutionary parties;considers it necessary to conduct transformations of the State Council
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 610. Letter / copy / Head of the 1st Department of the Main Individual Administration of the Founder of the joint-stock company on the processing of gophers E. S. Gorobchenko on the permission of the military ministry to allocate 25,000 rubles for the production of the experience of the socks of gopper and before
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 611. Letter of a member of the joint -stock company for the "processing of gophers" by E. S. Gorobchenko to the Minister of Internal Affairs about the advantage of clothing made of gopheric skins, the healing properties of gush -fat and on the assistance in the development of this area of ​​the processing
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 612. Letter of N. Gredeskul / Professor Kharkov University / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding "Policy of trust in Russian society"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 613. Letter N. Geneles P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates him on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 614. Letter Y. Govko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the removal of his estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 615. Letter to O. Gaenfelden P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the position of the governor to her brother /in which province is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 616. Letter S. Glebova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about an increase in the applied amount for the evening of the lottery
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 617. Letters of V. Glazov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of service to his friends;reports permission to M. Frumkin to enter one of the highest technical educational institutions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 618. Letter Gorchaev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - gives a negative character to the chairman of the veterinary committee Raevsky and considers it necessary to arrange him from his position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 619. Letter H. Graz P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for the assistance of the nephew to enter one of the institutes of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 62. Reports / copies / Slavyanoserb district police officer to the Yekaterinoslav governor about the unrest among the Lugansk workers about the beating by the police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 620. Letter of P. Herberg P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites to take part in dinner, which is organized by participants in the war of 1877.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 621. Letter L. Gutman P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the work of the first St. Petersburg artel of carriers and carriers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 622. Letters A. Gurko P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses his condolences about the disease of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, about the bureaucracy of Russian officials, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 623. Letter R. Gurvich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the restoration of her husband to the service at the Minsk governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 624. Letter to A. Grotto-Snenikovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to accept his own musical work sent to his name
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 625. Letters of I. Gromada P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for providing him with a service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 626. Letter to H. Goldovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to appoint a day of admission
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 627. Letter Gurnno A. L. / Manager of the Control Chamber in Kaluga / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the growth of the revolutionary movement in Russia and regarding his departure from the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 628. Letters I. Grigorians P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the sending of a power of attorney in the name of his brother to receive the money determined for the maintenance of Peter Dmitrievich, as well as No. accounts of the Volga-Kamenian bank
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 629. Letter E. Goncharenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for his petition for a speedy resolution of the issue of release from conclusion
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 630. Letter N. Galunenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about receiving a service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 631. Letter F. Gachkovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - offers its own service management services
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 632. Letter P. T. Garkovenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the accurate payment of the benefit of his wife
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 633. Letter of V. Golmaiten P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for the payment of his reward for printed works
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 634. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 635. Letter of D. Guzenko, a peasant village Boromly P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about an extremely difficult financial situation, asks to petition for the provision of work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 636. Letter K. Gukovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - informs that he wrote a description of his trip in the Koven province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 637. Letter of N. Gavrilov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 638. Letter G. S. Galunenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors on the appointment of M. Dubovikova / without legs / manual
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 639. Letter F. Gricenhevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for his transfer from the border point of the Austrian border to the Bender Gendarme branch of the Bessarabian province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 640. The letter of K. Gubastov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the proclamation of the Bulgarian kingdom and the need to revise the decisions of the Berlin Congress
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 641. Letters to K. Gubostovtsev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about staying in Yalta and abroad
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 642. The petition of the head of the Poti parish school of the college registrar A. B. Gvasalia P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the appointment of his daughter of a scholarship.A copy of the metric of Nina Gvasalia, a certificate of the service of A. B. Gvasalia and its form of the service were attached to the petition
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 643. Letter E. Hertovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that Sheremetyeva’s petition cannot be fulfilled
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 644. Letter of the director of the Kutaisian gymnasium M. Glushakova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that G. Tutberidze can be enlisted in the gymnasium, subject to the surrender of the test
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 645. Letter of N. Gorsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sold the forest at a similar price and on the end of work on the construction of a house in the village of Verse
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 646. Letter S. Gladkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the appointment of her pensions
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 647. Letter to V. Golitsyna P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the stay in the metro station Bobrovo, the Kharkov province and the upcoming visit to Giyevka
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 648. Letter S. Golubkov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-sets out a list of portrait images of representatives of the Svyatopolk-Mirsky clan, which he wants to sell
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 649. Letters of R. Garke P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he sold the estate of the Bel-Volya and in this connection is not able to fulfill his assignment
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 650. Letter of the leader of the nobility of the Kharkov district of ... / surname of the author of the illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the upcoming visit on May 10, 1912 by Nikolai II of Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 651. Letter Gumbert P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out his idea of ​​the need to carry out the police reform - create the Ministry of Police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 652. Letter I. Galli P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he will not be able to come to St. Petersburg on the appointed day
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 653. Letter G. S. Galunenka P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help get a job
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 654. Letter N. Gan P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - he tries to take part in the election of the nobility of the Belgorod district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 655. Письмо В. Гейнтце П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - сообщает, что не имеет возможности прибыть в г. Вязьму
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 656. Letter of D. Gendrikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the transfer of the captain Zadonsky from Kupyansk to Sevastopol to the post of chief of the serf gendarme team
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 657. Letters of V. Glebov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - gives a characteristic of Fedorchuk and recommends him to the post of Zemstvo boss
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 658. Letter I. Gorstetter P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses the desire to be his personal secretary on the preparatory scientific and literary development of current public issues
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 659. Letters of O. Gripenberg P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his disagreements with Kuropatkin on the military operations of the Russian army during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 66. Articles /"Gorky Pravda" and "Thunderstorm and Fear" /, carved from the newspapers "SPb Vedomosti" No. 236 and "Russia" No. 183 for 1900
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 660. Letter G. Brumbkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - intercessors to provide her son with her position of zemstvo chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 661. A report note by L.I. Ganner P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the pledge of real estate in banks
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 662. Letter Gaidukevich I. / teacher / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help financially
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 663. Letters M. Den / Nephew P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: On the arrests of students in St. Petersburg;on the spread of revolutionary proclamations;About staying abroad
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 664. Letters of Miti Den P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help repay debts;About their success in study
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 665. Letter S. Den P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on successes in study and pastime
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 666. Letter of Durnov Yves.Peretseva Konstantin Petrovich about filling bread in cash souls, and not on revision tales and creating a lower professional school
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 667. Letters of Dobrovolsky-Mikhailov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky;about the poor state of his health;About his intentions to visit the estate Giyevka, thanks for attention, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 668. Letter T. Demorun P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the upcoming provincial noble meeting in the mountains.Moscow
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 669. Letter I. Durnovo / Minister of Internal Affairs / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports his appointment to the post of Penza governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 670. The letter of the Dolyani P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - thanks on behalf of the authorities - the Kharkov educational district for a major donation in favor of the Gievsky Primary School of the Kharkov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 671. The letter of P. Denisyeva P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky intercedes the allocation of 300 rubles to expand the state of the Penza female gymnasium;expresses condolences about his disease
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 672. Letters of D. Druckir P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the management of the economy in his estates;Congratulations on the appointment of Mirsky to the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 673. Letter of N. Danilovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies about the transfer of his son to the Penza province to the post of Zemsky chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 674. Letter of O. Draiman P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send a portrait and a copy of the track record for the placement in the publication "Pairy"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 675. Letter of the Zemsky head of the 1st section of the Mariupol district D. Danilina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-thanks for good reviews about him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 676. Letters of E. Dekanskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for assistance in the imminent resolution of the judicial case over the horsemen and satisfying the petition of the peasants of the village of Pokrovka, the Verkhnedneprovsk district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 677. Letters of E. Demkova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky: On mass arrests and dismissal of workers from work, about the atrocities of the gendarmerie in Russia, about official and family affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 678. The letter of S. Drinevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the assistance in receiving the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 679. Letters of E. Dukhovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses sympathy for the death of Dmitry Ivanovich, asks to arrange the Bryansk landowner V. D. Chairman of the Provincial Zemstvo Council
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 680. A letter from N. Danilovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky reports a list of persons to whom the photographic cards of Mirsky and on the appointment of A. Polazhchenko by the commandant of Baku were sent
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 681. Letter S. Dobrachev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the move from Yekaterinoslav to St. Petersburg, thanks for attention to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 682. Letter of N. Dyachkov-Tarasov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercessors about the appointment of his Zemstvo chief in one of the provinces of the North-Western Territory
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 683. Letters P. Dolgorukov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the great popularity of M. Gorky and his works abroad;about the illness and arrest of M. Gorky in Nizhny;asks to accept a friend of Gorky, Mirolyubov, with a motion to relieve the fate of a gifted writer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 684. Letters of A. Durnov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to assist before Sinichin in appointing him to the post of Kharkov governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 685. The petition of the state adviser K. A. Parozhitsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the provision of his position in the Bilenskaya, Kovensky or Grodno provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 686. Letter of V. D. Danilovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about enrolling his son to the military academy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 687. Letter M. Dodonova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult material situation of her family, asks to provide financial assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 688. Letters of M. I. Dragomirov M. I. Vasiliev / writer / - criticizes ministers and officials and their politics;It scolds the surrounding Nicholas II and especially Prince Meshchersky.Criticizes the organic law, calling it "emancipation"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 689. Letter P. Dolgorukov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 690. Letter L.P. Dokhturov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - imposes his autobiography and intercedes the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 691. Letter of V. Julian P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to give him a loan for 8 months 30,000 rubles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 692. Letters of Drutsky-Lubetskiy P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks for patronage in the opening of an agricultural school in the Bilen province;reports that he read his report on the North-Western Territory, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 693. Letters by P. Durnovo P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the position of the Zemsky chief in the Coven province Yurkevich;that prisons in Russia are overflowing with prisoners;About the king’s departure to the south, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 694. Letters of N. Davidov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the permission of the landowner to Pipkovsky to buy an estate in the Kven province;To arrange N. I. Folin to the service and reports the murder of A. A. Bantysh
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 695. Letter N. Dashkevich P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky regarding the characteristics of Goltsev, editor of the Russian Thought magazine
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 696. The petition of I.P. Dyzhevinsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the provision of him any position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 697. Letters of N. Demidov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the difficult distress of the Russian people in tsarist Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 698. Letter N. Demyanenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to assist in receiving the position of agent of zemstvo insurance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 699. Letter S. Dev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the money sent
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 70. Note / Author is not indicated / on the revolutionary movement of students and workers in St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 700. Letters of Ya. Den P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - ask to petition for enrolling him in the squadron of the ship "Alexander III"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 701. Letter of the Debrinsky / Head of the Separate Corps of the Gendarmes / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Bogushevsky by the head of the Lynvnivo-Voronezh branch of the Moscow-Kiev Gendarme Directorate of Railways
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 702. Letter P. Diomidov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 703. Letter of the chief manager of the state horse breeding Dmitriev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the captain of Pokryazhsky was submitted to the candidate list for the position of manager of the Vilnius Zemstoy stable
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 704. Letters of the city of Dobrovolsky / Poet, lawyer / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the politics of the royal servants of Sinyagin and Pleve, as a policy of violence over the people, terror and slavery
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 705. Letter Dobrokhotov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the growth of poverty among the people in tsarist Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 706. Letter of V. Dodonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to be dismissed from his position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 707. Letter of E. Dobsky, K. Helmitsky, Lubensky and others P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the Russification policy of tsarism in Poland
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 708. Letter S. S. Dymitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the difficult material situation of his family, intercedes the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 709. Letter of A. Drozdovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for providing him with a service in the district of the routes
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 710. Letters of M.P. Dolgorukova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for permission to receive a loan on the security of the estate and permission to the son of a Russian departure abroad
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 711. Letter to E. Dubrovina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky that tsarist officials do not hire her son-in-law of an engineer in a specialty, because he is an Armenian, intercessors to provide him with work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 712. Letter of Dunin-Borkovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercessors to provide Kobrinsky with the position of the Grodno provincial leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 713. Letter S. S. Davydovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invites to visit the city of Nice
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 714. Letter / copy / nobles of the Minsk province / Roman Catholic religion / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-apply for their equation in the rights with the nobility of the rest of the empire
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 715. Letter N. Demchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 716. Letter A. Dobrovolsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about his determination to the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 717. The letter of A. Domov-Obukhov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-thanks for assistance in receiving the position of the Minsk provincial leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 718. The letter of I. Durneev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-describes his difficult financial situation and intercedes the provision of him any work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 719. Letter of M. I. Doynitsyn P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation and asks for help
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 72. Report / author is not indicated / Nicholas II about workers' strikes on the Nevsky and Baltic shipbuilding, Alexander Mechanical, Obukhovsky steel, St. Petersburg Metal Plants and the Nikolsky Manufactory in the city of St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 720. Letter P. Dolzhansky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to help get a transfer of service from St. Petersburg in Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 721. Letter Danilevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange a notary public in Orel
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 722. Letter of the Director of the Police Department P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - reports that, in the execution of his petition, the Minister of Internal Affairs allowed travel abroad for treatment by a resident of Baku M. Sundukianz
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 723. Letter to M. M. Dubyagi Ekaterina Alekseevna Svyatopolk -Mirskaya / wife of Peter Dmitrievich / - reports a lawsuit by Ekaterina Alekseevna from the Gorf company in the amount of 7,000 rubles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 724. Letter to Damrina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 725. Letter Danilova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about its definition to service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 726. Letter of C. Danziger P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the enrollment of Ya. K. Libman by a student of the Riga Commercial Institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 727. Letter of H. Debert P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - describes his difficult financial situation and asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 728. Letter of V. Dodonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out arguments about unjusting his dismissal from the service and asks to cancel the order on this issue
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 729. Letter P. Durnovo P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform Tikhonovich accused
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 730. Letters of the Gorodishchensky district leader of the nobility V. Esaulov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activities;On stay in St. Petersburg and other cities
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 731. Letters Epanchin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the strike movement in the Yekaterinoslav province /at the Bryansk plant /, in Kharkov and Verkhnedneprovsk;On their official activities and economic and financial affairs in the estates of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky /Harvest
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 732. Letter of the inspector of schools of Kharkov province, Yeremeyev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky, reports on the announcement of gratitude for the donation of money to the Gievsky school of the Kharkov district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 733. Letter P. Ermolov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on abuse of the service of the Zemstvo chief of Nizhny Lomov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 734. Letters of I. Eremenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the issuance of dining money to her husband;On the transfer of her son, in connection with the poor state of health, in the non -term part, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 735. Letter of Elena P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses condolences on the occasion of the death of Olga Petrovna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 736. Letters of S. Jewinov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his progress in the service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 737. Egor's letter / employee in the estate of P. D. Mirsky / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 738. Letter of the city of Erokhin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - intercessors to provide his sister with a position in the Kharkov provincial administration
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 739. The petition of A. Ermolov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the provision of his work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 740. Letter to E. Evdokimova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform when he can accept her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 741. Letter of A. Egorov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - recalls meetings and asks to send his photo portrait
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 742. Letter to M. I. Egorova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of a service to her son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 743. "Metropol", hotel
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 744. Letter of P. Erokhin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the longery service in the army, asks to provide a petition for permission to go to the current army for a meeting with his son
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 745. Letter G. Enisherlov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need to carry out reforms in the state structure of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 746. Letters of Catherine / Relative P. D. / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that the strike of railway workers is supposed;About the wound of Stolypin;About your stay in Paris
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 747. A report note by the head of the Chernihiv gendarme administration, commander of a separate corps of the gendarmes P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the identified group of people of the liberal direction in the metro station Novozybkovka, which are often gathered at the bank building and discuss
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 748. Letter D. Zheltokhina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes on the appointment of her nephew L.P. Batezatul to the position of Zemstvo chief of the first section of the Pavlograd district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 749. Letters of P. Zhukovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the manuscript of Popov, in which fake, chaos and public deception of "zemstvo institutions" are revealed, requests his opinion about the article by Kovelyn "Political Ghosts"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 750. Letter of the Protopresbyter of the military and naval clergy A. Zhelobovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky reports that the priest V. Vlasov, whom he petitioned, can receive a priest’s vacancy in the military-spiritual department only in the remote local
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 751. The petition of a resident of the village of Lanchut, Kutaisian province N. R. Jordan to the comrade of the Minister of Internal Affairs P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski on accelerating the investigation of the reason for the arrest of his son Noah Zhordia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 752. Letter P. Zhdanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition and granting her work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 753. Letter of V. Zhilinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation, intercedes with his assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 754. Letters of the manager of the Engalychevsky estate M. Zakrzhevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on conducting an economy in the estate /harvesting, harvesting forest, etc. /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 755. Letter of a member of the Kharkov district zemstvo council Zakharov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - expresses gratitude on behalf of the Zemstvo assembly for the donation of half -twilight of the Earth for silkworm
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 756. Letter of the director of the police department P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that in the first half of May, the M-in Kharkov took place;About a meeting with Lieutenant Prokopovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 757. Letters of the chief of staff of a separate corps of the gendarmes Zuev Svyatopolk-Mirsky reports the need to talk on the issue of Caucasian affairs;on the abolition of the Siberian district and institutions of gendarme supervision in the far East;asks to appoint
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 758. Letter of the chairman of the Society of the Slavic Mineral Waters of the Slavic Mineral Waters of the company, E. Ya. Zalesskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski, intercessifies the permission to arrange lottery-allegry and invited to take part
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 759. Letter of I. Zelentsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the permission of the candidate of natural sciences by N. I. Stopinsky to expand the program published by him the newspaper and the Kharkov reference list
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 760. Letters to O. Zaitseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for permission to Student Ershov to live in Moscow, about the provision of a paramedic’s position in the Giyevka of her friend, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 761. The petition of N. L. Zinevieva in the name of the Minister of Internal Affairs about permission to move from Chernigov, where she was sent in March 1902 for participating in a demonstration of students, in St. Petersburg
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 762. Letter of the bishop of Grodno and Brest Joachim P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he had left with a retinue in Beloven
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 763. Letters E. Zarnskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the provision of the service P.V. Vadbelssky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 764. Letter S. Ziloti P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the provision of Filippov award
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 765. The petition of I. Zlotopolsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the give of recommendations to him in the chapel of Count Sheremetyev
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 766. Letters of M. Zakrevskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of a position to her friend and daughter
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 767. Letter Zakharchenka P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-intercedes to provide him with any position under the Ministry of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 768. Letters of the St. Petersburg Governor A. Zinoviev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-on the participation of a special meeting in discussing the peasant issue, on the degree of subordination of the governors of the ministers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 769. Letter of N. Zasetsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to pay attention to a negligent attitude to the official duties of the Vologda Governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 77. The report of the head of the Saratov provincial gendarme administration to the police department: on the spread of revolutionary leaflets among the workers of Petrovsk and the gatherings of peasants with.Dubasovo, Serdobsky Uyezd, at which the brochure was read and discussed and discussed
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 770. Letter to L. Zalesskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition to enroll her son to the St. Petersburg Polytechnic
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 771. The letter of the Smolensk governor N. Zvelyginsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that on the night of January 1, a breakdown of the shell was thrown into the lower floor of the Governor's house, asks to accept it on the affairs of the province entrusted to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 772. Letters of the colonel of the corps of the gendarmes S. Zmiev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official position and asks to leave him in the service until the length of service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 773. Letter M. Zelensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a motion to assign him the title of dentist
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 774. The letter of M. E. Zuzukhovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - requests permission to bring in the book /name to German.JAZ.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 775. Letter M. Zuevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the appointment of Count Simonich Commissioner for "Peasant Affairs" in one of the province of Poland
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 776. The letter of the executing position of the Kursk governor M. Zilhich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the Minister of Internal Affairs recognizes it impossible to resolve the residence of D. H. Pyuurovsky, whom P. D. Mirsky invited the manager Neklidovs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 777. Letter A. Zabelin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for forgiveness for the official tone in the previous letter to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 778. Letter A. Zarisky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to assist in the sale of her estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 779. Letters by M. Zakharyina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the issuance of a one -time allowance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 780. The letter of N. Zvegintsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send 31 rubles to the name of the regimental treasurer.25 kopecks.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 781. Letter of N. Zdanovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for a pension for her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 782. Letters V. Zimpfel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out his pedigree and asks to provide assistance in obtaining a hereditary estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 783. Letters of V. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about their official activities in the editorial offices of various newspapers "Odessa Left", "Kharkov Vedomosti", etc.;asks for him to provide him with material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 784. Letter to N. Ivanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for the appointment of a pension of T. Statkovskaya
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 785. Letter of Ivan / Tsermdiner / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-On the poor state of health of D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 786. Letter G. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for providing him with the post of Penza medical inspector
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 787. Letters of A. Izmailov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the approval of the bazaar in metro Yakovlevka, asks to come to visit him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 788. Letter Z. Zolotov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to enroll his nephew to the position of adjutant for instructions under P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 789. Letter M. Ivanenko P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his service in the army, asks to provide a petition for the appointment of him by the commander of the regiment and on the transfer of the headquarters of Lass to the civil service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 790. Letter of the manager of the Tver Tange of I. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a request for the provision of service A. I. Petroplevsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 791. Letter to L. Ivanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about a difficult financial situation;He asks to provide a petition to Witte and pay her 5,000 rubles to pay debts for her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 792. Letter of the Kharkov Gendarme Police Directorate of the railways of Yu. Imsen P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, reports that he telegraphed all the heads of ways about his, P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky request, so that they do not accompany him on the path of the Kha
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 793. The letter of Igumenia Unonokentia P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirski - thanks for the credit of her Revunov relative to serve in the gendarmerie
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 794. Letter of M. Iofan P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide material assistance to his son, student of the Academy of Arts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 795. Letter A. Irank P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for permission to print the libretto on the opera of Dogmar written by him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 796. The petition of the headquarters of the 166th Rivnesky regiment Ivanov, the commander of a separate corps of the gendarmes of the General Staff of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on his transfer to a separate building of the gendarmes.Apply a note on the service of Ivanov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 797. Letters of O. V. Ignatova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to provide a motion to enroll her son to the gymnasium on the scholarship of the office of Nicholas II-th and on the provision of her work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 798. Letters of N. Illarionov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirski-asks to provide a motion to change the charter of the regional reproduction "mutual remembering in case of death" that the Kharkov Judicial Chamber elected it a member of the civilian department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 799. Letters of S. Ilyashenka P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of service I. S. Leontyev in the city of Vilna, gives him a positive characteristic, thanks for the portrait sent to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 800. Letter P. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent his dissertation to him, asks to read it and write his comments
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 801. Letter of V. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that his petition for improving the official position of the titular adviser of Cetreus cannot be fulfilled, since Cetreus is not sufficiently diligent in the performance of official duties
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 802. Letter I. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition before Nicholas II on the provision of an amnesty convicts for theft and embezzlement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 803. Letter of M. Ivanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide him with the position of a division doctor in Penza
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 803. Letter I. Ivanova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 804. Letter of N. Ivanova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about her attitude to the message on the appointment of P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky to the post of Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 805. Letters to Z. Ivanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a petition for an increase in pension, congratulates Happy New Year
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 806. Letters of N. Izmailov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of service Kulakov, about the desire of N. A. Koretsky to introduce himself
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 807. Letter to M. Insarova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes to provide her brother’s service in Vilna or Coon
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 808. Letters of N. N. Ikonnikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his attitude to his resignation from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 809. Letter to I. Izov to Ekaterina Alekseevna - writes about the terrible poverty, in which Schabable lives and that she is ready to help her, providing assistance to arrange a child in a city school, on a state account
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 810. The title of the case on the folder: Letters of Ira P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - gives a positive review about Blumenthal, reports on the well -being of her family members and common acquaintancesOn the folder of the case: 1907-1911Manuscript text
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 811. Letter F. Ignatiev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the fall of Port Arthur
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 812. Letter M. Isaeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the participation of her father in the eastern war;about his military merits;about her difficult financial situation, asks to provide assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 813. Letter D. Kadzoev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform the address of his apartment in Moscow
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 814. Letter of Kozyreva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition to the trustee of the Kharkov school district on the appointment of her as a teacher in one of the educational institutions of Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 815. The letter of E. Kurcheninov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that he paid off his debts
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 816. Letter of N. Kabanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about assistance in restoring him to work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 817. Letter of A. Kamarovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors in the case / which is not indicated / sisters
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 818. Letters of I. Keler P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on calculations on bills;On the bankruptcy of some capitalists-bankers and the influence of the shortage of bread on the money market
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 819. Letters V. Korovay P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send a certificate that he served as a gardener
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 820. Letter M. Kravchenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - a description of the Black Sea coast and offers to buy an estate there
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 821. Letter of N. Knyazhsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks his petition to increase his wages
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 822. Letters of I. Kozyrev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for assistance in obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium named afterBaryatinsky for a brother, a patient with a consumption, congratulates a Happy New Year
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 823. Letters of N. M. Company P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessifies on the appointment of the post / bailiff in the city of Kharkov, Captain Bernadsky, about the desire to sell to Princess Catherine the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 824. Letter V. Koshitz P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petitions for the appointment of a pension to the widow N. O.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 825. Letter of an agent of the Northern Insurance Society G. I. Krichevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - tries to permission to insure all buildings in the estates of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 826. Letter M. Kuzmishin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the attention rendered
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 827. Letters A. Kozlova P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 828. Letters to S. Kalpashnikov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the revolutionary movement in Russia, about the rottenness of the state apparatus, asks to provide a petition for the improvement of his children, the appointment of a pension, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 829. Letter P. Kantov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the increase in his pension
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 83. Summary of police security departments about the searches and arrests of participants in the revolutionary movement in the GG.Vilna, Kovna and Dvinsk
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 830. The letter of F. Keller P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky invites you to take part in the celebration on the occasion of the opening of the monument to A. S. Pushkin in Yekaterinoslav;About the upcoming honoring of the memory of the doctor Yu. Magnusovich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 831. Letter A. Keldinin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - explains the reason for the untimely payment of salary to teachers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 832. Letters of A. Keldin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors the provision of the position of Zemstvo chief on the provision of Albin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 833. Letters G. Kolokoltsev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - On difficulties in managing the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 834. Letter P. Kantov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the appointment of him as a police officer in the metro station of Cenbara
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 835. Letter of the head of the Terek region S. Kokhanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the upcoming journey through the Terek region
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 836. Letters of F. Keller P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about the growth of discontent among the workers of the Yekaterinoslav province, on the training of workers of the Yuzovsky district and the Donskoy army for the celebration on May 1, 1902, expresses the idea that only repressions, police me
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 837. The petition of E. Kovalenkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the return of the Novomoskovsk provincial administration of 95 rubles, collected from the orphanage of her children
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 838. The petition of the police officer of the Kharkov province V.N. Clauning P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about his arrangement for the post of police supervisor of one of the provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 839. Letters of A. Karaulov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates Happy New Year and thanks for the attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 840. Letter M. Kulevtseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send 500 rubles to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 841. Letter of A. Karpov / Peace Judge / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to protect him from attacks by prison inspector
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 842. Letters of P. Kamensky / Mariupol leader of the nobility / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on his work;On the revision of the Mariupol Territory;about his participation in the III-Eye All-Russian Congress;on the sending of his work "On the fight against poverty";From the report of the pro
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 843. Letters of I. Knyazev / Yekaterinoslav Governor / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the strike movement of workers in factories and mines of the Yekaterinoslav province;On the suppression of the gendarmerie of the strike movement and arrests among workers
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 844. Letter of Kaparian P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the approval of the Decree of the Alexander City Duma on the construction of a building for the female gymnasium near the city garden
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 845. Letter of N. Kashkin Nikolai Sergeevich - expresses condolences about the death of D. I. Svyatopolk -Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 846. Letters of V. Kozlov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the approval of the plan of the economy submitted by P. D. Mirsky and reports the time when he can visit him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 847. Letter A. Company P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the plan for collecting donations for the poor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 848. Letter of A. Krzhizhanovsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his consent to attend his family at the family evening in the Yacht Club
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 849. The petition of N. Kutepov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the definition of A. Kutepov to the service of the Ministry of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 850. Letter of I. Karmalin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for permission by the Austrian subject of the trainer to extend the deadline for residence in Yekaterinoslav
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 851. Letters of the St. Petersburg mayor of N. Kleinmhel P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that he sent a foreign passport for S. V. Sheremeteva and on the implementation of a number of other petitions by P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 852. A copy of the letter of V.V. Komarov to the director of the Chancellery of the Finnish Governor General Colonel F.F. Zeyina - recommends involving Melik Megrabov to work on the censorship reform to the censorship reform
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 853. Letter I. Komarovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to talk with Sinyagin in the case of N. Katkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 854. Letter S. Company P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the assistance to arrange her in the Kyiv music school
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 855. Letters to V. Kostromitinova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for his petitions for the appointment of a scholarship to student A. B. German and his intervention in the sale of the estate of Gr.Kutuzova
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 856. Letter A.F. Koni M.N. Vasiliev - brings gratitude for the sending of his brochure "Evil the entire press"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 857. Letter of A. Kireev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the spread of Comrade.the constitutional opposition among delegates of the upcoming Congress of Zemstvo, the idea of ​​the need to demand a constitution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 858. Letter G. I. Christie P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to accept Colonel Vyrubov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 859. Letter of Kukol-Uznopolsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports that the petition of the peasant A. I. Kuzmin was transferred to the comrade of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 860. Letter P. Katkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for enrolling him in the Guards School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 861. The letter of N. Kaulberg P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky sets out the circumstances in which he made a report to the chief prosecutor in the case of separatists
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 862. Letter to O. Kopacheva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes on enrolling the gendarmes of the gendarmes of Lieutenant Sangashiri
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 863. Letter of A. Karaulov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-about his difficult financial situation, petitions for the appointment of a pension and asks him to recommend him somewhere to work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 864. Letter of I.V. Keler P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 865. Letter K. Korolkov P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to assist in the provision of any position S.P. Nikolsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 866. Letter to Verznevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports a successful resolution of the case Khmelnitsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 867. Letters M. Kruzenshtern P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks her to help her accept her in the English campaign group in Chemion, in which Peter Dmitrievich consists, he believes that this case is very profitable, since Chemion oil will go to Chinese iron d
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 868. Letter of A. Kaledinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for providing him with a service in the Vilnius or Grodno province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 869. Letter A. Karaulova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the appointment of him by the governor of the Vilenskaya, Kovensky and Grodno provinces
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 870. Letters of L. Kislikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for assistance on enrolling her son to a higher educational institution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 871. The petition of the official of the Alexander Committee on the wounded H. A. Kokokoraki P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the enrollment of his candidate for the position of county leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 872. 1 sheet
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 873. Letter of V. Kovalevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the election of P. D. Mirsky Honorary Truste of the Yekaterinoslav Commercial School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 874. Letter of E. A. Kozlovskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports poor health and thanks for the rendered financial assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 875. Letter P. Katerinich M.M. Mirskoy - asks to help in the arrested student Kulikovsky P. T.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 876. Letter M. Kozminskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirskaya-asks her motions to release a student of Kulikovsky from the arrest of a student
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 877. Letters of V. Kilintsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on receiving wine in Poland;On preparation for the ball arranged by the Society of the "Red Cross", about the transportation of things from the palace to the country, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 878. Letters of A. Katsytsevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on his official affairs;asks to assist in a promotion;Congratulations on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 879. Letter of N. Kryachaninov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange his son as the leader of the nobility
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 880. The letter of the manager of the Committee of Ministers A. Kulemzin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to take part in the celebration of the centenary of the existence of the Committee of Ministers and ministries
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 881. Letter F. Kurmey P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the petition to transfer him to the border service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 882. Letters of P. Kol K. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of a service in the gendarmes building to her son and Captain Lupakov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 883. Letter of G. Koldievsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the impossibility of fulfilling his petition for the transfer of Captain Stefani from light artillery to one of the fortress artillery units
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 884. Letter of V. Karpov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the enrollment of T. Lass to the Military Academy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 885. Letter of P. Krongelm P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for a positive decision on the appeal of his appeal to the Government Senate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 886. The petition of I. M. Kalensky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on his definition to work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 887. Letters V. Scheskul P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the evacuated infirmary
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 888. Letter M. Kabanova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks her son to work in his department
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 889. Letter M. Koshkarov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on sending him his research, about the economic study of the situation of peasants and their work on the history of peasant legislation
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 890. Letter to V. Kainina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of service S. D. Levshin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 891. Letter A. Katkov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide the position of Zemstvo chief A. Rostovtsev
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 892. Letters led.Prince.Konstantin Konstantinovich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - regarding the letter of publicist Sharapov about the conclusions issued by a meeting of zemstvo figures /1904 /;Supplies about the appointment of Volkov P.P.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 893. Letter K. Komarov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the provision of service to G. Tsvetkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 894. Letters of A. Koronitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the progress of the repair of the Palace P. D. Mirsky in the city of Vilna
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 895. Letter E. Creger P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to give his review about her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 896. Letter I. Krinz P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-thanks for the attention rendered to him in honor of the 50th anniversary of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 897. Letters of A. Kudryavtseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - petition for the provision of a service to his son and acquaintances;About the upcoming trip to South Tyrole, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 898. The letter of V. Kapnist P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 899. Letters of the executing position of the Kharkov district leader of the nobility of B. Karazin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to inform his consent to shelter for free of charge in his estate of the sick and wounded soldiers and officers;About visiting Nikolai II of Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 900. Letter of V. Kareeva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on his official activities - asks the Council how to achieve a decision to withdraw from his personal file a document confirmation in the past
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 901. Letter N. Kropotkin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to give him the position of vice-governor
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 902. Letters by M. Katkova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on his official affairs, being a teacher of the Lyceum in Moscow
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 903. Letter A. Katurkhin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the battles near Liaoyan
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 904. Letters of M. Kleinmichel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - invitations for lunch, congratulates on the appointment to the post of Minister of the Interior, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 905. Letter of M.V. Karaseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the humane views expressed by Peter Dmitrievich in a speech on a peasant issue
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 906. Letters of N. Komarovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the resolution of Mirsky to print his note / The topic is not indicated / in the form of a brochure
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 907. Letter M. Kropotkina P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the reactionary policy of the tsarist ministers, violating all freedom and justice
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 908. Letter N. Kutis P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports his rejection of the post of senator
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 909. The letter of I. I. Korobov / Belevsky philistine / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send 50 rubles to the road.from Belev to St. Petersburg;wants to personally see Peter Dmitrievich and be at his disposal
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 91. Messages of the director of the police department A. Lopukhin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky about the strikes of workers on the mines of the Lensky Mountain District, on the expulsion of a military team for the reprisal against workers;On the arrests of workers and students for the distribution of illegal lyt
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 910. A report note by Professor N. Kolomiytsev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his needs for scientific work to receive newspapers of foreign and Russian foreign press: "spark" , "revolutionary Russia" , "liberation" , etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 911. Letter M. Kartazinsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks him to give him the position of provincial member in peasant affairs
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 912. Letter of S. A. Kumbar P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that in the draft of the will S. I. Rally, written by G. A. Andreev, a lot of false
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 913. Letter P. Kuriato P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 914. Letter E. Kutateladze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - congratulates on the appointment of the Minister of the Interior
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 915. Letter P. Kutin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out its point of view on the functions of a volost court
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 916. Letter G. Katsenlenbogen P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to print his speech in a government messenger
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 917. Letter A. Kamensky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange it for the position
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 918. Letter to O. Kobetsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about the unjust attitude towards him in the editorial office of the "Vilensky messenger" and asks to give him a job
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 919. Letters of A. Klopov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the need for a number of reforms, which, in his opinion, can facilitate the position of the people's masses of Russia
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 920. Letters of V. Kozlov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the growth of the revolutionary movement in Russia in size that threaten the very existence of the existing system;about the growth of the revolutionary movement among the peasants /numerous facts of ruin ruin of landowners
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 921. Letter of N. Kravchenko / Artist / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his attitude to the pursuance of worldly politics during his stay as the Minister of the Interior;outraged by the fact of heartless shooting at the people of January 9th
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 922. Letter to L. Kazem-bek P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-is interested in the state of health of P. D. Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 923. Letter to V. Kansvenskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to arrange Sabo to the post of official of special assignments
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 924. Letter P. Kamenskaya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the attention rendered to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 925. Letter K. Kekul P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide financial assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 926. Letter I. Kozyrev P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky, in which it reports on the strike of workers of the steam locomotive factory and railway;The refusal of troops to shoot at the workers, about the victims and the wounded participants in the strike.There is also a ballot about a strike with
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 927. Katya’s letter to Misha - a clipping from the newspaper / which is unknown / about the political views of Svyatopolk -Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 928. Letters of N. Kipanidze P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the excitement of peasants with.Roll, Kharkov province;on the ruin and arson of landowner estates by peasants;About hostilities in the Far East and the position of the Russian army
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 929. Letter V. Kolenko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide a service that is not related to the exits
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 930. Letter N. Company P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 931. Letter N. Kuliner P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses his opinion on the issue of the establishment of the State Duma
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 932. Letter of V. M. Krause P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses sympathy in connection with his resignation, speaks of the usurpation of power in Russia by autocracy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 933. Letters M. Kruzenshtern P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his stay abroad;About Russia, which is dear to Russian people;about their big debts;About the desire to sell the estate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 934. Letter of N. Kulyabko-Koretsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to make out the law for prisoners in the Shchulamburg fortress and free people who have long left their terms, to realize the case of legality and justice
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 935. Letter A. Krasnova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about his distress, asks for help
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 936. Letters of Ketunya P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about his treatment;about their money matters;thanks for the help of Arsenia;asks to assist in the case with Rosienko
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 937. Письма А. Капукухина П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - о революционных событиях в январе 1906 г. в Люботике
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 938. Letter of a comrade of the Minister of Finance V. Kovalevsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports the desire to leave the occupied post
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 939. Letter to O. Kolokoltseva P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to send a certificate of personality
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 940. Letter A. Kon P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide him with the position of ruler of the office in Grodno
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 941. The letter of Kosyanov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that he cannot fulfill his request for the construction of Leonid Borozda to the institute
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 942. The letter of K. Chrislavitsky P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-reports the distribution of scholarships of his name at the Ponevoyzh-Pnevsky and Chipan Schools, Kovenian lips.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 943. Letter of K. Krshivitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the scholarships of his name in the Girsud and Pusholat schools, the Coven province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 944. Letters of V. Kozlov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - promises to send a brochure - "The party of peaceful renewal and its activities in the 1st State Duma";He promises to take part in the construction of the eye hospital named afterHirschman
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 945. Letter of the teacher F. Yu. Kurtnay P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about the terrible situation of teachers in Russia who receive scanty pennies for their work, asks her to provide material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 946. Letters of I. Kishin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of the post of teacher of the German language of the Kharkov female Gymnasium of Galatsai, reports that it is not possible to arrange Lyzlov to the position of Zemsky chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 947. Letters of S. Kolosov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent to the name of P. D. Mirsky Pamphire, which is part of a great work conceived by him /which is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 948. Letter of the Chairman of the Boarding Council of the Yekaterinoslav Commercial School - asks to promote the successful resolution of the request to the Minister of Trade and Industry to provide the school of an interest -free loan of 150,000 rubles.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 949. Letters of A. Kravtsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for a good recommendation, thanks to which he got a good job and promises with diligent labor to justify positive reviews about him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 950. Letter of the prosecutor of the St. Petersburg Court of Criminal Chamber K. ... / The surname of the author of the illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-asks to testify as a witness in the case of A. A. Lopukhin
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 951. Letter of H. Kreiter P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky on the sale of land plots
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 952. A letter of a friend of the manager of the state noble land bank I. Kartsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that the Bank's Council permitted a loan of 122,400 rubles.on the security of the Gievsky estate, estimated at 204,000 rubles
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 953. The letter of the Kharkov governor K. ... / The surname of the author is illegible / P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he arranged a paramedic R. Z. Rogachevskaya for service, but it will be under the supervision of the police
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 954. Letters of M. Kobtsev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for the assistance rendered in receiving the position of assistant Kobelian district police officer
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 955. Letters of the Chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court Kudrin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mir-reports that his interrogation in the case of the preparation of a false testament on behalf of Prince B. Oginsky will be carried out on May 11, 1911
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 956. Letter V. Kolpashnikova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his official activity, asks him to recommend him to the post of forester in one of the forestry of the Gorodishchensky district, the Penza province
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 957. Letter of D. Konovalov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that his petition for a deferred for an attack for oil production in the Ferghana region was sent to the conclusion of the district engineer of the Turkestan Mountain District
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 958. Letter P. L. Kremere P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to provide financial assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 959. Letters of N. Kalerovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of his service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 960. C. ... / surname of the author illegible / Ekaterina Alekseevna Svyatopolk -Mirskaya - asks to petition to Peter Dmitrievich to consider the case of her husband with the head of the Yekaterinoslavsky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 961. Letter of N. A. Kalmykova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes for the provision of material assistance to her
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 962. Letter of D. Kamenetsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks not to refuse D.V. V. Philosophy and D. S. Merezhkovsky at their petitions /which are not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 963. GA RF
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 964. Letters of N. Lord Kipanidze P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-petition for the provision of his acquaintances of the service;about the state of health of his family and acquaintances, thanks for his attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 965. Letter N. Kleimichel P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercedes the approval of the "Charter of the Orthodox Lutov Brotherhood in the name of St. John the Baptist"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 966. Letter R. Klouklin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for the provision of work Ivanenko
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 967. Letters P. Klushin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the provision of a service to his nephew
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 968. Letter N. Kozhukhova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for participating in the definition of her son for service
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 969. Letter of A. Kolokoltsov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports on the arrival of the French in Beloveozh
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 970. Letter G. Kolokoltsev P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his attention to him
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 971. On the folder of the case: b/dManuscript text
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 972. Letters of P. Kol P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors about the provision of a service to his nephew and about the permission of H. The pharmacy to open a pharmacy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 973. The letter of I. Komarovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky reports that he sent him his article placed in the newspaper "Light"
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 974. The letter of I. Komarovsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that he sent him an article from the newspaper "Voskhod", asks to give comments on it
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 975. Letters P. Konokotin P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-mourn about the loss of Port Arthur, writes about a poor production of school education in tsarist Russia and about the measures of improvement
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 976. Letter to N. Korukhova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - intercessors to provide her son with the position of zemstvo chief
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 977. Letter to E. Kostina P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - that she is not hired as a teacher, citing the fact that she does not belong to the noble family, asks to provide material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 978. Letter A. Kostyshko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for assistance in receiving the position of assistant bailiff of Sumy
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 979. Letter to V. Kokhnalova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his stay in Tiflis
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 980. Letters of A. Kulamzin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to appoint him a date
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 981. Letters K. Kurko P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the appointment of a pension to his sick brother and providing him with work
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 982. A report note by the Committee of the Society of Agriculture in Vilno P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - on the need to open higher educational institutions in the city of Vilna.They ask for permission to subscribe to collect voluntary donations in order to open polytechnic
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 983. Letter to O. Lipinskaya P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-thanks for the petition to provide her with the position of a classroom lady in the II gymnasium of Kharkov
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 984. Letter to M. Litvinova P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about poor health, asks her to provide material assistance
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 985. Letter of N. Litvinov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - reports that Samoilov was admitted to the post of officer, gives his review about Alferov, police officer of Kerensky district
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 986. Letters of F. Lomonosov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the appointment of an increased pension, thanks for the services rendered, etc.
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 987. Letters by V. Launin P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - sets out a review about the police chief Sokolovsky, intercedes the provision of service Yurkevich
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 988. Letters of N. Lyubimov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - thanks for his family's attention
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 989. Letter of N. Leonov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - expresses his condolences about his poor state of health
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 990. Letters of V. Lokhvitsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the provision of a service in one of the churches of the city of Rostov, thanks for the gift sent
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 991. Letter of A. Lapin Alexei Aleksandrovich - intercessifies him to enroll him in a higher educational military institution
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 992. Letter of N. Lashkevich P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks not to refuse his friend A. A. Auerbach at his petition /which is not indicated /
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 993. Letters of M. Ya. Lyubimov P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks his petition to provide his son -in -law and to enroll his son to the Higher Yekaterinoslav Mining School
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 994. Letter of M. L. ... / The surname of the author is illegible /- / commander of the 80th Kabardinsky regiment / P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky-expresses condolences on behalf of the entire regiment about the death of his father D. I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 995. Letters of M. A. Launitz P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - about his impressions of Sich, petitions for the transfer of forester Stegman to the Kharkov Directorate
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 996. Прошение В. П. Липского П. Д. Святополк-Мирскому - поздравляет с назначение на пост губернатора Ковенской губернии, благодарит за оказанное содействие в зачислении его детей в учебные заведения в г. Харькове
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 997. Letters A. Liven P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks for his assistance in enrolling Shpakovskaya to the position of paramedic in the Krivyakinsky hospital;On the release of the Student of Bogorodsky from the arrest of
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 998. Lukashevich’s letter P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - writes about official activities in the past and asks his petition to provide him with the position of assistant to the head of the provincial prison
ГА РФ. 1729 / 1 / 999. Letter of V. Lukomsky P. D. Svyatopolk -Mirsky - asks to petition for the enrollment of his son by a student of Kyiv University
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