Collections of the presidential library.Series "Electronic Library".Ext.13, part 2. The promotion of the national cultural herit...

Presidential Library (St. Petersburg)Collections of the Presidential Library / Presidential Library - POP 1 -SANCT -Petersburg: FSBI "Presidential Library", 2011- -1 Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city)-collections 2 Electronic libraries-Russian Federation 3 Russia-History-CollectionsBBK 7836ya43BBK 7834 (2) Y43BBK 633 (2) Y43Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PBIssue 13, h 2: promotion of national cultural heritage in an electronic environment in order to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values: methodology, experience, development of development = Promotion of the Nationalcultural Heritage in the Electoronment in Order to Preserve and St. RENGTEN TRADITIONAL RUSSIAN SPIRITALALAnd Moral Values: Methodology, Experience, Development Directions - 2023 -165, [1] C: Il, Tsv Il - (Electronic Library "Scientific Editor and Solonko, Dr. Science) -The cover indicates only the title of the series and the private titleSummary in EnglishBibliography in Settling NotesThe next issue of the Electronic Library collection is devoted to the methodology, study and summarize the experience of libraries to promote national heritage in the electronic environment, determine the ways of preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, uniting efforts to strengthen the ideas of statehood, citizenship and patriotism as the basisNational Self-identification of Russians is addressed to specialists of the institutions of the field of culture and archival activities, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the corresponding profile, as well as a wide range of readers involved in the processes of maintaining Russian spiritual values ​​-30 copies-ISBN 978-5-6045656-7-4I Solonko, Igor Viktorovich (Doctor of Philosophical Sciences) 1 Presidential Library named after B Yeltsin (St. Petersburg, city)-collections 2 Presidential Library: yesterday, today (collection) 3 Electronic libraries-Russian Federation-collections 4Information resources - management - collections 5 Cultural Heritage - Russian Federation - CollectionsBBK 7834 (2) Y43BBK 7836ya43BBK 633 (2) 64-7ya43Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PB
ISBN 978-5-6045656-7-4
Publisher ФГБУ "Президентская библиотека"
Catalogue object