Vasily Neggrekul.About the methods of treatment in the city of Kherson.

Identifier 73a15911-42c7-43dd-9854-18eaf949dda8
Title Vasily Neggrekul.About the methods of treatment in the city of Kherson.
Dates 1850
Notes 06/20/1850 Agreement No. 24 of 02/12/2016 category 45 manuscript of the works of members of the Russian Geographical Society and individual documents in the Kherson province, case 3
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number НА РГО. Р-XLV / 1 / 3
Original location Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Cataloguing source PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Fonds Manuscripts of works in the Kherson province (geography, ethnography, folklore)
File Этнографические и статистические сведения о жителях Херсонской губернии
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