Identifier 2c92085f-49c7-42b7-a64f-50f254a62f3e Title About fruits and plants sent to the highest yard Dates 1825 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number РГИА. 470 / 3 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 92 units. Fonds GOF-Antentant Office of the MIDV File РГИА. 470 / 3 / 1. The case of the vacation for the Tsarskoye Selo Garden from the school garden establishments РГИА. 470 / 3 / 10. Дело по отношениям Придворной конторы о высылке из садов к Высочайшему двору для церквей и больших банкетных столов фруктов, цветов и зелени РГИА. 470 / 3 / 11. Reports of the garden master Kolya with the presentation of the sheets about sent fruits and colors from the Tauride Garden to the highest yard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 12. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest yard in the garden of the former Golovina cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 13. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest yard in the Yelaginoostrovsky garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 14. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest yard from Tauride greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 15. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of Elagin Island РГИА. 470 / 3 / 16. Ведомости о цветах и фруктах, которые отправлены из оранжерей бывшей Головиной дачи, к Высочайшему двору РГИА. 470 / 3 / 17. The case of the vacation from the gardens of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office of flowers and greenery in the court churches and for banquet tables РГИА. 470 / 3 / 18. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest yard from Tauride greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 19. Vedomosti on fruits and flowers in the Yelaginoostrovsky garden and greenhouses, garden master of Buk, sent to the highest yard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 2. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest court from the Tauride Garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 20. Vedomosti on colors and fruits, which were sent from the greenhouses of the former Golovina cottage to the highest courtyard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 21. The case on the representation of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court on the delivery of the Empress Empress from the court greenhouses of two small cypress trees РГИА. 470 / 3 / 22. Дело об отпуске из садов Гоф-интендантской конторы в придворные церкви цветов и зелени РГИА. 470 / 3 / 23. Ведомости об отправленных к Высочайшему двору фруктах и цветах из таврических оранжерей РГИА. 470 / 3 / 24. Vedomosti about fruits and flowers from the Elaginoostrovsky greenhouses sent to the highest yard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 25. Vedomosti about fruits sent to the highest yard and flowers from greenhouses of the former Golovina cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 26. The case of the release of flowers and greenery from the gardens РГИА. 470 / 3 / 27. Vedomosti about fruits and flowers sent to the highest yard on the Tauride Garden from Tauride Orange. РГИА. 470 / 3 / 28. Vedomosti about fruits and flowers sent to the Higher Yard to the Yelaginoostrovsky garden from the Elaginoostrovsky greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 29. Vedomosti about fruits sent to the highest yard and flowers from greenhouses in the garden of the former Golovina cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 3. Ведомости о цветах и фруктах по Каменноостровскому саду за 1825 и 1826 годы по март месяц РГИА. 470 / 3 / 30. The case of the vacation and delivery of flowers and greenery from the gardens for court churches and to the highest court РГИА. 470 / 3 / 31. Ведомости об отправленных к Высочайшему двору цветах и фруктах из оранжерей по саду Елагиноостровского дворца РГИА. 470 / 3 / 32. Vedomosti about the flowers and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the former Golovina cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 33. Vedomosti about the colors and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the Tauride Garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 34. 52 l. РГИА. 470 / 3 / 35. Vedomosti about the flowers and fruits from the greenhouses sent to the Tauride Garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 36. Vedomosti about the flowers and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the former Golovina cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 37. Vedomosti about the flowers and fruits sent to the Higher Yard from the greenhouses in the garden of the Elaginoostrovsky Palace РГИА. 470 / 3 / 38. Vedomosti on vacation to the highest court of different green and flowers, right there about the vacation of plants in the Peterhof garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 39. Vedomosti about the colors and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the Tauride Garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 4. The case of sending from the gardens, according to the requirements of the court office, to the highest court for churches and large banquet tables of fruits, flowers and herbs РГИА. 470 / 3 / 40. Vedomosti about the flowers and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the former Golovin of the cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 41. The case of vacation to the highest yard of fruits, flowers and herbs РГИА. 470 / 3 / 42. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the Gof-Antentant Department of flowers and greenery for consumption in court churches in prayer and especially for decorating banquet tables in the Winter Palace during balls, equally woody bushes for giving a forest institute РГИА. 470 / 3 / 43. Дело об отпуске к Высочайшему двору фруктов, цветов и зелени РГИА. 470 / 3 / 44. Vedomosti on flowers and fruits sent to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the former Golovin of the cottage РГИА. 470 / 3 / 45. Ведомости о цветах и фруктах, отправленных к Высочайшему двору с Елагина острова из елагиноостровских оранжерей РГИА. 470 / 3 / 46. Дело об отпуске к Высочайшему двору цветов и фруктов и о заготовлении большего числа цветочных луковиц, собственно для банкетных столов РГИА. 470 / 3 / 47. The case of vacation to the highest yard of flowers and fruits, and about selling them from greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 48. The case of the GOF-Andantant Office delivered from the greenhouses of the department to the highest yard fruits and vegetables РГИА. 470 / 3 / 49. A statement of colors, fruits and plants sent to the highest yard in the Tauride Garden for 1839 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 5. The case of buying flower bulbs and sending them to Taganrog for her imperial majesty, the Dowager Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna РГИА. 470 / 3 / 50. The case of the vacation from gardens and greenhouses of fruits, flowers and greenery to the highest court, as well as for court churches, and the sale of excessive fruits, berries and shrubs РГИА. 470 / 3 / 51. The case of an order made again, for sending fruits from the greenhouses of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office to the highest courtyard and about the requested permission from Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court for sale to private individuals РГИА. 470 / 3 / 52. The case of the sent fruits and vegetables to the highest yard in 1840 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 53. The case of the vacation from greenhouses to the highest yard of fruits, flowers and different plants, the purchase of flowers, fruits and shrubs from them in greenhouses of flowers and the sale of flowers from them РГИА. 470 / 3 / 54. RGIA РГИА. 470 / 3 / 55. The case of sent fruits and vegetables to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office in 1841 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 56. The case of the difference in the testimony of the Gr. Gray and the apprentice of Revelsky about the number of flowers delivered to the housing palace and returned to the greenhouse for 1841 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 57. The case of an order, again made, for sending fruits, vegetables and greenery from the greenhouses of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office to the highest yard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 58. The case of the under dwarves of fruits and other objects in the gardens of the Gof-Intentant Department of 1840 against 1839;Immediately about the evidence of fruits and fruit trees РГИА. 470 / 3 / 59. The case of the vacation from gardens and greenhouses to the highest yard of greenery, also to other places, and the sale of flowers from greenhouses, also apples РГИА. 470 / 3 / 6. The case of sending from the gardens, according to the requirements of the court office, to the highest court for churches and large banquet tables of fruits, flowers and herbs РГИА. 470 / 3 / 60. The case of sent fruits and vegetables to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office РГИА. 470 / 3 / 61. The case of confirmation by garden masters Gray and Humler, so that the fruits and berries sent to Peterhof are delivered to the chief -hofmarshala Prince Dolgorukov, and in the absence of him as Hoffmarshaw - Count Shuvalov РГИА. 470 / 3 / 62. The case of the cherries sold with Golovina and with Elagin is the island of apples in 1842 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 63. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the office of the office to the highest yard and to other places of fruits, flowers and plants, on the permission of their sale, about breeding ivy in greenhouses and on the purchase of different plants in greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 64. Дело об отпуске к Высочайшему двору и в другие места из оранжерей ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы зелени, цветов и растений РГИА. 470 / 3 / 65. The case of a decree done about sending bouquets from flowers to the highest courtyard РГИА. 470 / 3 / 66. The case of fruits, berries and vegetables sent to the highest yard during 1843 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 67. The case of delivering flowers and other things to the highest yard and other places from the Orange. РГИА. 470 / 3 / 68. Дело об отправке к Высочайшему двору фруктов, ягод и овощей РГИА. 470 / 3 / 69. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the office of the office to the highest yard and to other places of flowers and plants РГИА. 470 / 3 / 7. The case of delivering flowers from Elaginoostrovsky greenhouses to the highest yard during 1826 РГИА. 470 / 3 / 70. Дело о продаже из оранжерей ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы цветов и растений остающихся излишними, а также и яблок РГИА. 470 / 3 / 71. The case of the consideration of the reasons for a decrease in fruit expulsion to the highest yard from the office of the office of the office РГИА. 470 / 3 / 72. The case of sending fruits, berries and various vegetables in 1845 to the Higher Court from the greenhouses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 73. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the office of the office to the highest yard and to other places of flowers, greenery and plants РГИА. 470 / 3 / 74. Дело о продаже из оранжерей ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы луковиц, цветов, растений и яблок; тут же разрешение о покупке растений на счет выручаемой суммы РГИА. 470 / 3 / 75. The case of the fruits, berries, vegetables and different colors, and plants in 1846 sent to the highest yard from the houses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 76. Дело об отпуске из оранжерей ведомства Конторы цветов и растений к Высочайшему двору и в другие места РГИА. 470 / 3 / 77. The case of resolving the sale from the greenhouses of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office of Excessive colors and plants РГИА. 470 / 3 / 78. Дело относительно произрастания фруктов в оранжереях ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы и доставления их к Высочайшему двору РГИА. 470 / 3 / 79. The case regarding the expulsion of pineapples and other fruits to the highest court РГИА. 470 / 3 / 8. The case of vacation from the Tauride Garden in Tsarskoye Selo Gardens and in Peterhof bushes РГИА. 470 / 3 / 80. The case of the fruits, berries, vegetables and different colors, and plants in 1847 sent to the highest yard from the houses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 81. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the office of the office to the highest yard and to other places of flowers and plants РГИА. 470 / 3 / 82. Дело о разрешении продажи из оранжерей ведомства Конторы излишних цветов и растений, также и мелких ананасов РГИА. 470 / 3 / 83. The case of the fruits, berries, vegetables and different colors, and plants in 1848 sent to the highest yard from the houses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 84. The case of the vacation from the greenhouses of the department of the GOF-Antentant Office to the Highest Court and to other places of flowers and plants РГИА. 470 / 3 / 85. 20 l. РГИА. 470 / 3 / 86. The case of the subject of delivery to the highest yard from the greenhouses of the department of the Gof-Antentant Office of Fruits and Berries РГИА. 470 / 3 / 87. Дело об отправленных к Высочайшему двору из оранжерей Гоф-интендантского ведомства фруктах, ягодах, овощах и разных цветах, и растениях в 1849 году РГИА. 470 / 3 / 88. The case of the fruits, berries, vegetables and different colors, and plants sent to the highest yard from the houses РГИА. 470 / 3 / 89. Дело об отпуске из оранжерей ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы к Высочайшему двору и в другие места цветов и растений РГИА. 470 / 3 / 9. Vedomosti on fruits and colors sent to the highest court from the Tauride Garden РГИА. 470 / 3 / 90. The case of resolving the sale from the greenhouses of the department of the GOF-Andantant Office of excessive colors, plants, apples and small pineapple РГИА. 470 / 3 / 91. Дело об отпуске из оранжерей ведомства Гоф-интендантской конторы к Высочайшему двору и в другие места цветов и растений РГИА. 470 / 3 / 92. The case of resolving the sale from the greenhouses of the department of the GOF-Andantant Office of Excessive colors and plants, apples and small pineapple Display format Archival description RUSMARC