Cases of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the Union of the SSR.1929

Identifier 6e6e8ba4-e15f-4ad4-8937-f1e88c150bfe
Title Cases of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the Union of the SSR.1929
Dates 1929
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 3316 / 22
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 1200 units.xp.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1000. On the convening of the All-Union Eastern Congress in 1929-30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1001. On the convocation of the 2nd Congress of Archival Workers of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1002. On the organization at the Central Asian ECOSO Committee on the Establishment of cf.-AZeducational institutions and scientific institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1003. On approval of the position of professor on the orthopedics on the medical faculty of Central Asian State University and announcing the competition for this position
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1004. On the research expedition in the Barents Sea to create a raw material fish base
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1005. On the organization of the Society "East-Europe" in Berlin a cycle of reports on the history of culture of the peoples of the Black Sea
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1006. On the package of the NK TRASS RSFSR materials about graduate students
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1007. The States of the Scientific Association of Oriental Studies for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1008. The States of the Communist University.Sverdlova for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1009. The States of the Institute of Red Professors for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1051. Calendar plan of the training committee for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1076. Representation of the Central Asian Communist University on the authorization of existing at the Central Asian Communist University: a/ lecture group, used Komsomol asset, military courses of print workers and g/ courses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1095. The case of the commission on the reorganization and revision of the Charter of the Academy of Sciences
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1102. On socialist competition in scientific and educational institutions of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1103. On the five -year existence of the Museum of the Revolution of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1104. On the participation of institutions subordinate to the scientific committee in the spring agricultural campaign
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1105. On measures for the "Harvest and Collectivization Day"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1106. Issues related to the convocation of the V-Hang Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1107. Reports of the members of the CEC of the Union on the conduct of the reporting and election campaigns
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1108. Reports of members of the USSR CEC on the reporting and election campaign
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1109. On the participation of farm laborers and agricultural workers in reporting and re -bribing meetings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1110. Conclusions and proposals for re -election of advice, congresses of councils and executive committees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1111. Circular of the SSR union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1112. On the number of voters in Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1113. On the norms of representation for the Union Narpit
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1114. The draft resolution on the report of the Baku Council on the re -rational of the Soviets 1928/29.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1115. Shigaev report on the results of re -election of advice in the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1116. Materials on the conduct of the election campaign in the Azerbaijan Republic and the city of Baku with the county
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1117. On the electoral rights of persons trading in shops of trusts and cooperative organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1118. On the clarification of p. "K" Art.11 Instructions "On Elections to the Councils"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1119. On changing the instructions on elections to councils regarding farms, taxed individuals, as well as assigned to kulak farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1120. Protocols of the Central Ingurcom of the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1121. A reporting note on a trip to Ukraine Shigaev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1122. Reports of the NKPS, the Supreme Economic Council, the Central Union and the Union of Unions of the C/X Cooperation on the participation of the re -election of the Soviets in the campaign
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1123. Reports on the results of familiarization with the course of re-election of advice in the Nizhne-Volga region and the North-Western region
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1124. On the payment of documents related to the issuance of certificates of electoral rights
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1125. Greetings /t.-y/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1126. Greetings /t.II/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1127. On the composition of the Great Directorate (Council) of the Institute of K. Marx and F. Engels
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1128. On the appointment of V.I. Wager, the rector of the Communist University of Working Chinese
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1129. On the approval by the assistant professor of Central Asian State University of Voskresensky M. N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1130. On the appointment of a professor of Central Asian State University Golub V.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1131. О назначении доцентом Средне-Азиатского Государственного Университета Доливо-Добровольского В. В.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1132. On the appointment of a professor at the Central Asian State University Zhuchkova N. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1133. On the approval of Zimont D. I. as professor of the clinic of the Central Asian State University at the Department of Ear, Throat and Nosa
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1134. On the approval of Khbetmetov V. G. Professor of the Selphak of Central Asian State University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1135. On the appointment of Carp by V. B. Associate Professor of Central Asian State University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1136. On the appointment of Associate Professor of Central Asian State University Kemzer N.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1137. On the appointment of Associate Professor of Central Asian State University Lavrentiev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1138. On the appointment of a professor at the Central Asian State University - Rostovsky A.N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1139. Materials in the case of Rita
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1140. On the appointment of Associate Professor of Central Asian State University Sokolov D. Ya.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1141. On the appointment of a professor at the Central Asian State University, Soldatova L.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1142. On the approval by the professor of Central Asian State University - Sreznevsky V.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1143. A notification of the appointment by the chairman of the scientist of the Committee Sterlov Yu.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1144. On approval by a professor of Central Asian State University of Stefansky V. to
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1145. On the appointment of Stradsky B. I. Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Medical Faces of Central Asian State University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1146. On the approval of Tolstikhin A. I. Associate Professor of Central Asian State University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1147. On the approval of the personal rate of Comrade Huri
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1148. About the work of a member of the Cyx Grishankova F. R.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1149. On the responsible secretary of the budgetary commission of Vetoshkina M.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1150. About the return of things selected from gr.Ignatyuk and Shkurovsky Bigsse customs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1151. On the return of the house Turchaninova A.F. (former landowner)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1152. On the exclusion from the Central Asian State University Akpaev K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1153. On the exclusion from the members of the Komsomol and from among 3 -year students of the Turkological seminary of the Leningrad Eastern Institute of Aslyaev and on the revision of this resolution
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1154. On the approval of pom.Director for the administrative and economic part of the ARCT?.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1155. On admission to the Leningrad Eastern Institute Bagaev V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1156. On the exclusion from the Leningrad Eastern Institute of Bogatyrev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1157. On the exclusion from the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Narimanov Vinogradov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1158. On the approval of Grigoryev B.I. as a vice-rector for the administrative and economic unit of the Communist University named afterSverdlov and on the liberation of Baltrushevich I. A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1159. On the exclusion from the Rabfacian at the Central Asian State University of Koluzayev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1160. On the exclusion from the Central Asian State University of Krzhizhevsky G. V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1161. On the appointment of a professor at the Central Asian State University Mikhailov M.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1162. On the exclusion from the Institute of Oriental Studies.Narimanova Raskina A. O.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1163. On the restoration of the rights of a student of Central Asian State University N.F. Yakubo
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1164. About the pension prof.Mironov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1165. On an increase in the pension, the widow of the revolutionary champion of the Herodion Evdoshvili
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1166. On the improper lines of the agricultural tax, the tax of Polespova D.O.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1167. On the release of Rusinov N. A. From the duties of the vice-rector for the administrative and economic unit of the Communist University named afterYa. M. Sverdlova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1168. On the approval of M.V. Rydaev as deputy head of the economic department of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1169. About the pension gr.Sumbatov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1170. About the pension of the trauma A.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1171. On admission to the Institute of Oriental Studies, Uglovskaya K.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1172. Letter in the name of ComradeStalin gr.Khanukhova M.A. and Agaronova R. Kh. On the situation of Mountain Jews in Dagestan and Azerbaijan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1173. About the pension of the daughter of the deceased old revolutionary I. M. Kochalov Gale Kochalova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1174. The petition of the artist of state academic opera theaters P.I. Tsesevich on issuing permission to travel abroad with him to his wife
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1175. The petition of Tsygankova P. Ya. On the appointment of her permanent benefit
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1176. Complaint of the dehansky-scotovodes of the village of Kuyunji Iolotansky district for the decree of the Dushak customs on the confiscation of livestock
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1177. On the seizure of the library from gr.Sheremetyeva P. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1178. The proposal of the weaver of the Likinsky factory Maksimov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1179. On the approval of Blagonravova G.I. deputy.People's Commissar of Traffic routes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1180. On the provision of scholarships named afterM.I. Kalinina, Volkov G.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1181. On the tariffing of Najarov wages
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1182. Training in a promise of comradeLashuk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1183. On the structure of Monaselidze R. M. in the VTUZ and on the appointment of a scholarship to him
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1184. A copy of the thesis student Lentina E. D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1185. On the approval by the vice-rector for the educational part of the Central Asian State University of Yushkevich
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1186. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Komarova F.N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1187. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" gr.Burtseva T. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1188. On the transfer of the Union refrigerator to the Volga-Caspian State Reservation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1189. Examination of the Northern Faculty of the Leningrad Eastern Institute
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 119. On the liberation of Ustinov from the duties of the USSR envoy in Greece and on appointment.In his place Potemkina V.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1190. On the revision of the list of members of the scientist of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1191. About the foreign business trip of Professor T.T.Pozner V. M. and Drozdova P. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1192. An extract from the protocol of the meeting of the scientist committee on the expedition to Ingushetia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1193. On the plans of research expeditions in 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1194. On the codification of the laws of the USSR, on the reorganization of the maternity and reference bureau and the abolition of the codification commission at the Council of People's Commissars
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1195. On consideration by supervision of the case Said Kadyrov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1196. The minutes of the meeting of the Committee on the Presidium of the USSR CEC to promote the construction of large grain Soviet farms on the replenishment of the composition of the committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1197. Protocol of the meeting of the commission and correspondence on the issue of improving the material situation of the Marxist-Leninist research institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 1198. The draft letter of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR I.V. Stalin in connection with his fiftieth anniversary
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 120. On the liberation of Bogomolov D.V. from the duties of the envoy in Poland
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 122. The powers of Karakhan L. M. and on the appointment of it by the delegate to the Soviet-Chinese conference
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 123. On the appointment of Antonov-Ovseenko V.A. Poloknom of the USSR in Poland
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 127. On the allocation from the Uzbek SSR of Tajikistan to the Union Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 128. On the allocation of the Tajik SSR from the Uzer SSR./Economic demarcation/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 129. Additional information on the issue of territorial disputes between the Tajik and Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 13. Greeting to the workers of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic on the day of the 10th anniversary of the authorities in Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 130. On changing the introductory part of the Treaty on the formation of the USSR, in connection with the formation of the Tajik Union Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 131. On the norms of representation at the 5th All-Union Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 132. The project of the questionnaire for delegates of congresses of the Soviets of the Union Republics and the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 133. On the convening of the 5th Congress of Soviets of the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 134. On the composition of the commissions for the 5th All -Union Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 135. On the form of accounting for the composition of the Verbs -Belief Congresses of the Councils and the Tsiks of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 136. About members and candidates put forward to the Councils of Nationalities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 137. On the number of lanes of the newspaper "Izvestia CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 138. Request of workers in Chelyabinsk / Ceramic Plant / allow them to attend the 5th All -Union Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 14. Greetings of workers, employees and Ing.-technical.personnel of the Votkinsk metallurgical and agricultural construction plant
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 140. Organization and maintenance of national minorities in Georgia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 141. Report of Central Play on the Presidium of the Council.1. On the transfer of the Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the Union of the SSR from the jurisdiction of the scientist committee to the direct jurisdiction of the Presidium of the Council of Nationalities.2. Regulations on centrijack
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 142. About the day and time of meetings of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 143. On the education of the Secretariat of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 144. On the procedure for calling representatives to meetings of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR and sending protocol decisions of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 145. On the time of meetings of the Presidium and the Secretariat of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 146. On the establishment of the case of publication of textbooks for schools of national minorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 148. Personal correspondence of Petrovsky G.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 149. On the petitions and protests of Wutsik, who are consistent with the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 15. Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU/b/, the CEC of the USSR, the All -Union Central Council of Trade Unions from the workers and employees of the Red Vyborzhets plant
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 150. On trainees on the apparatus of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 151. Request of the department of workers and peasant women of the Central Committee of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Send a memorandum to nominate women to a leading and responsible job
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 152. Letter of a member of the CEC of the USSR Arinichev P. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 153. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the Union of SSR Gazi Akhmedov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 154. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Butko
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 155. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Velichko A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 156. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Veselov A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 158. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Gamanets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 159. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Grankin F. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 16. Greetings of the builders of the Irtysh bridge
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 160. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Druchenko M. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 161. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Epur G.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 162. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Eremin S.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 163. Letter of a member of the CEC of the USSR Eremchuk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 164. On the work of the candidate for member of the CEC of the USSR A. Zernova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 165. Report of a candidate for member of the CEC of the USSR Kukushkina F.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 166. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Lavrushin M.S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 167. On the election of the CEC of the USSR Liss Yu. M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 168. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Lysunets P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 169. On the work of the candidate for member of the USSR CEC of the USSR, Sosaeva D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 17. On the addition of the Regulation on the Committee on the Establishment of Scientists and Educational Institutions of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 170. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Milnik A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 171. Information about the work of a member of the CEC of the USSR Morozova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 172. Correspondence with a candidate member of the USSR CEC Nikiforov A.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 173. On the death of a member of the CEC of the USSR Chairman of the CEC AKSSR T. NURTOVA
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 174. Reports of Perova S.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 175. Letters of a member of the CEC of the USSR of Piskovatsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 176. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Safronov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 177. Letter of a member of the CEC of the USSR sulfur D. O.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 178. Letter of a member of the CEC of the USSR Simonkina G.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 179. Correspondence with a member of the CEC of the USSR Sukochev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 18. On approval of the composition of the Great Directorate of the Institute K. Marx and F. Engels
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 180. Report of a member of the CEC of the USSR Trufanov about the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 181. On the procedure for paying members and candidates for member of the CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee and about the salaries of the response of the CEC apparatus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 182. On the organization of the exhibition to the International Women's Day on March 8 and on a meeting of scientific institutions and organizations in Moscow, in connection with March 8
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 183. The CEC of the USSR for 1929-1930
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 184. On the adoption of the Institute of V.I. Lenin on the estimate of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 185. About the time of convening and the order of the day of the 2nd session of the CEC of the USSR of the 5th convocation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 186. On changing the provision on entry to the borders of the USSR and leaving the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 187. On changing the provisions on emergency measures to protect the revolutionary order
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 188. On the establishment of different standards from individual segments of the population during elections to the City Councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 189. On the establishment of criminal sanction for the obstruction of the laborers and the s/household.workers use their electoral rights
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 19. On the composition of the budgetary commission of the CEC of the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 190. On the establishment of representation norms in councils from small enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 191. On the norms of representation in the councils established in the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 192. Resolution of Tsiko on a report on the preliminary results of the election campaign in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 193. On the participation of councils and executive committees in the campaign of re -election of delegate assemblies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 194. On the norms of representation from unorganized voters in unions during elections to the Vologda City Council
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 195. On the procedure for choosing delegates to the All-Union Congress of Councils on the Cossack-Karakalpak District of the Uzersch Supreme SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 196. On strengthening criminal liability for violation of labor legislation in kulak farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 197. On the announcement of the law of persons who refused to return to the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 198. On the organization of rural courts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 199. On the addition of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Art.Art.49/1 and 49/2
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 2. On the work of the commissions on the local and on the state of the Fund.V.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 20. On the approval of the composition of the Commission of the Presidium of the USSR CEC for the consideration and resolution of court cases and issues of awarding the Order of the Red Banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 200. On the addition of the Regulation on state crimes of Art.28 (about inventions)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 201. About the change in Art.Art.13, 18, 22 and 38 of the main principles of the criminal legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 202. On the addition of the criminal codes of the TSSR and UZSSR articles providing for the strengthening of social protection measures for the murder of women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 203. On the procedure for imposing arrest and the appeal of property belonging to a foreign state
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 204. On the limitation of the action of Art.3 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on restriction of the imposition of fines in administrative order
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 205. On the distribution of penalty amounts collected for violation of the resolutions of the S/Gathering on the implementation of the grain procurement plan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 206. On the addition of a fine with gr.L. angelstad, imposed for smuggling things
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 207. On the issuance of directive instructions to the governments of the Union republics on the non -use of amnesty to the embezzlers of trade union funds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 208. On the amnesty on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Turkensky SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 21. On approval of the chairmen of standing commissions of the Presidium of COX and on the revision of their composition
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 211. On changing and supplementing the provisions on military tribunals and the military prosecutor's office
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 213. On the change and addition of the Regulation on military tribunals and military.The prosecutor's office
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 214. On the administrative order of the military personnel of the variable
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 215. On measures to strengthen discipline in fire organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 217. On the transfer of materials by the decrees and reference departments of the Secretariat of the Presidium of Cyx in the Central Archive of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 218. About the change in Art.170 Regulations of the Code of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 219. On the addition of the Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for using confiscated, exhaust and ownerless property
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 22. On a change in the Regulation on the Commission of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR on Construction and organizational issues
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 220. On the municipalization of the house I. I. Chaliapina
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 222. On the plan of the resettlement measures of the All -Union Migrant Committee for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 223. On the implementation of directives of the CEC of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, data 6/III-29 on the report of the RCT of the USSR on an examination of a resettlement case
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 224. Regulations on the Presidium and the Secretariat of the All -Union Migrant Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 225. On the inclusion of the territories of the Yakutsk and Buryat-Mongolian author.SSR to the fund of all -union value for the needs of relocation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 226. About the estate gr.Freindlich V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 227. On the calculation of terms in connection with the transition to a continuous production week
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 228. About the change in Art.16 Regulations on the lands provided by transport
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 229. The margin of the CEC of the Union of the SSR for 1930
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 23. On the abolition of the Commission on the Organization of Central Courses for Retraining Women Member of the Councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 231. On a change in the consular charter of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 232. On the procedure for the establishment and liquidation of societies and unions that do not pursue the purpose of making profit
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 233. About state acts.STO-SW "Export-Marganese"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 235. On the entry of the economic department of the CEC of the USSR represented by the D/Rest of the USSR CEC "SUUK-SU" among the shareholders of the state shareholder island "Krymelektro"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 237. According to the protest of the Central Union of the USSR for the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on organizations.Acc.Service "Khlebostroy"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 238. About the shareholder is the "Ipak" /b.Turkeshlak/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 24. On the composition of the commission on consideration and giving conclusions on cases, on cases entering the QICO, in the order of application of private amnesty
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 240. On the conclusion of the contract with a comise and agricultural agent on the financing of the grain -stress for the construction of grain Soviet farms in the Crimean AvtsSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 241. On the merger of the State Yaroslavl Cotton Trust with "Ivtekstil"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 242. On inclusion in the list of public enterprises "Stroybolokno"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 243. On the recognition of the Bashkir Mountain Trust by the enterprise of the public value
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 244. On the addition of the list of all-Union enterprises trust "1st peat bar"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 245. On supplementing the provisions on state industrial trusts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 246. On the redistribution of industrial enterprises between the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR and the VSNH of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 247. On the inclusion in the list of common -united enterprises subordinate to the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, the Shakhstroy GOSTREST
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 248. On the transformation of the All -Union Gold -Industrial Akts.Support "Soyuzzoloto" in the common union.states.industry.Trust "Soyuzzolotoplatin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 25. On the Government Commission on Kamchatka
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 250. On the inclusion in the list of all -Union enterprises subordinate to the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, the State Industrial Trust of the Middle Machine -Building
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 251. On inclusion in the list of all, jurisdiction.VSNH of the USSR, GOSTREST "RAM"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 252. On approval of the list of common -united enterprises subordinate to the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 253. On a change in the current legislation of the USSR in connection with the liquidation of "comztztfond"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 254. On the formation of the All -Union Forest Syndicate
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 255. About the addition of Art.46 Regulations on state industrial trusts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 256. On the approval of the Charter of the State Bank of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 257. On the provision of a joint-stock regional department for the implementation of the inventions of the monopoly law of patenting and the implementation of inventions abroad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 258. On the jurisdiction of claims against defendants who have no place in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 259. The XXII Plenum of the Upper Sour of the USSR on the unconstitutionality of clarification of the Union Council of Social Insurance about the tariff of contributions for social insurance for Soviet farms and their utility enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 26. On the approval of the composition of the Commission of the Presidium of the USSR CEC on the organization and distribution of the Fund named afterV.I. Lenin helped homeless children
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 260. The XXII Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR on the unconstitutionality of the decision of the Union Social Insurance Council on the transfer of capitalized unemployment benefits for the unemployed by a comzet
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 261. XXII Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On the unconstitutionality of the instructions of the NKF and Ntxation of the USSR on the issue of export and import abroad and abroad of foreign exchange and stock values
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 262. XXII Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On the unconstitutionality of the decision of the USSR NCT on the procedure for applying the rules on conciliatory-traceic and judicial considerations of labor conflicts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 263. On the cancellation of the decision of the Plenum of the Upper SSR in the case of Voskobobinikov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 264. Prosecutor’s protest of the Upper Sudge on the resolution of the Plenum on the explanation of Art.8 Regulation on military crimes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 265. On the deviation of the presentation of the prosecutor's office of the Upper Sudge of the USSR on the country for clarification to the upper lines of the Union.Republics and order of additional social protection measures
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 266. Protocols of the XXII Plenum of the Upper Submissions of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 267. On the unconstitutionality of the instructions of the USSR NKF on the provision of agricultural tax benefits
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 268. On the unconstitutionality of the decision of the unions.Council Socialist.SOCIPARITION OF SOURTION OF PROPLAYS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 269. Protocols of the XXIII Plenary meeting of the Supreme Court of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 27. On the approval of the composition of the Commission of the Presidium of the USSR CEC of the USSR on the consideration of decisions of plenary meetings of the Supreme Court of the SSR.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 270. On the unconstitutionality of the clarification of the Central Existy of the NCTRUD of the USSR on the test in the difficulty of service in the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 271. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of Wutsik on measures to strengthen the funds of the mass militarization of workers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 272. On the transfer of the investigation of the upper lord of the USSR to the conduct of the Prosecutor's Office of the Verkhosud of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 273. On the impending life in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on a change in the jurisdiction of military tribunals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 274. On the suspension of the CEC of the Uzer of the USSR, the resolution of the NCT of the USSR on the introduction of the rules on the conciliatory-training and judicial consideration of labor conflicts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 275. On clarification of Art.Art.53, 57 and 63 Rules on the conciliatory-trait and judicial consideration of labor conflicts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 276. On the procedure for implementing the common -united laws in certain sectors of public administration, provided for in Art.1 of the Constitution of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 277. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the TSSR "Regulation on the management of the water economy of the TSSR"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 278. Report of the Verkhovud of the USSR on activities for 1928
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 279. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of the Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the RSFSR in the case of Abramov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 28. On the approval of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Regulations on the Committee on Kamchatka and Sakhalin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 280. About the change in Art.Art.19/1 and 19/2 of the main principles of the criminal legislation of the USSR and the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 281. On the unconstitutionality of the circular and the instructions of the NKF of the USSR on state income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 282. On the unconstitutionality of the rules of social insurance of persons taken by hiring in peasant farms approved by the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 283. XXIV Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On the unconstitutionality of the Decree of the USSR on the addition of the article of the rules for disability and on the occasion
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 284. On the unconstitutionality of the USSR Decree on the addition of the rules on the appointment and issuance of unemployment benefits
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 285. On the unconstitutionality of the explanation of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on the procedure for absorption and addition of sentences
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 286. On the unconstitutionality of the instructions of the NKF of the USSR on the collection of state.commercial tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 287. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of the Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the RSFSR on the procedure for considering the cases of persons serving a sentence in the exile and camps of special forces
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 288. The common cause of the XXIII Plenum of the Upper Submissions of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 289. The common cause of the XXIV Plenary meeting of the Upper Service of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 29. Part of the text in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSRIn the case is the reverse numberingPart of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 290. On the unconstitutionality of the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on classifying the appeal of the taxes on the current accounts and deposits to the functions of the grossing offices
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 291. On the unconstitutionality of the Rules of the NKF of the USSR on the customs tax operation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 292. On the change in the text of the resolution of the XX Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR on the clarification of Art.26 Fundamentals of criminal proceedings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 293. On the unconstitutionality of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on changing customs tariffs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 294. On the conciliatory and judicial consideration of labor conflicts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 295. On the unconstitutionality § 299 of the Instructions of the NKF of the USSR on the procedure for levying fishing tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 296. On the unconstitutionality of the rules for ensuring by social insurance by old age
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 297. On the unconstitutionality of the Rules of the Union Council of Social Insurance about the provision of disability and loss of the breadwinner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 298. On the unconstitutionality of the provision of the NCTRUD of the USSR on the otter-conflict commissions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 299. XXV Plenum of the Upper Service of the SSR./Common cause/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 3. On the vacation of Georgia funds for the construction of children with transport
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 30. On the composition of the special commission for the revision of the basic principles of criminal legislation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 300. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of the CEC and the SSR of the Ukrainian SSR on agricultural tax benefits, farms of rural activists affected by kulak terror
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 301. On the abolition of the commission for the consideration of decisions of plenary meetings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 302. On the procedure for resolving conflicts between the legislative acts of the Union republics on marriage, family and guardianship
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 303. On the commission for the consideration of amendments to the Regulation on the Upper Law of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 304. According to the protest of the Prosecutor of the Upper Sudge of the USSR for the decision of the NKU RSFSR on the reception and analysis of private complaints
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 305. Conclusion of the XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR on the clarification of relations between the investigative bodies of unions.Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 306. On inconsistency with the all -Union legislation of the Nkrut Decree on the verification of the composition of the unemployed
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 307. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.About inconsistency with the common union.the legislation of the resolution of the USSR insurance on the change in Art.48 Rules for ensuring in the order of social insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 308. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.About inconsistency with the common union.the legislation of the resolution of the NCTRUD of the USSR on the working conditions of students in universities and technical schools
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 309. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On inconsistency with the general union legislation of the resolution of the NCTRUD of the USSR on non -proliferation of labor legislation on persons serving religious cults
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 31. On the convening of a meeting on the issue of new tasks of tips in connection with the widely expanded collectivization in the village
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 310. The common cause of the XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudgeon of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 311. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.About inconsistency with the common union.legislation.Explanations of the NKTRUD of the USSR on the procedure for applying benefits for workers and employees sent to universities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 312. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On inconsistency with the all -Union legislation, the instructions of the NKPS on payment of residential premises in houses belonging to transport
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 313. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.About disagreements.With the whole union.the legislation of the resolution of the Upper Service of the RSFSR on the replacement of compulsory work by other measures of social protection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 314. XXVI Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR.On inconsistency with the common legislation of the resolution of the USSR insurance on the provision of family members engaged in hiring in peasant farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 315. On the unconstitutionality of articles 280/1 and 280/4 of the Administrative Code of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 316. About working conditions of nominees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 317. The submission of the prosecutor of the Upper Sudge of the USSR on the unconstitutionality of the Decree of the Central Committee of the USSR of Georgia on the approval and enforcement of the regional law
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 318. On the unconstitutionality of the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the SSR of Georgia on the abolition of district courts and on the jurisdiction of criminal and civil cases
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 319. On the unconstitutionality of the decision of the CEC Azerb.SSR with the addition of the decision of the az.CIKs from 16IV-27 on the granting of ATU and AIA the rights to evict universities from the premises of universities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 32. On replenishment of the composition of the Central Budget Commission at the Nkzdrav
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 320. Resolution of the XXVII Plenum of the Upper Sudge of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 321. The protest of the prosecutor of the Upper Sudge of the USSR for the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR on comradely courts and on courts under village councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 322. On the call of the Government of the SSR Union for the competition for the closure of all churches in Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 323. On the organization at a mosquito of institutions of history and philosophy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 324. On the abolition of some decisions, in connection with the introduction of a new provision on the register of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 325. On the formation of the Central Asian Bureau of the Central Administration of High Service and Graduation Roads and Road Transport of the USSR HDS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 326. On strengthening the material base of the village councils in the Shakhty-Donetsk district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 327. On the conduct of the reporting campaign of the work of urban and rural councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 328. On the transfer of local marketables of the USSR State Planning Commission to the relevant local and regional organizing committees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 329. About the experimental and naming districts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 329. Report on the results of the work of the organization of the Armavir experimental district district of the North Caucasus Territory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 33. Letter of the conference of the National Minority of members of the Birmingham Tridunions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 330. About the inclusion of the village from the village.Vasilyevka of the BSSR in the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 331. On changing state borders between the Ukrainian SSR and the North Caucasus of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 332. On changing the main provisions on the organization in the SSR Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 333. On the work of village councils in areas of continuous collectivization
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 334. On the appointment of Deputy Secretary of Cyx Kirkizh K. O.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 335. On the appointment of Dimanshtein S. M. Chairman of the Scientific Association of Oriental Studies and editor of the journal "Vostokudnia"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 336. The composition of the editorial board of the magazine "Soviet Construction"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 337. On the release of Moinman A. L. from the duties of the deputy.ChKF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 338. On the appointment of Veger rector Kutk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 339. On the appointment of ComradeBubnova A.S. Deputy comradeVoroshilova in the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 34. On the procedure for applying the Code of Labor Laws in Kulak farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 340. On the appointment of Pokrovsky M. N. Head of the Central Archival Administration of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 341. On the approval of the chairman and prosecutor of the Upper Sudent of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 342. On the appointment of the response "Izvestia CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 343. On the release of Kuznetsov from the duties of the deputy.NKF of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 344. On the approval of the composition of the resettlement committee and its presidium
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 345. On the approval of the composition of the comzet
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 346. The composition of the Committee on Management by scientists and educational institutions of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 347. On the appointment of Rogov M.I. deputy.NKF of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 348. On the release of Frumkin M. I. from the duties of the deputy.NKF of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 349. On the appointment of Lunacharsky A.V. Chairman of the Committee on the Plant.Scientists and educational institutions of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 35. On the convening of the congresses of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 350. On the release of ComradeKaganovich from work as part of the editorial office of the magazine "Soviet Construction"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 351. On the deputy secretary of the Commission of the private amnesty /Gusev and Glukhov /
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 352. On the appointment of the rector of the Moscow Eastern Institute.Narimanova Ruzer L.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 353. On the composition of the collegium OGPU
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 354. On the approval of Osinsky V.V. deputy.Chairman of the VSNH
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 355. On the approval of Tomsk M. I. deputy.Presents.VSNH
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 356. On the approval of Akulov I. A. deputy.People's Commissar of the RCT of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 357. On the introduction to the resettlement committee of Pavlyukevich A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 358. On the liberation of Yakovlev Ya. A. From the duties of the deputy.People's Commissar of the NK RKI USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 359. On the introduction of Medvedev A.K. into the Secretariat of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 360. On the release of Kirkih from the duties of the chairman of the commission for Sovetsk.Construction and organizations.questions and appointments by the chairman of the named commission Medvedev A.V.+
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 361. On the approval of Lyubimova I.E. deputy.Narcomtorg of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 362. Об утверждении Гринько, Калмановича, Клименко и Ежова Зам. Наркома Земледелия СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 363. On the approval of Kodadinsky, Lobachev and Kisis deputy.NVORGA
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 364. On the approval of Stasyulis K. L. temporary member of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 365. On the appointment of Krunko S. I. Post.representative of the Ukrainian SSR under the Government of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 366. On the liberation of Ibragimov I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 367. On the appointment of a permanent representative of the Knosice of the USSR under the Government of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 368. On the appointment of a representative of the Tajik SSR under the Government of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 369. GA RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 37. The manifesto of the All -Union rally of young pioneers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 370. On reports on the activities of departments and departments of the CEC of the USSR at the end of the budget year
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 372. Report of the publishing house "Izvestia CEC of the USSR and ??"for 1928 and the balance of the publishing house for 1/1-29 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 373. Promfinplan of the grain -stress for 1928/29 and 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 374. Report of the Institute of Soviet Construction on Activities and the Regulations of the Institute
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 375. Report on ??, in connection with the company of the ORT, in America about the supply of declassified Jews in the USSR with machines and guns and??
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 376. Report on the situation of the journal of the CEC of the USSR "Soviet Construction"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 377. Commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the development of a draft resolution on a report by the Government of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 378. Technical Service Instructions for the Presidium of the Council of Nationalities of the CEC of the SSR Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 379. Report of the Commission on the Organization and Order of V.I. Lenin help helping homeless children under the Presidium of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 38. On the funds for organizing and conducting the All -Union rally of pioneers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 380. The statement of the authorized villages ....., chakva, chakva-dziri on the settlement of citizens of the named villages from the land they leased land
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 381. On the procedure for placing people who graduated from a higher educational institution and technical schools
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 382. On measures to strengthen labor discipline in state -owned enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 383. On the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees of Zhel.Dor.transport for violation of the rules related to railway traffic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 384. On the property liability of workers and employees for damage caused by the tenants
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 385. On the addition of the Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 14, 1926 on the alienation of state property
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 386. On the change in articles 1 and 13 of the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for the transfer of property of state institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 387. About the change in Art.45 General principles of land use and land management and on changing the legislation of the USSR in connection with the publication of the decision on the procedure for applying the Code of Laws on Labor in Kulak farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 388. On the resolution of the children's commission at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Organization of the 3rd Submarine Lottery
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 389. On the resolution of the lottery device of the Kharkov District Commission for Assisting Assistance to Children
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 39. On the procedure for resolving issues about the participation of the scientific institutions of the USSR in the scientific congresses convened abroad, etc.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 390. On the extension of the Tiflis Society "Friends of Children" for one month
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 391. On the resolution of the lottery on the territory of the BSSR in favor of the Senior Sentorism society
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 392. On a change in the Regulation on the state.contracts and supplies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 393. On tax benefits for film industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 394. GA RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 395. On the vestigation of visitors to public spectacles and amusements with the collection in favor of the Red Cross societies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 396. On the seizures for the districts of the RSFSR from directives on self -investment in 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 397. On changing the provision of tax collection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 398. On the addition to the note Art.1 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the collection to cover the costs of supervision of steam boilers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 399. On the unconstitutionality of the resolution of the CEC of the SSR of Georgia on the conduct of a week of the CERE-KITHKHSHICO society
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 40. On the vacation of the All-Union Kolkhoz funds for the convocation of the 1st All-Union Meeting of Women-Kolkhoznitsa
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 400. On changing the schedule of marginal rates of targeted apartment tax on the needs of the construction of working houses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 401. On the establishment of a special fee with the processed by Ukrseltsuker factories, beets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 402. On changing the provision of tax collection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 403. On a change in articles 10 and 11 of the resolution of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on fees charged for the issuance of foreign passports
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 404. О специальном военном налоге с граждан, зачисленных в тыловое ополчение
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 405. On the establishment of state fees from exchange and over -the -term transactions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 406. On reducing tax benefits for credit institutions and on social insurance benefits and rent for credit institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 407. On the construction of buildings for a saga on a five -year plan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 408. Water collection Regulation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 409. About Garnzevo
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 41. On the allocation of the prize to the best team in physical education
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 410. On the self -laying in 1929/30.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 411. On a change in the resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the self -intension of the population
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 412. On the release from agricultural tax until 1932/33, sowing sugar beets in the North Caucasus Territory and the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 413. About the change in Art.1 Resolution of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the collection from private ownership ships passing along the Neva River
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 414. On a change in the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for the production of voluntary fees and donations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 415. On changing the provisions on state -sized tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 416. Russian
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 417. On the abolition of the decree of the Kharkov City Council and the Minsk Office of the Executive Committee on the establishment of targeted allowances when selling bread wine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 418. About the bodies that carry out taxing taxes - commercial, income and superprofit
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 42. About the exhibition dedicated to the memory of M. M. Lashevich and on the vacation of funds for this purpose
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 420. About the change in Art.20 of the provision of tax collection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 422. On the appeal of fines for fishing and income taxes with owners of private enterprises in rural areas in rural budgets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 423. On the size of deductions from the receipts of the state.Promnalogy in state budgets of the Union republics and in local funds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 426. On the release of sugar beets from agricultural
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 427. About a special collection from organizations preparing cotton
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 428. On the release of Professor Averbach from tax on private earnings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 429. On amnesty and benefits to commemorate the convocation of the 1st Sakhalin District Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 43. On the organization of the exhibition "New Writing of the Peoples of the Union of the SSR"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 430. On the increase in 1928/29, the allowances to local funds to the salary of state income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 431. On the delay in the introduction of 25% of local tax deductions from the RSFSR from the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 432. On a change in note 8 to Art.39/1 Regulations on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 433. On deductions from the profits of the Publishing House "Izvestia Tsiko and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee" to reserve capital
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 434. On local tax from oil products coming from Grozny in Tuapse through the oil pipeline
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 435. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the preservation for the city of Leningrad for 1929/30 the budget year of military tax rates from goods.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 436. The petition of the Moscow Regional Bureau of Proletarian Students of Mosos to free the morning performances purchasing mobps
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 437. On the addition of arrears in the collection in favor of the Red Cross society from the Houses of Culture MSPS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 438. On the abolition of the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the release of Sakartrest from the payment of arrears from the collection from the beets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 439. On the target bonus to excise taxes on strong drinks on the ZSFSR to strengthen funds to combat children's homelessness
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 44. On the training of specialists in water economy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 440. On the collection of donations on the goals of increasing the funds of the children
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 441. On the introduction of self -investment in the non -coolant cities of the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 442. On the preferential vehicle taxation of agricultural taxes of peasants-sergeants from plows in poor farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 443. On the release from a single agricultural tax of cotton crops in new areas
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 444. On a single agricultural tax and facilitating the taxation of the middle peasant peasantry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 445. Regulation on a single agricultural tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 447. On the procedure for establishing profitability standards for the one by the Unified Agricultural Tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 449. On exemption from agricultural tax for five years of confectionery plantations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 45. The title of the case on the folder: on exemption from agricultural tax for five years of Kendynaya PlantationIn the case is the reverse numberingPart of the text in TurkmenPart of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 451. On an individual taxation of agricultural taxes, which include the Red Army soldiers.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 452. О дополнении положения о государственном промысловом налоге
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 454. On a single -plane -by -voltage tax turnover within the socialized sector
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 455. On the payment of contributions of the 2nd term for the State Processed Tax in 1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 46. About the appropriation of 1500 the parcel of the expedition in the ZSFSR and Dagestan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 463. On the release of the 2nd house of the USSR CEC from income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 464. Changing the Regulation on state income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 465. On changing the provisions on state income tax from state -owned enterprises and cooperative organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 466. On changing the provisions on income tax from state -owned enterprises, co -portals and joint -stock companies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 467. On the change and addition of Art.146 MVEcom Code of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 468. On the addition of 3 tbsp.4 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for the provisions for violation of the decision on excise taxes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 469. On the amount of excise taxation of ethyl alcohol in the far region and the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, as well as bread-cartel alcohol
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 47. Telegram from Germany /welcome /
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 470. On the establishment of a tariff of excise rates on cotton-paper, vigorus and woolen yarn
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 471. On the size of excise taxation of bread wine, grape vodka, cognac, vodka and beer
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 472. On the turn of the excise tax, when exporting goods
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 473. On excise penta fees for the right to produce and sell alcohol in the territory of the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 474. On the release of canteens from excise patent fees for the right to trade in tobacco and tobacco products
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 475. About excise tax on mod
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 476. On a change in the decision on excise taxes with perfumes and cosmetic products
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 477. On the excise taxation of tobacco products
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 478. On changes for violation of excise rules
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 479. On the abolition of excise taxes from textiles and on replacing it with state commercial tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 48. Letter of Joseph Keskinen from Finland with a request to accept the flag of the Universal Peaceful Union as a gift
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 480. On the amount of excise taxation of bread wine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 481. On the amount of excise taxation of bread wine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 482. About excise taxes with beer, porter and ale
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 483. On the abolition of excise taxes on excisable items
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 484. About excise tax on ethyl alcohol and bread wine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 485. On the abolition of a stamp from bills
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 486. On the payment of bills with a stabbing fee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 487. On the procedure for the payment of complaints and applications for agricultural tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 488. On the establishment of individual centralized current accounts for the cash execution of the national budget
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 489. Regulation on the cash performance of the Unified State Budget of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 49. On the examination of the light cavalry of the Ukrainian comzet and the Central Komzet
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 490. Regulations on the All -Union Fund for the True of Drought
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 491. On the procedure and terms for the preparation and passage of the Unified State Budget of the USSR for 1929-1930
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 492. On the collectivization of batrasty and the village poor
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 493. On the additional state budget of the BSSR for 1928-1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 494. On the execution of the budget 1928/29 for the first half of the year and on additional expenses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 495. On the procedure for covering cash defects for the execution of state budgets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 496. Code of the Unified and Republican Budgets and the painting of the all-Union budget for 1928-29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 497. On the competence and sources of financing of narpits
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 498. On the training of employees of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR in courses of administrative technology
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 499. The permit will be supplied to the expenses of part of the extension according to the estimate of 1928/1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 5. Report of the Central Commission on the Assistance Fund for street children during 1/1-28 g. To 1/1-29 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 50. Statistical information on the work of KCh and Citizenship for 1928
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 500. On the budget schedule for October 1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 501. About the addition of Art.33 Regulations on the budgetary rights of the USSR and the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 502. On the appeal to the Unified State Budget of the USSR of the accumulation of industry in 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 503. On the provision of reports on the execution of the state budget for 1927/28
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 504. On the change and addition of the Regulation on the budgetary rights of the USSR and the Union republics and Art.3 Regulations on local finance of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 505. NKF report on budgets author.Councils for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 506. On the budget rights of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1929-30.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 507. On the attribution of expenses for the development and cleaning of explosion fields at the expense of the budgets of the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 508. On the Unified Budget of Social Staff of the SSR Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 509. On the abolition of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the public office of the state budget for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 51. On combining work in the field of labor statistics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 510. On the additional budget of the Ukrainian SSR for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 511. On the procedure for the distribution of state commercial tax revenues
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 512. On the Unified State Budget of the ZSFSR for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 513. On the coating of the deficit on the budget of the Hodgentry OKR.TASSR for 1928/30 from all -Union funds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 514. About the change in Art.35 Regulations on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 515. About the change in Art.36 Regulations on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 516. On changing and supplementing the provisions on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 517. On the increase in 1929-30, the allowance to local funds to the salary of state income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 518. About the abolition of paragraph "b" Art.25 Regulations on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 519. On deductions to local budgets from the profit of the main loggers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 52. О пересмотре Постановления ЦИК и СНК СССР от 28.VIII-29 г. о производстве в 1929/30 г. Всесоюзной переписи учреждений здравоохранения и медицинского персонала
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 520. On the combination of payments entering the local budget from buildings assigned to the property of local councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 521. About the change in Art.35 Regulations on local finance of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 522. On the formation of a reserve for construction loans on the local budget
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 523. On the allocation of the courses of Marxism, the funds necessary to adapt the training premises of courses in the subsosensky per.d. No. 21
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 524. The main provisions on the procedure for long -term lending and irretrievable financing of state industry and electricity of local importance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 525. On the vacation of funds to celebrate the cruiser "Aurora"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 526. On the procedure for storing free funds of state -owned enterprises and cooperative organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 527. At the request of the OGPU on the release of funds for housing construction work under Art.Bolshevo
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 528. On the appropriation of the amounts of the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the "People's Will"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 529. On the granting of the Museum of the USSR Revolution Rights of the Laws of the Loan Management
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 53. On the All -Union census of small and craft industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 537. On the financing of agriculture and attracting funds of the population to the Credit system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 538. About the additional loan to the immigrants of the Far East, affected by the flood
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 54. On the production in 1930-31, the All-Union agricultural census, brief accounting of the urban population and survey of urban communal economy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 540. On the coating of the Red Square of an advanced pavement and on the translation of the tram movement along other routes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 543. On reducing lending from the funds of the central agricultural bank for the construction of dairy and fruit and vegetables in the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 55. On the organization of the exchange of experience between national republics and regions in the field of cultural work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 553. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 56. Report on the maintenance of national minorities of the North Caucasus and Siberia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 566. Condolences regarding the death of a member of the CEC of the USSR - the rule of Askanaz
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 567. About the death of ComradeLepse I.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 573. On payment of residential premises in houses belonging to state -owned enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 576. On the state of Boena in the Union of SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 577. Examination of City Councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 58. On the conduct of prosperzation in the Mariupol and Stalin districts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 581. The circuit of the circular of the Tsiks of the Union republics on the conduct of the Road Construction of Avtodor
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 585. On the establishment of a new procedure for issuing travel certificates for members of the CEC of the USSR and Tsiks of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 586. Gratitude of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR to working, technical and engineering personnel of the construction of the bridge over the Dnieper
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 587. On changes in the legislation of the USSR, in connection with the introduction of the charter of postal, telegraph, telephone and radio communications of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 588. On the acquisition of equipment for radio installations in the Kremlin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 589. On the inclusion of income and expenses for radio broadcasting in the estimate of Gkiite
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 59. Reports and reports on the national construction of the Union and Autonomous Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 590. On financing the radio broadcasting of the Central Council of Trade Unions and Trade Union Radio Building
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 591. On the allocation of the amounts in the invool of order by abroad of spare parts for an automatic telephone station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 592. On the auxiliary industrial enterprises in research institutions.and higher technical educational institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 594. On the abolition of the Decree of the SCSR on the approval of the Regulation on the Ukrainian Main Chamber of measures and weights
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 595. On the combination of workshops of measures and weights with master's state meters
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 596. About the change in Art.1 Decree of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the export and import abroad of foreign exchange and stock values
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 597. On the construction of grain -farms in Kazakhstan and D. V.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 598. On the survey of the work of village councils and RIKs and the study of their role in solving the problems of the socialist.Reduce agriculture
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 599. Examination of the Chapaevsky district, the Middle Volga region, the Seslavinsky and Talovsky districts of the CEO and the Chardzhui City Council
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 60. On the revision of the Resolution of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee "Regulation on the OKVK of the RSFSR and the KVK of Autonomous Republics"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 600. On the construction of large mechanized state farms, collective farms and inter -settlement machine -tractor stations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 601. On the benefits for the Red Army collective farms and collective farms accepting military personnel
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 602. About the general forces of using the Forests of the SSR Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 603. О попенной плате для "Уралмета"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 604. On the approval of the list of public deposits of minerals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 605. On the transfer of the Mytishchi factory to the maintenance of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 606. On the inclusion in the list of all -Union enterprises subordinate to the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, state -owned state -designed state -owned
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 607. On the transfer of plants in the MSNH "Red Proletarian" and the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR - Klimovsky factory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 608. About cigarette workshops
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 609. On the launch of 21/VII-29, the workshops of the first stage of the Rostov-on-Don plant "Selmashstroy"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 610. On the procedure for recognizing those who have the commonly union value of elevators and grain scuddings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 611. On approval in the new version of the Regulation on state labor savings cash desks of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 612. About the addition of Art.2 Regulations on mutual loan societies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 613. About a two -week savings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 614. About the change in Art.6 Resolutions of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the release of certificates of the state of state
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 615. On the organization in the Union republics of commissions to promote the state edit and savings case
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 616. Work plan of the Central Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Sberdel
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 617. On the conduct of the campaign for the 3rd loan of industrialization by trade union organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 618. On preparations for the implementation of the 3rd loan of industrialization and loan "Five-year plan at four years"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 619. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings in the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 620. On changing the methods of distribution of state sites and reducing the cost of the state -owned system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 621. About the work of Gostrudsberkass
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 622. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings of the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 623. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings Case of the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 624. On the spread of the 3rd loan of industrialization among the Polish population
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 625. On the progress of the sale of loans
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 626. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings Case
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 627. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings Case of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 628. About subscription to the 3rd loan of industrialization abroad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 629. On the fight against buying and selling / "game" / bonds in front of circulations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 631. On the Commission for Assistance to the State Credit and Savings Case of the Tajik SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 636. On the transition of the USSR CEC apparatus to a continuous working week
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 64. On measures to strengthen the collective farm system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 65. On the provision of the NKFIN of the USSR and the NKFINA of the Union republics the right to restore shares, annulled on the basis of a decision on the approval of the provisions on joint -stock companies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 654. On the establishment of the minimum norms of the reservation of adolescents in industry located in the territory of the Far-East Territory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 657. On the preparation of qualified construction workers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 66. On the procedure for the shareholders of banks belonging to their shares
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 668. On the assignment of the title of Hero of Labor Arzhapov M.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 67. On the addition to the note Art.16 Regulation on commercial cooperation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 674. On the assignment of the title of "Hero of Labor" Petrov, Berdheim, Remizov and Pelganen
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 68. On the amount of deductions to reserve capital by commercial cooperatives without credit functions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 685. Regulation on pensions and benefits for social insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 687. On the pension provision of medical and veterinary workers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 69. On the procedure for applying benefits to primary cooperatives
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 693. The protocol of the solemn meeting of the Presidiums of the CEC of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 30/III-29 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the stay.M.I. Kalinin as chairman of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 695. On the provision of families of military personnel called up to the framework of the Red Army and to the variable composition of the territorial units of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 70. On the addition of the Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the procedure for storing and spending cooperation capital
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 700. On compulsory insurance of property of the socialized sector of the national economy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 706. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On share contributions to consumer societies.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 709. On strengthening financing of higher and secondary industrial and agricultural education
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 71. On share contributions to consumer societies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 710. On the transfer of scientific institutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR - the scientific committee of CIX
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 711. On the procedure for the elimination of archival materials that are not subject to storage in all bodies subordinate to the NKPS, and on the non -compliance of the decision of the CEC and the SSR of the Ukrainian SSR on the Unified State Archival Fund
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 712. On the transfer of the Comcephalus of captured guns located on the territory of the Kremlin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 713. On the allocation of funds for the installation of the monument to V.I. Lenin in the mountains.Tskhinvali
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 714. On the production of the monument to V.I. Lenin in Minsk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 715. On awarding by the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner of the 5th Vitebsk Rifle Division
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 716. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of the Bach A. N. and Zbarsky B.I. I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 717. On the award of the Order "Red Banner" Pasasyuk A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 718. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Musina M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 719. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Zhukovsky I. T.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 720. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Ivleva S.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 721. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Liliental A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 722. 721
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 723. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Borisova A. B.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 724. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Skatova S.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 725. On the award of the Lianovo-Voznesensky Infantry School by the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 726. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" I. Chigirina
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 727. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Pukhlyakova A.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 728. On awarding by the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner of the 84 Cavalry Turkestan Regiment
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 729. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Shapkin, Fedin and others.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 73. On invalid operations of consumer, agricultural and commercial cooperative organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 730. On the deprivation of the Order of the Red Banner Fedorova N.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 731. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Volkhin A. A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 732. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" 1st Cavalry Zaporizhzhya Division
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 733. On the award of the 6th KAVK.Regiment of the OGPU troops with a revolutionary red banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 734. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" A. Sukharenko
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 735. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Burova S.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 736. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Golovanov I. A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 737. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Fursov I. Ya.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 738. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Stefanenko M.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 739. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Kornichenko B.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 74. About the change in Art.13 Resolutions of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the grounds for long -term lending to cooperation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 740. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Budina Z.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 741. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Gorlova N. O.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 75. On agricultural cooperation and its work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 76. On the issuance of Gabt amounts to redeem musical instruments arrived from abroad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 766. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Zolotukhina S. A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 768. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Kuchma F. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 769. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Zaprokhov V. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 77. On the convening of a meeting of secretaries of the Union republics to resolve issues of monitoring the implementation of the laws of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 774. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Panfilov and Eltanskaya
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 775. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Baginsky A.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 776. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Cherny and Parkhuchuk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 777. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Aleksandrovsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 778. On awarding the Order of the "Red Banner" Erlich L.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 779. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" Demchenko M.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 78. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).The Regulation on the constant representative office of the ZSFSR under the Government of the USSR.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 780. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" I. I. I. I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 781. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Sorokin S.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 782. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Turinsky P.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 783. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Moskovchenko A.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 784. On the issuance of Azizov I. Order "Red Banner" instead of the stolen
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 785. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Igamberdyev R.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 786. On the award by the Order of the Red Banner of Baranov N.I., Volmara A. N. and Prokhorova V. Ya.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 787. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Maslennikov I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 788. On the reduction and simplification of control over the construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 789. On bringing to criminal liability of officials guilty of mismanagement in the construction and launch of the Konstantinovsky glass and bottle factories
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 79. On the transfer from the Ukrainian SSR to the BSSR of the tract "Rubezh"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 790. On the implementation of instructions of the Government of the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 791. On the translation of the printing house and publishing house "Izvestia CEC of the USSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee" on a 7-hour working day
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 792. On the illegal actions of certain representatives of the power of Kara-Kalpak Aut.Region.Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the border of the Cossack-Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Region of the Uz.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 793. Regulations about the NKPS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 794. О порядке изменения внутренней структуры народных комиссариатов Союза ССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 795. Regulation on NKP and T
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 796. On the approval of the Regulation on the People's Commissariat of Military and Marine Affairs in the new edition
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 797. On the procedure for the relationship of the People’s Commissariat of External.And inner.Trade of the USSR and People's Commissariats of External.And inner.The trade of the Union republics in the case is regulated.Bread market in 1929-30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 798. On the formation of the People's Commissar of the SSR Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 799. On the addition of the Regulation on the NCTRUD of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 80. On ratification of the protocol on the introduction of the Paris Treaty of August 27, 1928 on the rejection of war
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 807. On the All -Union Council of Physical Culture under the CEC of the Union of SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 81. On the ratification of the USSR Convention with Turkey on the prevention of the drifts of epizootics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 810. Amnesty to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to persons convicted by military tribunals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 812. Greeting the day of the 5th anniversary of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 813. On renaming Art.Rostovtsevo cf. Asian.and.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 814. On the renaming of the platform Berezovsky mineral waters of the southern g.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 815. On renaming Art.Lipki Yu.-Western w.d. to the station "Cooperative"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 816. About renaming the mountains.Trotka in the mountains.Chapaevsk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 817. On renaming Art.Sorting M.-Kazanskaya g.d. in Art."First Subbotnik"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 818. 817
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 819. On the renaming of the village and Station "Derepino"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 82. On the ratification of the Convention between the USSR and Germany about the conciliation procedure
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 820. On renaming the railway station "Muravyevo"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 821. On renaming the city of Trotsk in Krasnogvardeisk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 822. On renaming Art.Ivashchenkovo ​​Samaro-Zlatoust.yellow.Roads
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 823. On renaming the platform M.-Kazansk.and.d. "Prozorovskaya" and "Sheremetyevskaya"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 824. On renaming Art."Grateful" - southeastern w.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 825. On renaming G. Zlatoust to Stalinsk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 826. On renaming Art."Ryasnaya" Ukrainian g.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 827. On renaming Art."Zugdidi" Black Sea w.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 828. On renaming Art."Herano" of the Orsha district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 829. On renaming Art."Wittgenstein" Mosk.B.-Baltic g.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 830. The project of the storage of the Chernyshevsky manuscript in the Mountain House.Saratova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 831. On the organization of household sections under the Soviets./Case of the Commission/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 832. On the examination of the work carried out among women of the Uzbek at the Zarai factory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 833. On measures for the International Women's Communist Day on March 8th
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 834. Changing the Regulation on the Central Asian Economic Meeting
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 835. Calendar work plan of the commission on UTB
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 836. Questionnaire for examining the legal status of women in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 837. Об организации при Комиссии Президиума ЦИК СССР по улучшению труда и быта женщин особого Бюро для координирования научно-исследовательской работы научных учреждений и организаций
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 838. On the creation of funds of central and republican commissions for UTB women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 840. On the assistance of the techno of the Main Geodetic Committee of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR in the production of topographicheodesical work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 841. On the establishment of a unified system of industrial and technical education
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 842. On the liquidation of the Kremlin power plant
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 843. About the change in Art.5 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the right of ownership of composition
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 844. On the addition of the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on road farming and automobile business in the Union of SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 845. About the issuance of 150 rubles.For bonus participants in the rally on the route Moscow - Leningrad in 1928
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 846. About the change in Art.15 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on road farming and automobile business in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 847. Tasks and further ways of automotive development
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 848. On the procedure for applying measures to strengthen payment receipts for the sold sales and guns in the areas of grain procurement
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 849. On changing organizational standards of agricultural machinery
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 850. On liability for resale of agricultural machines
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 851. On the abolition of the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the mandatory exchange of varietal seeds for ordinary peasant grain
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 854. On the transfer of bells of the Kremlin churches for industry needs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 856. On the demolition of the middle building of the Ascension Monastery in the Kremlin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 857. About the possessions occupied by com.Academy on Volkhonka No. 14, on the street.Frunze No. 10 and 11 and on the street.K. Marx No. 1
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 858. On the write-off of various furniture belonging to the civil department of the UKMK and the V. I. Lenin in Ulyanovsk, transferred to the house-museum for use in the work on the restoration of the house
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 859. About the change in Art.7 Resolutions of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on targeted collection from radio- used to receive radio broadcasting stations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 860. On the addition of the Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the supply of book storage facilities published in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 861. Regulation on the Central Publishing of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 862. The position of the watch
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 863. On public reporting of industrial and trade enterprises and credit institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 864. On excise taxes with denatured alcohol for economic needs of the population
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 865. On criminal liability for the release of poor quality products and for non -compliance with standards
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 866. On the addition of the decision of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars on the regulation of the USSR flour industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 867. On deductions for the preparation of qualified rabbes for flour-circular industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 868. Regulation on the gold and platinum industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 869. On the working conditions of prospectors busy prey of precious stones and noble metals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 870. On the organization of working housing construction in alloy work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 871. On the procedure for approving technical projects of pricing construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 872. On benefits for housing construction, produced by the Society of the Old Bolsheviks
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 873. About filmmaking funds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 874. On the organization of the State Research Photo-Kino Institute
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 875. On the Kino Committee at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 876. On the increase in the circulation of the magazine "Soviet Construction"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 877. On the creation of a commission for the management of documents on the history of military policy of Russia for the period 1904-1917.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 878. About the publication of a collection dedicated to the description of the peoples and countries of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 879. On the publication of the collection of constitutional issues
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 880. Letter 150 children and two teachers G. I. Petrovsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 881. On the deadline for using the Central Age of Georgia, materials on the conspiracy of 1882.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 882. On the change in the classification of expenses according to a single state budget
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 883. On the convening of the Plenum of the Budget Commission of the CEC of the SSR Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 884. On the composition of the preparatory commissions of the Plenum of the Central Committee for the consideration of the budget for 1929/30.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 885. Expensation estimate for 1929 b.G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 886. SMOMET plan for 1928/29 b.G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 887. On sending by the People's Commissariat of the USSR certificates of open loans and expenses for estimates for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 889. Regulation on the budgetary rights of the USSR and the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 89. On changing the rules on conciliatory-training and judicial consideration of labor conflicts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 890. On the execution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of the Resolution of the Session of the CEC of the USSR on the expansion of the rights of Gosfincontrol
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 891. Report on the results of the implementation of the Law of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the provision of families of citizens called up to the ranks of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 892. On the bets of the bowels for the bowels of 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 893. Materials on a single agricultural tax on 1929/30 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 894. On the fishing tax on 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 895. On the replacement of excise taxes by deductions from the wholesale price of goods
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 896. Revenues for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 899. Дополнительные постановления к проекту директивных постановлений 4 Сессии ЦИК''а V-го созыва по бюджету
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 9. The petition of the Turkmen Commission on the Fund of V.I. Lenin on the vacation of 144,000 rubles.for the construction of an agricultural colony in Chardjue
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 90. On the termination of the relations of the USSR with China and the restoration of these relations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 901. On the general grounds of compiling the Unified State Budget of the USSR for 1929-30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 902. Inquiries on the social insurance budget for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 902. Inquiries on the social insurance budget for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 903. On the budgetary rights of the autonomous republics, which are part of the ZSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and Uzersch SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 904. On the sending of materials according to the five -year plan of the national economy of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 905. Conjunctural budget indicators
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 906. On the control figures of the Unified State Budget for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 907. The project of the Unified State Budget for 1929/30, introduced by the NF in the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 908. On the financial plan of the five -year plan (1928/29 - 1932/33)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 909. О дополнительном бюджете на 1928/29 г. /БССР, УССР/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 91. The authority of T. Litvinova M.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 910. The conclusion of the budget commission of the Transcaucasian CEC on the budget of the ZSFSR for 1927/28, 1928/29, 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 911. On financing agriculture for 1924/25-1928/29 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 912. Разные материалы по финансированию сельского хозяйства в 1928/29 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 913. On non -tax income 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 914. Control numbers for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 915. Forest income
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 916. Economic price policy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 917. On measures to increase the profitability of fish farming
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 918. On measures to improve working conditions in industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 919. About the regime of savings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 92. The authority of Aleksandrovsky S. S. for the act of joining the SSR Union to the International Geodesical Convention
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 920. On the plan of electricity building for 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 921. О мероприятиях к поднятию рентабельности торфяного хозяйства
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 922. On the state of the distillery in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 923. Сводный план капитального строительства на 1928/29 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 924. On foreign currency to pay for the All -Union bills.Library for the purchase of foreign literature
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 925. On coverage by the magazine "Soviet Construction" issues of rationalization of the state apparatus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 926. On the deficit on the publication of the magazine "Soviet Construction"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 927. On the inclusion of the editorial board of the magazine "Soviet Construction" Kirkizh
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 928. On the organization of the cultural trip on the fight against trachoma in the Mari, Votsky regions and the Chuvash Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 929. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 93. The powers of Litvinova M.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 930. On the production of washing machines
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 931. On the organization of courses for the preparation of instructors of fruit and vegetable cooperation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 932. The estimate of local committees for improving labor and the life of women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 933. Questionnaires on employees of Kutb women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 934. On the reports of the Tsikov RSFSR, the ZSFSR, the Uzersch Supreme SSR, the Turk SSR on KTB for domestic crimes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 935. On the report of the NKTRUD of the USSR on KTB
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 936. Meeting of the UTB Committee on the report of the NKF of the USSR on the execution of estimates for 1927/28 and 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 937. On reports of the CTB of the AZSSR and the Uzersch Supreme SSR: a/ O campaign for the publication of the decree on the prohibition of the wearing of the veil and a steam;b/ about the work of women in advice and about the nomination of them
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 938. On the reports of the General Polit -Library of the RSFSR, the Uzersch SSR, the TSSR and the AZSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 939. Report of the Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Workers on the position of labor of farm laborers in cultural and retained national areas and on work among them
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 94. On the appointment of Arosev A. Ya. The Envoy of the USSR in Czechoslovakia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 940. Plans for scientific and expeditionary work in the field of study of labor and life of women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 941. About the five -year plan on women's work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 942. Report of the All -Knock Union on Carpet and Cooperation of Women of Eastern Peoples
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 943. On the organization at the Kutb Bureau for coordinating the research work of scientific institutions and organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 944. On the second All -Union meeting of the responses of the commissions for improving the work and life of women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 945. On the organization in the Mordovian district of the house of the worker-Mordovka
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 946. On the rules of the internal schedule for 1929/30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 947. On the development of the unification system of classifications of legislative acts of the Government of the USSR and the governments of the Union Republic of Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 948. The scheme of the relations of the supreme and central authorities of the USSR and the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 949. On the national composition of employees of institutions under the Presidium of the Council of the CEC of the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 95. The authority of Lyubimov P. N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 950. Proposals of the PTU of the Cheka RCI on the rules of general office work of central state institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 951. Nomenclature of the posts of the CEC of the Union of the SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 952. The State Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 953. The states of the CEC of the USSR CEC for 1929-30
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 954. On rationalization work in 1928/29
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 955. The estimate of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the SSR Union for 1929-30 b.year
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 956. Reporting materials on the central apparatus of the USSR CEC/Statistical data on personnel and rationalization work/submitted to the Central Committee of the CPSU/b/b/
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 957. About the change in Art.Regulations on syndicate agreements
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 958. On the sending to the Council of Nationalities of magazines and newspapers published in the National Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 959. Maintenance of the work of village councils and RIKs and studying their role in solving the tasks of socialist nonsense of agriculture
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 96. The authority Dashkovich G. N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 960. On the convocation of the All -Union meeting of the heads of the organizational department and statistical N/Departments of the CEC "OV Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 961. Reports on the courses for women chairmen of village councils in 1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 962. Report on universal initial training in the National Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 963. On the provision of the CECs of the Union republics of materials characterizing the work on the maintenance of national minorities in the field of Soviet economy and cultural construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 964. Report on cultural and economic maintenance of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 965. To a report on cultural and economic services of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 966. To a report on cultural and economic services of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 967. To a report on cultural and economic services of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 968. To a report on cultural and economic services of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 969. To a report on cultural and economic services of national minorities in the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 97. The authority of Rectin J. D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 970. On the transition to collective farms of the villages of Dmitrovsky district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 971. Materials of the III Vytadjik Congress of Soviets.G. Stalinabad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 972. Data on the resettlement of Ukrainians in the USSR without Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 973. On the preparation of publications and manuals for the work of members of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 974. On the conduct of the election campaign in 1929 in the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 974. On the conduct of the election campaign in 1929 in the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 975. Inspection of the progress of re -election of councils on the Uzerschoschsk in 1929.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 976. Posters for business No. S-342.849/11
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 977. Об избирательной кампании в Советы в 1929/30 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 978. On the convocation of the meeting of the Commission on Construction and Organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 979. Inspection of the works of six district executive committees, three City Councils, three landmark and ten village councils in the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 98. The authority of the UGGI K.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 980. Materials on the survey of tips, servicing national and zoning
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 981. Examination materials: advice, maintenance of national and zoning
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 982. To the materials for the examination of tips, maintenance of national
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 983. About the experimental and naming districts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 984. The work plan of the sectors of the Tsiks of the Union republics for 1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 985. A report on the survey of the Tatar and Bashkir Autonomous Republics and the Votsky Autonomous Region
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 986. Report on the state of work of all -Ukrainian courses on retraining of chairmen of village councils - women
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 987. The transcript of the reporting report of the Presidium of the Ufa City Council for the period from March to December 1929
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 988. On the command of the CEC instructor for examining the Stalinsky District
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 989. On the construction of the Khiva -Chardjuy railway line
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 99. Assons J. L. authority to participate in the works of the International Conference in London on the revision of the 1928 London Conference on the protection of human life at sea
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 990. About slogans by May 1st
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 991. On the socio-cultural services of the national minorities of the Siberian Territory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 992. About a memo for the Red Army soldier
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 993. A request of the Presidium of the Council of Nationalities to the CIKs of Autonomous Republics and autonomous regions on the sending of materials covering work among national minorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 994. On vacation to the Communist University of the Workers of the East 23,000 rubles.To cover Giza from the publication of the "Low Encyclopedia of the Foreign East"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 995. Instructions on transferring all libraries and book deposits of party publications to the Lenin Institute library
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 996. Examination of the Institute of K. Marx and Engels
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 997. On the results of the survey of the construction and equipment of the mosquito
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 998. On the resolution of a meeting of scientific institutions and organizations to improve the work and life of women of cultural and reliable nationalities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 22 / 999. On the approval of the State Qualification Commission of the Leningrad Eastern Institute for qualifying the institute of students
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