Inventory for the affairs of the former GOF-Antentant Office on the court hospital and singing house

Identifier 28303619-aa46-4655-afb8-64ba1931de79
Title Inventory for the affairs of the former GOF-Antentant Office on the court hospital and singing house
Dates 1797
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 470 / 2
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 116 units.
Fonds GOF-Antentant Office of the MIDV
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 1. The case of building a house for a hospital for court ministers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 10. The case of the construction of a new stone house for the placement of court singers according to the newly drawn up architect Charlemani to the project
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 100. The case regarding the delivery of state property by the former junior caretaker, the provincial secretary of Nechaev, who again entered into his place, the provincial secretary Zakharov and about the presentation by Mr. Nechaev’s home reporting: court singers and hospitals
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 101. The case of a dense smoke from the pipe of the court house on August 1
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 102. The case on the representation of Mr. Advisor Count Tolstoy about the prohibition of living in a singing house to put firewood on Russian furnaces and under them, also to wash linen in apartments.Immediately about the device of a special laundry and dried
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 103. Дело о продолжении производства капитальных работ в доме придворного госпиталя в 1847 году, начатых в 1845 году
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 104. The case of instructions to the architects of the department of the GOF-Andantant Office have supervision of the serviceability of water pipelines in the house of the court hospital and about other
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 105. The case on the content part of the houses: singing and hospital, and on the production of repair work there in 1847
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 106. The case of the construction of a bathhouse in a singing house and about the highest resolution
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 107. The case of capital work in the Peval House in 1847
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 108. The repair of the singing and hospital houses
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 109. The case of the correction of the concert hall in the singing house with the destruction of the previous painting on the ceiling in it
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 11. The case of the assumption of pipeline of the master of Stutman to clean the stove and focal chimney in the singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 110. The case of the house found in the courtyard of the house of court singers by a frozen unknown person
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 111. The case of the delivery of the Minister of the Imperial Court of Information about the correction of the concert hall in the singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 112. The case of the substantive part of the houses: singing and hospital, and on the production of repair work there
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 113. 303 l.
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 114. The case of production in houses: singing and hospital capital work, including on the concert hall
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 115. The case of the substantive part of the singing and hospital houses, and the production of repair work there
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 116. The case of capital work by houses: singing and hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 12. The case of alteration and corrections to the house of the court hospital for a particularly applied amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 13. The case of the content part of the houses: the court hospital and court singers.Immediately about the disposal made on the expense of the always snow cleaning from the roofs of the hospital buildings and for the production of singing work on the estimate in the house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 14. The case of fixing a flood on the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 15. The case of the construction of the partition and the mezzanine in the apartment of the accountant of the office of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 16. The case of the content part of the houses: hospital and singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 17. The case of throwing from a pipe in the house of singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 18. The case of the reports of the Commissioner Kvetkovsky at the houses of court singers and court hospitals
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 19. The case under the contract concluded with the merchant Filimon Tereniev to clean the sewage in the house occupied by court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 2. The case of admission of a singing house in the GOF-Antentant Department
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 20. The case in relation to the office of the court hospital about a copper peep lost from a fire pipe
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 21. The case of the device in the house of the court hospital for the ligation of patients
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 22. The case of housework on the court hospital for the construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 23. The case of work in the house of court singers for an appropriate amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 24. The case of upholstery of doors by felt in the houses: court singers and hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 25. The case of the work of the house of court singers for the construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 26. The case of minor amendments to the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 27. The fact that the content of cleanliness in the court hospital belongs to the responsibility of its
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 28. The case of the device at the house of the court hospital of special rest for dead bodies and so on
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 29. The case of the work on the house of the court hospital for the regular construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 3. The case of the receipt and admission of the house of the court hospital in the GOF-Antentant Department and the construction of his stone outbuilding and wooden services in the courtyard
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 30. The case of the installation of waterclasses in the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 31. The case under the contract concluded with the merchant Filimon Terentyev, to clean the latest places and garbage pits around the house, court singers occupied
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 32. The case of overlapping roofs on the houses and sheds of the housing of a singing house instead of a tile with iron with a change of rafters for an applied amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 33. The case of the construction of two wooden pantries for the fold and storage of state materials at the singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 34. The case of the arrangement in the house of court singers with a canopy for firewood, stables for two horses and other things
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 35. The case of the substantive part of the house of court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 36. The case of the work of the house of court singers for the standard construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 37. The point in relation to the main caretaker of the St. Petersburg and suburban military hospitals is silence about the laid in the chambers of the court hospital of the windows, on the occasion of the Church of the Dutch Church under construction near it.
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 38. The case on the repair corrections of the court hospital for the construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 39. The case of the work in the garden of the singing corps for the applied amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 4. The case under contracts concluded with a pipeline master Stuman and a tradesman of Casterin: the first to clean the chimney and the second to clean the sewage of the necessary places and garbage pits in the house of court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 40. The case under the contract concluded with the merchant Terentyev, to clean the sewage in the singing house, court singers occupied
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 41. The case under the contract concluded from the pipeline workshop by Master Stutman, to clean the chimney in the singing house, court singers occupied
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 42. The case of the substantive part of the house of court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 43. Russian
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 44. The case of work on the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 45. 184 l.
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 46. The point about the reckoning of children of the watchman Ivan Rzhanitsyna, Nikolai and Ivan, the Cantonists of the Life Guards in the Cavalry Guard Regiment
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 47. The case of the installation in the outbuilding of a singing house of two waste seats
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 48. The case of the work on the house of the court hospital for the construction amount.Immediately about the device of the summer dry
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 49. The case of the maintenance of a singing house and the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 5. The case of the estimate of the architect Viller about various corrections to the house occupied by the court hospitals for the total construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 50. The case of the work of the house of court singers for the construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 51. The case of the superstructure of the third floor over two outbuildings at the court singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 52. The case of the superstructure of the third floor over two outbuildings at a singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 53. The case of the substantive part of the houses: court singers and court hospitals
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 54. The case of the estimate of the Architect Villers about various repair corrections in the court singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 55. The case of the estimate of the Architect Willers about various repair corrections to the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 56. The case of the construction and substantive part of the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 57. The case of the floor of the floor over the main outbuilding of the court singing house with the removal of the kitchen and the device over sheds and glaciers of residential chambers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 58. The case of the construction and substantial parts of the singing house of the court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 59. The case of the construction and substantial parts of the house of the court hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 6. The case of the maintenance of the court hospital and the vacation of different materials
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 60. The case of the construction and substantial parts of the house of court singers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 61. The case of the device in the court singing house of waterclasses
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 62. The case of the construction of a wooden gallery and other things in the court singing house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 63. The case of an increase in the sentries in the house of the court singing chapel
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 64. The case of renaming commissars into caretakers
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 65. The case of the maintenance of houses: singing and hospital, and on the production of repair corrections
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 66. The case of the maintenance of houses: court singers and hospital, and on the production of repair corrections and capital alterations
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 67. The case of the production of capital and repair work, appointed in 1840 home: court singers and hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 68. The case of the outcome of the production of Proviant Vakhter Rzhanitsyn on his son Ivan, credited to the cantonist to the Grenadier of His Majesty King of the Prussian regiment
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 69. The case of the upholstery of iron in the singing house of the wall of the latrine adjacent to the neighboring house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 7. The case of the substantive part of the singing house, the court singers occupied
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 70. The case of the refusal of the priest Bystryakov in the outcome of the spiritual authorities of permission about the wedding of the ministers of the HOF-Antentant Department in the court hospital church
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 71. The case of the maintenance of houses: hospital and singer, and on the production of work in them in 1841
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 72. The case of the substantive part of the houses: singing and hospital, and on the production of repair work in them
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 73. Дело об исправлении в Певческом доме в концертном зале в окнах вентиляторов казенными мастеровыми
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 74. The case of the firebox in the bathhouse of the court hospital instead of firewood and birch bark remaining after the leave of firewood
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 75. The case of building a warm pipe for fire tools in a hospital house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 76. The case of the substantive part of the houses: singing and hospital, and on the production of repair work in them
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 77. The case of production in the singing and hospital houses of capital work
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 78. RGIA
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 79. The case of the transfer of gardens, water pipelines with watercrackers consisting in houses: singing and hospital, to maintain them in the account of the amounts of those departments
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 8. The case of the estimate of the architect Viller about various corrections to the singing house occupied by court singers for the total construction amount
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 80. The case of the preparation of inventories on the construction part of the houses: the singing, court hospital and the former Jesuit, and the transfer of these buildings by the provincial secretary Khabarov vain Borzakovsky, and Borzakovsky - the caretaker who entered into his place is not the caretaker
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 81. Дело относительно выжиги глазури в дымовых трубах дома придворного госпиталя
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 82. Дело по ремонтному содержанию в 1844 году домов: Певческого и Госпитального и о производстве там ремонтных исправлений. Также окончательное исправление в доме госпиталя квартир священника и дьячка, а в Певческом доме устройство водоочистительного колодца,
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 83. Дело о производстве в домах: Певческом и Госпитальном капитальных работ в 1844 году
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 84. Дело о передаче вставки зимних рам и стекол, разбивающихся в них, по домам Певческому и Госпитальному, на обязанность тех начальств, в которых дома находятся, тут же и об избрании места в Певческом доме для хранения зимних переплетов
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 85. The case of the questioning of the allocation of a special amount for the repair of the houses: singing and hospital
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 86. Дело о бывшем пожаре близ строения придворного госпиталя в доме майорши Тиран
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 87. The case on the proposals of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court about the construction of the Brandmauer Hospital in the neighboring houses in the house
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 88. Дело о замеченной господином президентом Конторы нечистоте на дворе придворного госпиталя и насчет очистки снега
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 89. The case of the refusal to the chief doctor of the court hospital, the actual state adviser Witt about the withdrawal from this house a priest and clerks from the apartments they occupy
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 9. Дело по отчетным ведомостям комиссара Шаристанова о расходе материалов по Певческому дому, придворными певчими занимаемому
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 90. Дело о производстве в 1845 году по дому придворного госпиталя капитальных работ, как то: постройки нового флигеля; устройства теплой лестницы и надстройки этажа над конюшнями с чистой отделкой их
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 91. The case of the production and continuation of the house of the court hospital began in 1845 of capital work, such as: on the construction of a new outbuilding;Devices of warm staircase and floor superstructure above the stables with clean trim and other
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 92. The case at the proposal of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court on the presentation of the director of the court singing chapla Lvov to the production of capital corrections to the singing house, instead of the calculated 850 rubles for 300 rubles silver
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 93. Дело по содержательной части домов Певческого и Госпитального, и о производстве там ремонтных работ в 1845 году
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 94. The case of remaking in the singing house of late places, glaciers and arrangements of arches under two apartments, on the account of the sums of singing chapla and general office
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 95. The case in relation to the chief doctor of the court hospital Witt regarding the departure of difficulty
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 96. The case of the substantive part of the singing and hospital houses, and the production of repair work there
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 97. The case about the water flowing under the outbuilding of the singing house from the neighboring house of the merchant Kalugin
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 98. The case of a male infant in the court house and the adoption of his retired non-commissioned officer quickly
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 99. The case of the production of capital work in the singing house in 1846, equally in 1847 from among the postponed from 1846
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