A collection of orders and orders of the head of the squadron in the Pacific Ocean Vice Admiral Ya.A.Hiltrandt, published in add...

Giltrandt, Ya.A.A collection of orders and orders of the head of the squadron in the Pacific Ocean Vice Admiral Ya.A.Hiltrandt, published in addition and clarification of the rules of maneuvering and swimming.- [B.m.]: Type.Headquarters beginning.Squaders in the Pacific Ocean, [1901].-[138] p.Section.pag.: Table., Ill., pl.;21 x 17.5 cm. -It is printed by order of the head of the squadron.Secret.- Ex.: Without Titus.l., with a handle.litter..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: VMA
Publisher Тип. Штаба нач. Эскадры в Тихом океане

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