РГИА. 470 / 2 / 1. The case of the exclusion from the department of the GOF-Antentant Office of the copyist Ageev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 10. 1835 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 100. GOF-Andendan Office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the production of a college registrar Fedor Grigoryev in the provincial secretaries. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 101. The case at the request of the postal department, is the son of the Polota Lev Skvortsov Egor, is not subject to the department of the corrugated office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 102. The case in relation to the head of the St. Petersburg disabled team about the delivery of the formlar about the service of the list, about the ordinary Ilya Sidorov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 103. The case of sending the passport of the soldier's wife Agafya Afanasyeva Osipova to the commander of the Revel's internal garrison battalion |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 104. The case of delivering a formular list about the service of a real state adviser Rasikhin list to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 105. The case of a reference to the Kostroma provincial board of a ticket of a preserved treasury with an amount of 800 rubles for return on the legitimately to the heirs of the carpentry workshop master Dorofeev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 106. The case on the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the issuance of portions to architects and other ranks located in St. Petersburg and country places in buildings |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 107. The case of intercourse with the court office about the leave of firewood for apartments assigned by the highest command of various specialists in the summer in the Tauride Palace and in other places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 108. The case on the reviews of the state chambers about the time of entry into the service of lower ranks and to select from them the testimony of the incorrectness of their service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 109. The case on the reviews of the state chambers about the time of receipt of the lower ranks to the service and the selecting of them regarding the incorrectness of their service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 11. The case at the request of the Provincial Board on the service of the state adviser to the Vesgalov list |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 110. The case of verification of the service of the titular adviser to Vorobyov to award his insignificant service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 111. The case with the reviews of the state chambers about the verification of the lower ranks of the invalid second and third companies, which are awarded to the sign of St. Anna |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 112. The case in relation to the Peterhof Palace Board about the requirement of the 12th grade official Gulelmi in him for explanation for his former service there |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 113. The case of the requirement of the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of all other contracts for work for 1827 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 114. The point to the requirements of the Peterhof Palace Board for the use of workers who were under construction of illuminations from contractors this year |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 115. The case on the issue of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory about the delivery of information about the behavior and other peasant of the village of Ivanovskaya Yegor Solovyov, who served the church headman at the Pelllin Church in Pella's Estate |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 116. The case of the delivery of orphan content to the son of Unter officer Sergey Dmitriev Afanasy and the issuance of it in 1836 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 117. The case of verification of the service of the court adviser Mazyukin to award the distinction of the immaculate service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 118. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 119. Дело о зачислении сына титулярного советника Михайлова Николая в Мариинское сиротское отделение |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 12. The case of the release of the son of the plastering apprentice of Moskvin, Vasily in the bourgeois |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 120. The case of the departure of artificial money by ordinary Ivan Badaev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 121. The case in relation to the Russian craft council on the prohibition of state -owned Polothees to carry out Poloteric work in extraneous places in extraneous places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 122. The case in relation to the commander of the Finnish line of the tenth battalion about the claims of ordinary Terenty Grigoryev and Nikifor Pakhomov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 123. The case in relation to the gentleman of the chief policemator about the touch of the gardener of the Tauride Garden of Prokofiy Petrov to the sale of the merchant Grachev of grain wine in the knocked-down shop |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 124. The case regarding the determination of the son of Kastelsya Ponomarevskaya to the gymnasium |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 125. The case of the determination of Osipov’s retired pipe in the charitable institution |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 126. The case of transferring from the department of the court office to the department of the HOF-Antentant Office of the chamber Furier Petrov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 127. The case of the demand for gentlemen to the officials of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office Rolences for traveling on state needs from 1837 to 1840 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 128. 128 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 129. The case at the proposal of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court to satisfy the requirements of the real secret adviser to Prince Golitsyn, who was under their highness during the absence of their imperial majesty |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 13. The case of determining the chimney sweep of Vasily Petrov to soldiers |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 130. The case of allowing a member of the statistical department of Pushkarev to collect information for the publication of the pointer of St. Petersburg and the college registrar Sodolsky to consider the inventories of palace and other buildings to describe Russian antiquities |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 131. The case on the reviews of the state chambers about the time of receipt of the lower ranks to the service and the selection of evidence from them, regarding the incorrect service of their service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 132. The case of the placement of children of the deceased titular adviser Gulelmi in state institutions |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 133. The case of relations with various present places on the certification of officials of the Gof-Andantant Office to the sign of the distinction of the immaculate service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 134. The case of the information delivered from the office of the cabinet of his Imperial Majesty and the court stable office, about the production of portioned money to officials sent to different places according to state -owned need |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 135. The question of the request of the retired ensign Fomin about the return of a pension dedicated to him by the Chief Treasury during his existence in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 136. The case of the verification of the lower ranks of the second and third mouths to present to the award of the distinction of St. Anna |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 137. The case regarding heating of wind furnaces in the theater house and the maintenance of the guard at the gate, and cleanliness in the yard of it |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 138. The case of asking the orphaned by the daughter of the deceased Private Tatukin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 139. The case of the demand for reference prices from the St. Petersburg City Duma and from other present places for different materials and things to conside the contracts |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 14. The case with certificates on the production of the Provincial Secretary of the Nestogodin in college secretaries |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 140. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 141. The case on the state chamber about the deanery of money received from the St. Petersburg Council |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 142. The case in relation to the office of his imperial majesty about the release of the imperial trellis manufactory of tents for the placement of the artisans for the duration of the restructuring in the buildings of this manufactory |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 143. GOF-Andendan Office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of enrolling the son of a treasurer, college assessor of Chernev, Konstantin, a student in the conductors of the training sea crew. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 144. 1840 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 145. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg commandant about the leave of guard officers on guardians of stationery supplies |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 146. The case of the relationship of his Majesty’s court of the Office about the fallen lamps in the kitchens of the Winter Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 147. The case of refusal to clean the pipes in the building of the former gas meter, as not in the department of the corrugated office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 148. The case of reference prices for different materials and things in 1840 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 149. WednesdayEvening releaseIt turns out twice a day |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 15. The case of a notification of the local provincial rule of the former jurisdiction of the Gof-Andantant Office Trubikist Jaca Chubakov, who was sent to military service for bad behavior |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 150. The case of reference prices sovered from the St. Petersburg City Duma to various materials and things supplied through the cameras and on food supplies for the school |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 151. It's about the vacation of supplies for smoking in the lower corridors and entrances of the Winter Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 152. The case of intercession with the local city Duma on the transfer of a lantern on the occasion of the perestroika of the wing of the Tauride Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 153. The case in relation to the Third Department of State Property on the Election of the Explanations from the Chief Commissioner, Baron of Biel, according to his previous service, in various subjects |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 154. The case of the correction of the form of the lists of officials and ministers, and the introduction of various instructions in the service and awards |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 155. The case of the verification of the service of officials of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office, who were previously in military service and during the continuation of it, who were in campaigns |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 156. The case in relation to the Livonia Civil Governor on the correction of the retired second company of the non-commissioned officer Matvey Semenov Veravision in the passport of the retired disabled company, instead of the Catholic, Evangelical Lutheransky |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 157. The case in relation to the Department of Mountains and Salt cases of the refusal of the college registrar uncle to determine his among the indicated cases appointed for the establishment of salt reserves established on the northeastern shore of the Black Sea |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 158. The case of the refusal of Colonel Baranovich in production to some children of a artisan school salary who does not receive him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 159. The case of returning to the office of the Ministry of Finance for the credit part of deposit tickets |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 16. The case of a message in the Voronezh provincial rule to re -amend this about the years of the Evgage Zhuravlev Patriotic Patriotic Warpic |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 160. The case of reference prices for different materials and things of 1841 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 161. The case of the delivery of the Minister of the Imperial Court of Name lists to those persons who are released firewood and candles under the department of the corrugated office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 162. The case in relation to the Mozyr district shear about the selection of answers from Odintsov’s caretaker, according to his former service, in the case of embezzlement of state prisoner clothing |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 163. The point in relation to the master of the chief police chief about the cleaning of snow, dumped from the roofs of the buildings of the trellis manufactory and the court crew of the crew |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 164. The case of delivering information from the gentlemen of caretakers, commissars and garden masters: Wasn't Boris Petrov Kirilov, Vakhter, Vakhter's department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 165. The case on the issue of control of hijes, open and defined for recovery, on the revision of reports and books of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 166. The case in relation to the construction commission under the Ministry of Finance on the sale of Brusninsky stone offered by it |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 167. The case in relation to the head of the artillery garrisons of the St. Petersburg District on the dismissal of the college secretary of Runkevich in the case of the released lead 218 pounds 18 pounds |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 168. The case in relation to the Investigative Commission for the opening of the Assistance of the Assistance to the Assistance of Monetary amounts of the Assistance to the Assistance of Monetary amounts |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 169. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg post office regarding the determination of the retired stoop of Alexander Serkov by the postman |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 17. The case of a notification of the commissariat department that Polota Kondratiev was not in charge of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office, and it was under the marble palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 170. The case of reference to the Vyatka civil governor of the insignia of the Military Order of St. George to return to the retired non-commissioned officer Peter Novoselov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 171. The case regarding the definition of the son of the former secretary of the Gof-Andantant Office of Semenov, Alexander, to the Second Cadet Corps |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 172. The case of enrolling the son of the head of the Samokhvalov, Alexander, a cadet in the first navigator half -eclipse |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 173. Дело об отсылке в экспедицию ордена Святой Анны документов о рождении и крещении канцелярского служителя Никитина |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 174. The case of the demand from the office of the Ministry of Finance of documents on the nobility and the birth and baptism of the college secretary philosopher |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 175. The case of the delivery of information to Mr. State Secretary Longinov on the service of the titular adviser Naryshkin for the outcome of an additional pension to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 176. The case of the requirement from the St. Petersburg City Duma for different materials and affairs of reference prices |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 177. The case of reference prices delivered from the St. Petersburg City Duma in 1842 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 178. The case in relation to the commander of the Yaroslavl garrison battalion relative to the departments of Kuzma Zakatov’s recruits of the Kuzma Zakatovs. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 179. The case on the issue of control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the collected money from the college registrar Dykhov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 18. The case of a notification of St. Petersburg Customs, that Zolotar Sergeyev was in the service from artisan children |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 180. The case of intercession with His Majesty court of the Majesty on permission to put the slab materials for a while in the spot yard |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 181. The case on the office of the office of the court office about the Mechanics of the Strasser former in the department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 182. The case of demolition with the court office on the release of firewood for heating apartments in the house of the former French embassy and in other places of the department of the HOF-Antentant Office, and the vacation of sebaceous suppositories and clock oils in the pantries, and a cameras |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 183. Дело по отношению ревизионной комиссии для счетов Санкт-Петербургского губернского правления с 1817 по 1828 годы о доставлении сведений о высланных деньгах и документах в 1827 году |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 184. The case in relation to Mr. Major from the gates of the Winter Palace about the examination by the waterclave master of the artisan company of waterclasses bought for the mentioned palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 185. The case at the suggestion of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Palace on the complaint of the widow of Lieutenant Kirilov to evade the adviser of this office of the college adviser Kirilov from her from the estate |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 186. The case of the delivery of heralds monthly information about certain and dismissed officials of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 187. The case in relation to his Majesty’s court of his Majesty on dismissal from service for homeless circumstances of the Ober-Stalmaster Prince Dolgorukov and about other |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 188. The case of delivering to Colonel Baranovich information about the initial admission to the service of the non-commissioned officer of the invalid third company Christopher Patsevich |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 189. The case of returning to the Ministry of Finance of Samples of Credit tickets with descriptions of their |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 19. The case of certificates about children of different poloors |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 190. The case in relation to the bailiff of the second camp of St. Petersburg district about the dead body, belonging to the subjects of clothing, to the composition of the lower ranks of the firefighter of the second company |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 191. The case in relation to the audit commission for the accounts of the St. Petersburg provincial government from 1817 to 1828 on delivering information about the money received from the merchant Sadofiev, for the maintenance of tents in the Mikhailovsky gardens in 1823 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 192. The case of resolving the question is whether the office can be considered the remaining salary on the occasion on the occasion on the vacation of Mr. Vice President to the general residues |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 193. The case of the requirement from the St. Petersburg City Duma and from other present places of reference prices for different materials and forced artisans, for consideration with auction |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 194. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 195. The case in relation to the commander of the Finnish line of the second battalion on the delivery of information about the ordinary battalion Ivan Kondratieva |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 196. The case of reference prices delivered from the St. Petersburg City Duma in 1843 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 197. The case on the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the balance of the amount released in the state for unforeseen needs, according to the artisan company of the imperial palaces |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 198. The case of the circular attitude of the college adviser Galakhov on May 12, 1843, on the delivery of information to the deanery of the dean and received from it, the amounts of the college adviser Galakhov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 199. The case on the expedition of the Order of St. Anna about the recognition of the Councilor of the Gof-Intentant Office of Vasilievsky from Mr. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 2. The case of the dismissal of servants and so on |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 20. The case at the request of the Chancellery of the Accounting of the State Admiralty of the Board of the Executive Part of the delivery of information about when the college secretary Kalinin, who served under the office department, was made in this rank |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 200. The case in relation to the Mr. St. Petersburg Chief Police-Eastern Police Police on the sending of a college registrar Rodionov, taken to the police during the Parade Luga in Tsaritsyn |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 201. The case of sending to the investigation bailiff of the third Admiralty part of the gardener of the Tauride Garden Ivan Karamyshev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 202. The case in relation to Colonel Baranovich about the delivery of information about the service of Private Samoilenko to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 203. The case regarding the recovery of arrears for the printing of ads about the lost documents |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 204. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Third Department of the Government Senate to deliver information about the service of a college assessor Waldgrin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 205. The case in relation to the Baltic Zemstvo Court about the delivery of information about the ordinary Yukele Martovich Lemberg |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 206. The case of the demand for the GOF-endant office of a certificate of the nobility of the college secretary Popov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 207. The case in relation to his Majesty court of the office on the delivery of the formlar list in it about the service of the stoker of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace Pyotr Chesnokov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 208. The case of delivery to the Second Department of Deanery Council Information about the family of a college assessor Martyntsov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 209. The case of the reference to Mr. Livonia Civil Governor Copies from the passport of Private Yana Indrika, on the occasion of the abduction of his genuine |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 21. The case of a notification of the St. Petersburg Chief Police-Emergency Service that the French citizen Francis Kretin in the service in the department of the Hoff-Antentant Office was not a sculptor |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 210. The case of the delivery to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the service of the clerk Lobachev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 211. The case of the delivery to the Sirot Institute of the St. Petersburg Educational House of the daughter of the deceased titular adviser Gulelmi, the girl [daughter] Elena |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 212. The case of delivery to Lieutenant Colonel Cuba Information about the time of receipt of the master company of the master Gavril Fedorov and apprentices: Sergius Filatov and Vasily Andreev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 213. The case against the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the foundry of the delivery of information about the court minister Gorbachev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 214. The case of reference to the Bryansk artillery arsenal copies from the certificate of the free artist Noskov, issued to him from the Imperial Academy of Arts for the indicated title |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 215. The case of reference to the St. Petersburg Ober-Police Police Passport of Bavarian subject Franz Schlummer |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 216. The case of returning the commander of the Grenadier Prince of the Orange regiment of the patent sent by him for the return to the headquarters captain Gorbachev, by his own in the department in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 217. The case in relation to the commander of the Life Guards of the Second Artillery Brigade on the delivery of information about the ordinary disabled third company Kornya Yakovlev and his son, the cantonist Mikhail |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 218. The case of sending to a military court commission, established by St. Petersburg Ordonancehaus, Feldfebel of the artisan company of the Imperial palaces of Yakovlev and the artisan Klyushnikov to take away from them |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 219. The case of reference prices delivered from the St. Petersburg City Council in 1844 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 22. The case of notification of the commissariat department, which is determined by the pupil of Nikolai Zimin, the son of the wife of Konopata Sazonov, Maria Mikhailova, from the Gof-Antentant Office, the obstacle will not be possible |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 220. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the foundry of the sending of an ordinary worker of the third company Fedor Petrov in the case of the theft of adviser to Count Tolstoy Dvorova his girl of different things |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 221. The matter in relation to the commander of the Kronstadt engineering team to recover from a peasant Ivan Tarasov transferred to him in 1842 285 rubles 71?Kopecks with silver to correct him Kronstadt Military Military Hospital |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 222. The case of sending the investigative affairs of the Christmas part of the clerk Bogdanov in the case of the fake banknage of twenty -fucked dignity in the case of the counterfeit bank |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 223. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 224. The case of the demolition of zemstvo ships with the Sotsky hof-intendant department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 225. The case of sending the Titular Advisor to Gronsky in the Chamber of Criminal Court in the case of causing him to beat the peasant girl Praskovier Semenova |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 226. The case of delivering orders to the capital of orders on the procedure for compiling estimates and other things |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 227. The case in relation to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the delivery of information, is there an obstacle to the issuance of a certificate to Mr. Baranovich |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 228. The case in relation to the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about making boxes for sending from him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 229. The case in relation to the inspection department of the military ministry about the claim of the state peasant of the Tver province of Stepan Tenyagin to illegal seizure of retired Private Vasily Belyaev, his service in the fire department, day |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 23. The case of a notification of the St. Petersburg City Council of Deanery, which is not in charge of the HOF-Antentant Office of the disabled Matvey Martynov in the service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 230. The case of the requirement of reference prices from the City Duma and from other present places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 231. The case of sending the investigative cases of the Moscow part of the office servant Stepan Postonogov to the demand for the demand in the case of the Madereni Money Merit stolen |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 232. The case regarding the production of the non-commissioned officer of the guards disabled fifteenth with one third of Andreev’s company to the officer’s vacancy in the master company of the imperial palaces |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 233. The case in relation to the commission about the claims of the lower ranks at the Revel's internal garrison battalion about the claims of the ordinary Gavrila Alexandrov, in the non -receipt of artificial money and other things |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 234. The case of the requirement from the St. Petersburg City Duma and other places of reference (places) prices |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 235. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg noble deputy meeting on the demand from the state adviser of clothing-deus certificate for the acceptance of the oath for the citizenship of Russia and about other |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 236. The case of the delivery of his Majesty's court of the office about the son of the retired stoop of Larionov, Vasily |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 237. The case of the delivery of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the children of the deceased masking master of the artisan company Fedorov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 238. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 239. The case of delivering the inspection department of the military ministry information about the sons of caretakers: Ivanov - Fedor and Fedorov - Alexander |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 24. The case of the notification of Mr. General of the Intenteant of the 1st Army of Pirogov about the Count Tolstoy released by Mr.-Hofmarshal for distributing to the wounded officers of 1000 chervon and 5000 rubles by banknotes |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 240. The case in relation to the Mr. St. Petersburg Chief Police Police on delivery of information about the place of ministry of the official Smirnovsky |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 241. The case of demolishing with the major from the gates of the Winter Palace on the subject of correction of things and tools in workshops, according to the notes of caretakers |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 242. The case regarding the delivery of information to the commander of the Petrozavodsk internal garrison battalion about the time of receipt of the ordinary seed of Dunaevsky to the service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 243. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber on delivery of information about the number of monthly salary received by the assistant to the head of the first branch of the Imperial Hermitage, college assessor Bernard Kon. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 244. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Chamber of the Criminal Court on the dismissal of a strange-Lyuba explanation from the college adviser in the case of the secret pantry of the Senate Archive of some things |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 245. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative cases of the fourth part about the delivery to him in a copy of the type of noblewoman Anna Shabanskaya |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 246. The case in relation to the bailiff of investigative cases about the expulsion of the baker Mikhail Grigoryev for the demand in the case of the subject of the things of the titular adviser to Gordeev for 300 rubles in silver |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 247. The case in relation to the Department of various taxes and fees regarding the liberation of the St. Petersburg third guild of the merchant Samylov from the payment of additional guild duties, in a contract for roofing work in the Gatchina Palace Board |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 248. The case in relation to his own Majesty of the office on the release of the cast -iron rink to roll the highway in the yards of its own palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 249. The case in relation to the commander of the Ryazan garrison battalion on the delivery of information is whether Private Lavrenty Fedorov is in the service in the disabled second and third company |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 25. The case of delivering information to the master manager of the office, Hofmarshal and Cavalier about the service and annual content of the Gof-Fourier of the Tauride Palace Andrei Crinari |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 250. The case of the delivery of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of the Service, which took place in the department of the Gof-Andantant Office of the College Secretary of Gubin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 251. The case in relation to the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the delivery of information regarding the money held from the provincial secretary von Bol |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 252. The case regarding the delivery of the conditions given to the merchant Stepanov to the Tsarskoye Selo zemstvo court for the Vorobyov House sold by the peasant |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 253. The case in relation to St. Petersburg Physics on the delivery of Dr. Strelkovsky to it by the 10th number of the future of December of the statements about patients |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 254. The case of delivery to Lieutenant Colonel Cuba Information about the service of the picturesque master of the artisan company Vasily Tomarov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 255. The case of delivering the major from the gates of the Winter Palace Information about the lack of a decision on the appointment of the lower ranks of wheelchairs of the second and third companies of pension |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 256. The case in relation to the chief controlled by palace reign and the city of the royal village about the assumption of the senior caretaker Prozorov to the inspection of chandeliers and lanterns who were in the Shepelevsky Palace, for the choice of four of them for the newly arranged in the Tsarskoye Selo old d |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 257. The case of observation of Polothees during the cleaning of the floors in the Winter Palace and the buildings touched to it and the assignment of responsibility for the integrity of things located in the rooms on duty. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 258. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the Moscow part about the expulsion of the gilder of the artisan company Yegor Yakovlev to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 259. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 26. The case of notification of the St. Petersburg City Council of Deanery about the disabled person Stepan Kachemazov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 260. The case of a notification of the director of the Department of Various taxes and fees about the service of the architects assistant Noskov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 261. The case in relation to the investigation bailiff of the carriage of the expulsion of the clerical minister Spiridon Anisimov for the demand in the case of concealing the property of the merchant Zevakin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 262. The case of a report by the school inspector about the commanding to the quarterly overseer of the foundry of one minister, for a general search about the behavior of the former artisan Lazarev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 263. The case in relation to the executor of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about delivering him information about the service of disabled person Sidorov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 264. The case in relation to His Majesty’s office about delivering information about the pension of the widow of the titular adviser Fedotov Praskovya Stepanova |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 265. The case in relation to the Mr. St. Petersburg Chief Police-Emergency Service about the comparison of bumps on the roads near the building of the court crew establishment |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 266. The case of the delivery to the Department of the Ministry of Justice Copies from the formular list about the Service of the Tauride Palace of the 8th grade of Caseer |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 267. The case in relation to the commander of the Pskov internal garrison battalion regarding the satisfaction of the rank and file of the rank and file of the rank and file of the ordinary company: Demid Solovyov and Vasily Popov by annual things and ammunitive money |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 268. The case of delivery to Lieutenant Colonel Cuba Information about the previous service of the second lieutenant of the invalid third company Andreev on the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 269. The case of delivery to the second branch of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the son of the deceased artisan Pavel Danilov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 27. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 270. The case of delivery to the second branch of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the service of the Vakhter of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace Zakhara Polyakov and his children |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 271. The case of delivering to Lieutenant Colonel Cuba information about the time of receipt of the artisan company of the master of Medvedev and the pipeline case of the artisan Pavel Dykhlov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 272. The case in relation to the Life Guards of his Majesty of the Majesty of the regiment to recover from this regiment to the master company of the false master of Karl Grabbe of the non-commissioned officer of this regiment Mikhail Adamovich 63 rubles to the non-commissioned officer of this regiment |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 273. The case of delivery to the inspection department of the military ministry information about the examination of the conductor of the Winter Palace Nikitin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 274. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative cases of the second part about the expulsion of clerk Timofitin to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 275. The case of notification of state control, from which seniority is given in the rank of provincial secretary to the architects assistant mass |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 276. Дело о доставлении директору Императорской Петергофской бумажной фабрики сведения о происхождении мастерового той фабрики Василия Филатова |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 277. The case in relation to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court regarding the definition of Major Rosen by a career, in which there are any of the Palaces Hot-Andantant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 278. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber on making the architect Gornostaev seven strict reprimands for the failure to provide him with that chamber at one time of reporting on the cases entrusted to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 279. The case of verification of the service of the younger caretaker of Loboda |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 28. The case of the recall of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court of notifying his in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office of vacant posts for the resigned of the guards corps of non-commissioned officers and ordinary people, and the delivery of such |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 280. The case in relation to Mr. Adlerberg General Adlerberg about delivering him information through the caretakers of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office about the fires near the buildings consisting of the head of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 281. The case of delivering information to the Government Senate about the architects assistant Adamson |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 282. The case of delivery to Lieutenant Colonel Cuba Information about ordinary Vasiliev and son of Gregory |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 283. 1846 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 284. The case of the expulsion of the assistant to the head of Kotov to the bailiff of the investigative cases of the St. Petersburg part to select the explanations |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 285. The case of delivering his own to the first department of his own Majesty Chancellery Information about the service of the college adviser Kononovich-Gorbatsky |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 286. The case of making information about the service of the titular adviser to Gornostaev to present to the sign of an immune service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 287. The case of the delivery of exemplary glass orders to the capital |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 288. The case of the requirement of reference prices for materials and things from the St. Petersburg City Duma and other public places, as well as the delivery of those from the corrugated office to other places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 289. The case of the delivery to the St. Petersburg Spiritual Consistory of the Vessacial Copy with the formular list of the service of the artisan Ivan, with a certificate of reality on copies from the passports of his daughters Elena and Martha Golovy |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 29. The case of notification of the commander of the Petrovsky regiment of Sverov about the military department, who was sent to the military department, who was in the department of the Gof-Andantant Office, Stolyar Vasily Rubtsov and the Vyborg regiment of commander Makukhin about the stovenik Alexei Dmitriev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 290. The case relative to the commander of the Petrozavodsky internal garrison battalion of artic money, 22 rubles in silver, on an ordinary poor |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 291. Дело о помещении в пансион Санкт-Петербургского Введенского уездного училища сына титулярного советника Седякина |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 292. The case of the refusal to enroll the daughter of the Nenpokoeva Oblapokoeva Elizabeth Nepopokoeva to state educational institutions |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 293. The case of the delivery of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the lack of the department of the Gof-Intentant Office of the July |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 294. Дело о донесении господину министру Императорского двора о первой вакансии смотрителя, имеющейся открыться по ведомству Гоф-интендантской конторы |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 295. Дело по отношению комиссии, высочайше учрежденной для возведения Императорского музея, относительно недоставления садовым мастером Греем счетов и расписок в израсходовании денег по устройству садика при Малом Эрмитаже |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 296. Дело по отношению Контроля министерства Императорского двора о начетах, числящихся в недоимке по Контролю |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 297. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 298. The case of the delivery of public charity to Kostroma information about the service conducted by the department of the GOF-Antentant Office Titular Advisor Ivanov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 299. Дело о доставлении cовету Павловского института сведения о службе архитектора Кокорева |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 3. Дело по справкам о пенсионах вдовских и сиротских |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 30. Дело по отношению санкт-петербургского обер-полицеймейстера об отобрании показаний от лакея Елагиноостровского дворца Отто |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 300. The case of notification of the commander of the St. Petersburg garrison battalion about the failure in the service of the watchman Maxim Kondratyev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 301. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 302. The case of delivering to the major from the gates of the Winter Palace to Lt. Col. Cuba, information about the servants fired from the service for the disease before the liability of legalized years |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 303. The case of delivery to the St. Petersburg County Court of Information about the daughters of the locksmith Laptev Praskovya and Fedosya |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 304. Дело о доставлении канцелярии Министерства императорского двора сведения о первой вакансии присяжного по ведомству Гоф-интендантской конторы |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 305. The case of delivering copies to the commander of the Sofia Sea Regiment from the former lists of the former artisan departments of the Gof-Antentant Office of Samoilov and Karneev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 306. Russian |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 307. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the Christmas part about the invitation of the court adviser Sokolov for some explanations to him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 308. The case in relation to Baron Frederiks about notification of it about the period of painting of apartments |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 309. The case in relation to the major from the gates of the Winter Palace on the delivery of information regarding the appointment of the lower ranks of mobile invalid second and third companies of one -time benefits |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 31. The case of a requirement for interrogation of the court worker Panteleev on the case of the theft from the biblical society of state -owned books |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 310. The case of notification of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of the Department of Hot-Antentant Office of two vacancies of Poloters |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 311. The case of the relations of the commanders of the internal garrison battalions regarding the delivery of information about the Service of the lower ranks that previously held in the service in the wheelchair second and third companies |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 312. The case of the requirement from the St. Petersburg City Management Duma of Reference prices for different materials |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 313. The case of the refusal to the illegitimate son of the artisan Peter Savelyev in enrolling him in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 314. The case of the delivery to the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Guards and Grenadier Corps forming a form of the service dismissed from the mobile invalid second company of the non-commissioned officer Ilya Trubin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 315. The case of selecting from the lower ranks of the invalid second and third companies, on a business trip received by them from different persons of cash awards |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 316. The case of delivery to the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Information about the state in the service in the department of the office as an official of the special instructions of the state adviser Class de Sion |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 317. The case in relation to the commander of the Finnish linear battalion about the delivery of information about the initial admission to the service of Private Yakov Volkov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 318. Дело по отношению командира Санкт-Петербургского батальона военных кантонистов относительно доставления ему сведения, состоит ли на службе в рабочей третьей роте рядовой Андрей Татукин и находится ли при нем сын его кантонист Михайла |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 319. Дело по отношению пристава следственных дел Линейной части о высылке к нему рядового мастеровой роты Александра Кувычкина с женой |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 32. The case of production in the Chesmensky Palace Major Gicig of the investigation |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 320. The case of notification of Mr. Chief-Stalmaster Baron Friedriks about the methods of getting the department of the GOF-Antentant Office of the Lower Officials by ministers |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 321. Дело об уведомлении Санкт-Петербургской казенной палаты о несостоянии на службе по ведомству Гоф-интендантской конторы коллежского асессора Лыткина |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 322. The case of the requirement of reference prices for various items from the St. Petersburg City Management Duma and other present places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 323. The case of the teacher at the fifth infantry corps delivered from the headquarters of the former list about the servant of the second second-hand third company Andreev’s service in the fidelity of it with the documents of the corrugated center |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 324. The case of sending a certificate of the kingdom of the Polish attested copy from the certificate from the certificate, presented in 1832 by the college secretary, now by an outfield adviser, Lyubarsky, when determining him in the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 325. The case of delivery to the Second Department of the St. Petersburg Chamber of the Civil Court of Cleaner Sergei Lazarev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 326. The case in relation to the office of the second land hospital about the sending of competent non-commissioned officers to write out patients |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 327. The case in relation to the investigative bailiff of the Vasilievsky part about the expulsion to it for the interrogation of the peasant Neofimov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 328. The case of returning the counter Rodionov 3 rubles with silver, sent by him through the mail to his nephew, the ordinary King of the Prussian regiment, Vasily Petrov, who did not get to him in an erroneous inscription on the envelope |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 329. The case in relation to the investigative bailiff of the Christmas part about the expulsion of the Griega Gray Gri to him to explain in the case of the non -removal of the family of life by the pupil Yakovlev within a nine -month period |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 33. Дело по предложениям господина главноначальствующего о собраниях Кавалерской думы ордена Святого Владимира |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 330. The case of the delivery of the position of the chief prosecutor of the boundary department of the Government Senate about the reasons for the failure to submit to the first rank of the Chancellor minister Lobachev. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 331. The case in relation to the bailiff of the Christmas part about the arrival of the garden master Gray with the house book of his workers living in it |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 332. The case of a notification of the St. Petersburg Conscious Court of the daughter of the garden apprentice Sergeeva Ekaterina |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 333. The case of notifying the commander of the first battalion of the first training carbinean regiment Major Bogush about the state in the service in the department of the Gof-Antendant Office of the Poloiser Fedor Lubkov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 334. The case in relation to the Saratov Provincial Commission regarding the sale of the artisan company Peter Yakovlev of his own things remaining after the deceased gilder, and the expulsion of the money proceeded for the mentioned commission to be issued to her own |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 335. The case of sending to the court stable office of the passport of the widow of the court groom Marfa Gordeeva, delivered from the committee, highly established for the analysis and charity of the poor |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 336. The case regarding the reckoning of illegitimate daughters, the daughter of the court stoop of Antonov Ekaterina Ivanova in the Society of St. Petersburg philistines |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 337. The case in relation to the medical department of the military ministry regarding the delivery of information about the service of the senior resident of the First Military Military Hospital of the College Councilor Bosse |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 338. The case of enrolling the daughter of the deceased ordinary disabled second company Vasily Zavyalov Devita Nastasya in the St. Petersburg philistinism |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 339. The case of the delivery of the Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna to the office of the producing maintenance of the garden masters of the Tauride Garden and the Elaginoostrovsky Orangelers |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 34. The case of the answer from the Gof-Antentant Office about the teacher of the teacher, the teacher Reutov, gardener Maklakovo and other ministers in the service of this office;About the children of the deceased master of Mokhnachev and the blacksmith Majorov, Swess, the Titov Pipe Team and the Putter of the Marble |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 340. The case in relation to the Department of Udelov on the issuance of the widow of Unter officer Kozhevnikov Daria under the occasion of her older daughter marriage |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 341. The case regarding the dismissal of children of the retired lackey Arkhipov from the department of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 342. Дело о поверке службы старшего мастерового позолотного и резного дел мастеровой роты Федора Андреева |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 343. The case of sending the major from the gates of the Winter Palace of Artific and Private Fyodor Ivanov, delivered from the temporary department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 344. The case of the refusal of the college adviser Nepopokoev in determining his son Alexander in the candidates of the conductors of the training naval worker crew |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 345. The case of delivery to the Second Department of the St. Petersburg Deanery Administration Information about the failure now in the service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 346. The case of the demand from the herald of the metric certificate of the titular adviser Popov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 347. The case of the refusal of the widow of the stone affairs of the master of the college secretary of Campioni in the premises of her daughter Sofia in one of the official establishments |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 348. The case of delivering information to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the St. Petersburg part about the value of things abducted by the stoker Alexandrov from the rooms of the commission to resume the Winter Palace and about two hours found from them |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 349. Correspondence with the court office about confirmation of lamps to be careful when using lamps through the rooms of the Winter Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 35. The case in relation to the construction committee, under the office of His Majesty, established, on the arrangement of the Imperial Winter Palace of the Correct Square, on the deduction from the HOF-Fourier Otto and the Garden Master of Schumann, on the occasion of their location in the commission, are not deductible |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 350. The case on the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, whether there is a vacancy of the clerical minister, is equal to the service and the content of the Camdiner Cayiser |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 351. The case in relation to the commander of the Finnish line of the fourth battalion regarding the delivery of information about the time of receipt of ordinary people: Andrei Martynov, Matvey Andreev and Mikhail Vasiliev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 352. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 353. The case of making information about the degree of completion of sciences by the clerical minister of the Strange -Libe and Metric Certificate of Birth in case of presenting him to production in the first cool rank |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 354. The case in relation to the commander of the Caucasian 11th line battalion about the claims of the clerk Ivanov to the watchman of the Tauride Garden Fomin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 355. The case of delivering control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about money shown on the report of the Commissariat Department of the Military Ministry of 1845, released by the major from the gates of the Winter Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 356. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg chief police chief regarding the cleansing of ice and dirt from the avenues near the buildings of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 357. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Ober-Police Police Colonel Goremykin that he received the Master Fadeev in 1848 from the GOF-Antendant Office 221 rubles in silver |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 358. The case in relation to the police of the city of Tsarskoye village about the delivery of information about the ordinary Pantelee Donchenko, who was a minister at the school of the artisans |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 359. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the Narva part about the bruised soldier's daughter Marya Karpova |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 36. The case of demarcation with the inspection department of the military department for the right to receive the Gof-Tententant Department to disabled people for the sake of freely twenty years of the sign of St. Anna |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 360. The case of delivering the office of the Tiflis Military Hospital Information about the previous service in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office of the caretaker of that hospital of the headquarters captain Shchelkunov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 361. The case in relation to the Second Department of the St. Petersburg Country of Deanery on the delivery of copies with a decree on the resignation issued from the GOF-Antentant Orea Disabled Thimofei Emelyanov. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 362. The case in relation to the Kharkov Treasury Chamber of the delivery of money about money made by the actual state adviser Shcherbinin, by the sign of an immense service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 363. The case of reference to the St. Petersburg Civil Court of Two Tickets of the Saved Hering for 200 rubles belonging to the deceased carpenter Trifonov to the St. Petersburg Civil Court |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 364. The case of making information about the titular adviser Dubensky to produce him in the rank of college assessor and his refusal to him on the case of non-production of his peers in the captain-lieutenant along the line |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 365. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber on the delivery of information about the number of monthly salary received by correcting the position of the clerk at the second branch of the Imperial Hermitage of the 14th grade Vladimir |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 366. The case of the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber about incomprehensible money for production in ranks from employees in the department of the Gof-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 367. The case in relation to the commander of the Sofia Sea Regiment on declaring relatives about the death of an ordinary regiment Yakov Samoilov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 368. The case in relation to the office of the St. Petersburg Chamber of the Criminal Court on the announcement of Executor Mikhailov, so that he will appear in the ward to listen to the decision on the courtyard of the Madame Alexander Senugin, judged by the theft |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 369. The case of the delivery to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the service of the deceased watchman of the Baurian and laundry houses of Babkov and the issuance of his passport to his wife about his resignation, Babkov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 37. The case of the answer to the questions of various present places about officials who served in the department of the GOF-Antentant Office to receive the insignia of the immaculate service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 370. 1849 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 371. The case in relation to the Department of Dolzov on delivering information to him whether the department of the full-time employee has a standard worker in the department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 372. The case in relation to the commander of the Novgorod internal garrison battalion about delivering him information about the years of the former artisan Dmitriev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 373. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber of the delivery of information was recovered from the college secretary of Kopin for the production of his money in the real rank |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 374. The case of sending money and a pledge to the civilian court after the deceased carpentry master Markelov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 375. The case of the delivery of the office of the commission, the highest established on the construction of the St. Isaac's Cathedral, information about the term of sheepskin coats for the watch department of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 376. The point on the question of whether to return to the treasury the dining room money issued forward to those who, after receiving, quit on vacation |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 377. The case of the delivery of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace Board of information about the existing prices for the construction of a dress for court ministers and artistan's department of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 378. The case in relation to the office of the First Military Dry Hospital about the watchman of Yuganov, who was due to illness in this hospital and who did not belong to the corrugated department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 379. The case of making information about the time of receipt and determination of the adviser to the Gof-Antentant Office of Vasilyevsky to the post of treasurer of the St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 38. The case of a notification on the issue of St. Petersburg Chief Police-Emergency Service is that an official of the 8th grade of the Kolomiyts in the service in the department of the GOF-Antentant Office does not consist |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 380. The case of sending to the inspection department of the military ministry copies from the passport of the widow of the titular adviser to Netolin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 381. The case of delivering the major from the gates of the Winter Palace Information about the time of receipt of the senior artisan stove for the artisan company Nikifor Mikhailov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 382. The case of delivery to the Department of Foreign Trade Information about the service of the titular adviser Andrei Wulf |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 383. The case of the delivery of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information whether there is a vacancy of the employee in the department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 384. The case of the requirement from different present places of reference prices for materials and things, and the delivery of those, according to the requirements of different places, from the corrugated office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 385. The case of the demand from the Department of Foreign Trade and other places of information about the service of Mr. Councilor Ladyzhensky to present to the sign of distinction of immense service;Immediately about the refusal of Mr. Ladyzhensky in awarding by this sign |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 386. The case in relation to the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the delivery of information about the arrears of the previous time |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 387. The case of the delivery of a commission established by the Novgorod internal garrison battalion, information about the initial admission to the service of ordinary people: Dmitrieva, Tenyakov, Belin, Komarovsky and clerk Fomin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 388. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 389. The case of the reporting to the minister of the imperial court about the state of service in the department of the Gof-Andantant Office of the Court Gardener Finnelman |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 39. The case on the state expedition on payment in 1827 by the Committee of the Academy of Sciences for Printing in the Vedomosts of Money Ads |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 390. The case of the delivery of the Luga Militarian information where the college secretary Demin is now lodging |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 391. The case in relation to the bailiff of the investigative affairs of the fourth part about the expulsion of the Mr. Secretary of the second expedition of the Gof-Antentant Office of Gostinopolsky in the case of embezzlement by the merchant son of a friendly amount |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 392. The case of delivering the Pavel of the Admiralty Izhora factories about the service of Private Pavel Grebtsov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 393. The case of a notification of the Mr. Petersburg Ober-Police-School of the time of receiving 30 rubles 10 kopecks with silver, withheld from the Provincial Secretary of Khrapovitsky |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 394. The case of delivery to the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior, the information is reedient with the Protodeacon of the stable church and whether it is engaged in the purpose |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 395. The case of the requirement from the court office of notes for the travel of the departments of the HOF-Antentant Office on the court steamboats to the Peterhof and vice versa.Immediately about the return to the court office of the remaining notes |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 396. The case in relation to the temporary department of the deanery council of notification of it about the GOF-Antentant Office of Money 28 rubles in silver |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 397. The case of enrolling the son of the titular adviser Maksimov, Nikolai, to the cadet candidates of the first navigational semi -eclipse |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 398. 1850 |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 399. The case of the delivery of the second branch of the Fifth Department of the Government Senate Documents on the Bolzoni Chancellery Senate Prosecutor |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 4. The case of the answer to the requirements in different public places about various matters, for servants who are dismissed from the service of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 40. The case of delivering information to various public places about the prices for materials and about other |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 400. The case in relation to the Arkhangelsk spiritual consistory about the birth time of the son of college secretary Demin, Jacob |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 401. The case in relation to the military court on the notification, when it was the former carpenter Vasily Vorobyov by the first patch on the sleeve of the uniform and why he was not awarded the next for fifteen years |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 402. The case of sending to the bailiff of the foundation of the foundry of the ordinary third company Trepin, in the case of the disposal of the Employee of the highest court of Kadykov from the Baur house |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 403. The case of sending to the bailiff of investigative cases of the foundry of the painter of the artisan company Peter Fadeev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 404. The case of the delivery of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of Information about the lack of a jacket of the junior career or assistant caretaker |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 405. The case in relation to the department of the hunter of the jurisdiction of the delivery of contract prices for the construction of a dress |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 406. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 407. Дело об уведомлении Придворной конторы, о неимении со стороны Гоф-интендантской конторы препятствия относительно определения дочери умершего фонарщика Дыбова, Евдокии, на вакансию прачки |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 408. The case of notification of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of the available two separate empty apartments on the top floor of the Tauride Palace |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 409. The case of delivering information on the coverage of city lamps and about fire prices |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 41. The case of delivering information to the military court commission, established by the St. Petersburg Ordonancehaus on the disabled of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace Vasily Ivanov, who declared the life of some girl in the deprivation of the life |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 410. The case of the delivery of the former assistant to the treasurer of the Gof-Andantant Office Evsey Belokopytov to the military topographic depot. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 411. The case of notification of the office of the court of her imperial highness of the Empress Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna about the time of receipt of the GOF-Andantant Office of the Garden Promaster Fedor Laptev |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 412. The case of delivering the major from the gates of the Winter Palace information about the time of receipt of the craftsmen of the masters to the service of the craftsmen: the river and golden affairs of Gavrila [Grigoryeva], the roofing of Nikolai Osipov and the senior artisans: gilding Constantine Pavlo |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 413. The case regarding the note in the Kronstadt philistinism of the son of the daughter of the deceased court hunter Petrov, now married to the fields of the Peter and Paul Institute, Irina Andronova, Peter, who was taken before marriage |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 414. The case of notification of the Chancellery of the Commission on the construction of the Isaac's Cathedral regarding the movement of clerical ministers from the second to the first category and on the placement of children of the artisans to the stationery |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 415. The case regarding the note to the philistinism of the illegitimate son of the daughter of the deceased quadrator master of the department of the Gof -Andantant Office Dmitry Mokhnachev, now in marriage, is in marriage to the college secretary of Natalia Isaeva - Ivan |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 416. The case of available from the St. Petersburg City Duma of Printing Vedomosti, about reference prices related to trade in different subjects |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 417. The case of reference to the Department of the State Treasury of the Metric Certificate of Birth and Baptism of the Chancellery Servant Ivan Ustinov |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 418. The case against the court office about the complaint of the philistine girl Elizabeth Vdovina on the stoker of the Tauride Palace of Berhman about his unwillingness to marry her |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 419. The case of delivering to Mr. Ober-Hofmarshal to Count Shuvalov the information from whose permission the official of special assignments was entrusted to the absence of an adviser to the GOF-Antentant Office, to correct his position |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 42. The case in relation to the commission, the highest established for the opposition of the counting of the St. Petersburg provincial rule, on the delivery of information from 1817 to 1827 about the money sent to the provincial board |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 420. The case of delivering the court office information from where the lanterns were located and how much when lighting lanterns in the old court service house and in an outbuilding, converted from drying in the laundry courtyard, during the management of these buildings, the ore caretaker |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 421. The case of delivery to the commander of the St. Petersburg internal garrison battalion information about the service of Private Sharypin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 422. The case of the requirement from various public places of information about the reference prices for materials and things, and the delivery of such information from the GOF-Andentant Office according to the requirements of different places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 423. The case of the demand from the Forest Department of the Metric Certificate of Birth and Baptism of the Chancellery Servant Ilyin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 424. The case of the requirement from various public places of information about the reference prices for materials and work, as well as the delivery of those from the Gof-Antentant Office for the requirements of other places |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 425. The case in relation to the Department of Military Settlements on the subject of conclusion with the merchant Maltzov contract for the purification of sewage in the former Jesuit house |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 43. The case regarding the delivery of information to the office of St. Petersburg Gradsky is almighty about the passport of the Highest General, the retired corrugated person Andrei Gerasimov. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 44. The case of the delivery of the chief over the Gof-Antentant Office of the Ober-Hofmeister and the Cavalier information about the salary and maintenance of the Gof-Intentant Department to the garden apprentice Ivan Revelsky and the craftsmen of three people |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 45. The case of the requirement from the office of his Imperial Majesty on the service of garden masters of Elaginoostrovsky gardens and greenhouses of Bush and Buk forming lists |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 46. The case with answers to questions of various present places about officials, about people with disabilities and ministers who, for various occasions, who retired from the office of the corrugated department, and the delivery of the formular about the service of the lists, as well as to the office of the Committee of the Prize |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 47. The case of the answer to the Department of the State Treasury, that the Nalida cameras from the Nelidine of any salaries from the corrugated office is not produced |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 48. The case in relation to the first Cadet Corps about the removal of the college assessor Strunkin information about taking on the disease from the corps of his son Alexander at all or for cure for one year |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 49. The case of notification of the office of the office of his Imperial Majesty, on what basis are the craftsmen from the craftsmen from the craftsmith to the hospital from the salary made by him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 5. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 50. The case of the answer to the questions of various present places and persons about those who retired to the HOF-Antentant Office and consisting of officials to obtain insistence insignia signs |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 51. The case on the issue of his Majesty's court of the office on the delivery of the nominal list of officials, hofuries and the Poloter team receiving cash awards for the Holy Easter Festival |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 52. The case of the answer of the cabinet of his imperial majesty that the architect Tone is not appointed to the service in the office under the HOF-Antentant Department, and that the office has no information about him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 53. The case in relation to the temporary branch of the St. Petersburg Board on the requirement from the Novoladozh Zemsky Court of Information about the daughter-in-law of the chimneyist Vasily Mikhailov Avdotier and from the order of public charity of the passport, which remained. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 54. The case of notification of the court office about the dismissal of the assistant commissar of the chamberlain position of Mikhailov and the delivery of two tickets to the nephew of Konstantin Sokolov for the coffee assistant to the nephew for the remodel |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 55. The case of the answer to the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber of the HOF-Antentant Department deducted from officials for raising money, as well as the department of various taxes and fees |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 56. The case of delivering information to the St. Petersburg Physics on Dr. Ghana and medicines to compile a table |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 57. The case of making information from the Department of Mountains and Salt cases about the ministry in it in the drawing part of the Teacher's teacher to be included in the formular about the service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 58. The case of the answer to His Majesty’s court, at the request of the state expedition for the revision of accounts on the report of the GOF-Antentant Office for 1826 on different [information], subjects |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 59. The case of notification of the Department of Dolzov on the impossible adoption of children of the craftsmen of the Revel of the Catherine Palace, to the established department of the school for children of the artisan office of the HOF-Antentant Department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 6. The fact that the father of Kaptenarmus of the Yaroslavl Infantry Regiment Mokhnachev is in the department of the corrugated office, in the rank of warrant officer |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 60. The case in relation to the City Duma with the delivery of information on the purchase of various life supplies in St. Petersburg |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 61. The case of the answer to the Moscow Commission on the imposition of prohibitions on different persons |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 62. The case of the relations of various present places about the delivery of information about the prices for materials and work, as well as about the money paid by this office to different persons |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 63. The case in relation to the artillery department on vacation is incredible to him to 5,000 quarters |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 64. The case in relation to the Admiralty Provisional Commission on the delivery of information whether it was really issued in this office to an official Shakhov an order with the authorities of gratitude for observing the state interest in bronzing furnaces |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 65. The case of delivering information to the office of the St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters: on what basis and situation are firewood for heating apartments in the department of the GOF-Antentant Office |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 66. The case of notification of the Justice-College of the divorce of the college secretary Gustav Shortman with his wife Katerina Coosh and the recovery of his salary for the maintenance of a third part of the received content |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 67. The case of the answer to the issues of various present places and persons about officials and ministers of the GOF-Antentant Department for the insignia of immunity service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 68. The case of intercession with the Kaluga civil governor of the expulsion to the disabled person of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace Ivan Semenov to the residence of his wife Anna Dmitrieva |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 69. The case of sending to the Moscow part of the disabled person, the ordinary firefighter of the second company Artemy Timofeev to the investigation of the contents of the porter shop Shamin |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 7. The case of the departure of some military ranks consisting in Russian to their battalions |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 70. The case of notification at the time of the office of his Imperial Majesty on the occasion of the departure from the department of the Gof-Antentant Office of the Watch Master Gainam and his assistant to his Gainam |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 71. The case of a response to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the dismissal of the HOF-Andantant Office of Stolyar Zhludilov in court leaks |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 72. The case of demarcation with the inspector department of the Main Staff of his Imperial Majesty about the Patent Andreev lost by the Second Library |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 73. RGIA |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 74. The case of delivering a copy of the office from the attitude of the office from the retired colonel Renenkampf for the granted land at brick factories to the St. Petersburg Provincial Board. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 75. The case at the proposal of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court on the examination of the house of court lackeys: Fedor and Peter Follendorfs and the delivery of information in what condition he is and how much is needed to correct him |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 76. The case in relation to the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of delivering information to it, what is the amount of the burial of the Georgian Queen Daria, who died in 1807, |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 77. The case of the answer to the issues of various present places and persons about officials and ministers of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office and to receive signs of distinction of immaculate service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 78. The case of the delivery to the minister of the imperial court about officers and lower ranks of wheelchair mouths, fire and working lists |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 79. The case of the refusal to transfer the gold of the HOF-Andant, Vasily Pelevin to continue the service together with the relatives of the Life Guards in the Semenovsky regiment [?] |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 8. The case of a notification of the provincial board of this disabled Mikhailov retired passport |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 80. The case of the second and third wheelchairs about the Lower ranks sent for the previous time of money, the replenishment and discreet of formular lists, and about different correspondence |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 81. The case of a notification of the Moscow provincial board of deducted money for raising an rank from the college registrar Ivanov, who served in the Gof-Andant, |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 82. The case of permitting a court crew to transfer coal through a store court |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 83. The case of sending into the competition of insolvent debtors following from the merchants of the Assalum money |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 84. The case of the relationship of the St. Petersburg Civil Governor on the correction of country roads in the Gof-Intentant villages belonging to the department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 85. The case of the relationship of the master of the manager of the Hofmeister part of the palace of His Majesty Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich Jagermeister Vasilchikov to notify him on the subject of the purchase of various varieties of sand, manure, bark and other things |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 86. The case on the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about 10,000 rubles allocated to the rental of apartments to officials and widows of the Gof-Antentant Department, on the basis of which they were released |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 87. The case of demarcation with the Department of State Treasury on the Exodulation of the Widows of the Dead officials of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office of the One at the same time annual salaries of husbands of their salary, by the sign of the immature service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 89. The case of the money delivered from the Department of Beliefs, 8 rubles 19 kopecks, who followed the pension to the deceased attire Stepanov, the abolished court of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, for the return of his son, to his service, who is in the service |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 9. The case of notification of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment on the announcement of the staff of Vasiliev about the former in the Mitavsky hospital of that non-commissioned regiment of Bastrygin, when he entered that hospital in it, died |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 90. The case of the refusal of the Pavlovsk city rule to enroll the sons of the sons of the deceased painting student Alexei Lapshin Yakov and Fedor to the department |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 91. The case of the delivery to the inspectorate department of the military ministry of the Nizhny ranks having insignia of the Military Order of St. George |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 92. The case of the refusal of the St. Petersburg Evangelical-Lutheran Consistory in dismissal from the department of the Gof-Antendant Orea Orea Fire of the second company Bertul Andrus to determine it as a cyster in the Estsky parish |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 93. The case of notification of the inspection department of the military ministry of lack of invalid companies of the second and third lower ranks, looking for, is not known where |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 94. The case of demolition with the inspection department of whether, by an order given on April 22, 1834, to retire to the lower ranks of the invalid firefighter of the second and working third companies, and about the non -proliferation of this order for the indicated lower ranks |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 95. The case in relation to the inspection department of delivering copies with the relationship of the GOF-Antentant Office about the son of a disabled person Danila Ovcharenka Ivan. |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 96. The case of the punishment of the court stable office of the non-stallmaster Ermolayev Private third company Galaktion Ivanov Rozgia |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 97. The case in relation to his Majesty court of the office on the delivery of information, how much candlelights should be released for lighting lamps in the permits of the house, as well as about the excavation of rooms in the reserve house |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 98. The case of the certification of the lower ranks of wheelchair firefighter the second and working third mouth for the length of service of twenty years is a sign of the distinction of St. Anna |
РГИА. 470 / 2 / 99. Дело о раздаче чиновникам ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы акций второго страхового от огня общества |