Nature: Zapol.Nature-Ist.Journal.- 1912-.-Moskva, 1912-.- 27 x 19.5 cm. -Publishing House: 1912-1918 Nature;1921 - 1925 No. 1/3 Commission on the study.natural production.forces of Russia at Acad.sciences;1925 No. 4/6 - 1926 Permanent commission on the study of natural.production.The forces of the USSR at Acad.sciences (Keps);1927-1963 Publishing House Acad.sciences;1964 - 1992 No. 9, 1995-2017, 2019 Science;2018, No. 1-6 ...: Ros.Acad.sciences;2018, No. 7-12.Acad.Sciences: Integration: Education and Science.Places of publication: 1912-1918 m.;1919-1923 pg.;1924-1941 l.;1942 - 1944 No. 3 Kazan;1944 No. 4 - 1951 l.;1952 - M..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Military Historical Library1913. April / Ed.Prof.Yu.N.Wagner, prof.L.V.Pisarzhevsky and prof.L.A.Tarasevich.-Nature, 1913. -397-524 stb.: il., table., Portr., pl., maps.;25.5 x 19 cm.Philosophy of natural science.Astronomy.Physics.Chemistry.Geology with paleontology.Mineralogy.General biology.Zoology.Botany.Man and his place in nature.Content: Hypothesis of SI about the origin of the solar system / astronomer.K.L.Baev.The theory of the collapse of atoms / Priv.V.A.Borodovsky.The current position of the issue of atmospheric electricity / T. Shutz.The essence of stuffed diseases / Priv.A.I.Yushchenko.Artificial culture of eggs of mammals and sperm birds / Dr. M. Landrie, [et al.].- Bibliogr.in the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: With a manpower.litter..I. Tarasevich, L.A. II.Pisarzhevsky, L.V. .. III.Wagner, Yu.N..1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Military Historical Library
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