Leo Tolstoy and Russian kings.1862-1905

Leo Tolstoy and Russian kings.1862-1905 / Ed.V.G.Chertkova.- Moscow: ed.Books -in "Freedom" and "Unity", 1918. -64 p.;23 x 14.5 cm. -On the region.Poll.: Leo Tolstoy and Russian kings.On the region: letters of L.N.Tolstoy 1862-1905.Content: I. Seven letters of L.N.Tolstoy - to Alexander II, to Alexander III and to Nicholas II.II.Two appeals L.N.Tolstoy - "Tsar and his assistants" (1902 and 1905).III.Young king: (story).IV."Senseless dreams": (article).- Bibliogr.in the text.- Ex.: With a manpower.litter..I. Tolstoy, lion.II.Chertkov, V.G..1.Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Изд. книгоизд-в "Свобода" и "Единение"

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