Models of periodization of the history of language with an ideographic type of writing: experience of diachronic meta-systematiz...

Voronina, Olga Yuryevna (Ph.D. Filol. Sciences).Models of periodization of the history of language with an ideographic type of writing: experience of diachronic meta-systematization: abstract of dis.On Soi.Uch.step.candidate of philological sciences: specialty / Voronina Olga Yuryevna;[Place of protection: FSBEI in "Buryat State University"].-Ulan -Ude, 2019. -24 p.;21. -Bibliography: p. 23-24 (10 names)..1. Russian language (collection).2. The theory of the language.BBK 81.02ya031BBK 81.2ya031Source of an electronic copy: Buryat GU.Website
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