The case of the production and continuation of the house of the court hospital began in 1845 of capital work, such as: on the co...

Identifier a1816e0f-121f-4733-9eb3-0dbe74ccddc3
Title The case of the production and continuation of the house of the court hospital began in 1845 of capital work, such as: on the construction of a new outbuilding;Devices of warm staircase and floor superstructure above the stables with clean trim and other
Dates 1845
Notes Case
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 470 / 2 / 91
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Inventory for the affairs of the former GOF-Antentant Office on the court hospital and singing house
Extent 325 l.
Fonds GOF-Antentant Office of the MIDV
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