Construction Committee: On the construction of buildings of educational institutions;Projects, plans and facades of buildings

Identifier cbe97534-fc2c-41b6-aa33-2a5bd997e041
Title Construction Committee: On the construction of buildings of educational institutions;Projects, plans and facades of buildings
Dates Ishimskaya Truth.1967, No. 156.- 1967. -.Source of electronic copy: State Library of Ugra
Text language Ishimskaya Truth.1967, No. 156.1967.
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 733 / 224
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent State Library of Ugra
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
Contents В описи представлены дела Строительного комитета Департамента народного просвещения о постройке и переустройстве зданий учебных заведений, проекты, фасады, разрезы, планы, чертежи, сметы на строительные работы
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 1. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in Ananiev
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 10. The case of building a building for the second female gymnasium in Vologda
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 100. The case of the construction of the building of the Polotsk female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 101. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 102. The case of the reconstruction of the Samara Romanov male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 103. The case of the construction of the second male gymnasium in the city of Saratov
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 104. The case of building a building for the Saranskaya female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 105. The case of building a building for the Sergiev Posad female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 106. Building project for a real school in the city of Sudge of the Kursk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 107. The case of building a building for a male gymnasium in the city of Sychevka Smolensk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 108. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 109. The case of building a building for the fourth Tiflis female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 11. The case of building a building for the second female gymnasium in Vologda
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 110. The case of building a building for the fourth Tiflis female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 111. The plan of the building of the Tokmak literary and musical dramatic public assembly
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 112. The attachment of the building of the Tomsk male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 113. The case of building the building of the second real school in the city of Tomsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 114. The project of the female gymnasium in the city of Trubchevsk Oryol province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 115. The case of building the building of the first Kharkov male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 116. The case of the construction of the building of the male gymnasium in Khvalyn of the Saratov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 117. The project of the buildings of a real school in the city of Tsarevokokshaysk of the Kazan province of the Kazan training district
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 118. The case of building a building for the Chernivskiy women's gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 119. The case of building a building for the Cherdynsky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 12. The case of the reconstruction of the building of the female gymnasium in the city of Volmar
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 120. The building of the building for the Erivan male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 121. The case of an extension to the building of the female gymnasium in the city of Yuryevts
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 122. Estimates for the construction of a hospital with surgical and therapeutic clinics at the university in the city of Yuryev
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 123. Plans and projects for the construction of a teacher's seminary in Vladikavkaz
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 124. Projects and estimates for building in the city of Sarapul of the Vyatka province of a residential building and a hospital for employees of a teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 125. Estimates and plans for the construction of a teacher's seminary in Gomel
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 126. Estimates, projects, drawings for the construction of the Buguruslan teacher seminary
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 127. Projects and estimates for the construction of the building of the teacher's seminary in Perm
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 128. Estimates, plans, projects and drawings for the construction of the building of the Ust-Medvedi Teacher Seminary Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 129. Case: facades, cuts and poetry plans for the building of the male gymnasium in Arkhangelsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 13. The building of the building for the Valkovsky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 130. Case: Facades and plans of the building of the Akhtyrsky Alexander Craft School of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 131. 1 l.
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 132. Case: facades, cuts and poems of the building of the female gymnasium in Belebey of the Ufa province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 133. Case: facades, cuts and poeming plans of the building of the lower craft school in the village of Beresky Tomsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 135. The project of the building of the lower craft school in the settlement of Boromle Akhtyrsky district of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 136. Plans, facades and cuts of the buildings of the Bryansk Secondary School
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 137. The project of buildings of the Medium and Mechanical and Technical School in Warsaw (facades, cuts and poems)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 138. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 139. CASE: FASAD, CREASE AND FEARD PROSENTS OF THE Building of the noble PROSOLE-PRODUCTION in Yekaterinoslav
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 14. The building of the building for the Valkovskaya female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 140. CASE: FASAD, cuts and poetry plans for the building of the Alexander Zemstvo Craft School in Zmiev of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 141. CASE: FASAD, cuts and poetry plans for the building of the female gymnasium in Izmail of the Bessarabian province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 142. Case: facades, cuts and poetry plans for the building of the Irbit female gymnasium of the Perm province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 143. The project of water heating and ventilation of the building of the school of craft students in Irbit of the Perm province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 144. The poetry plans of the building of the Kazan Industrial School
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 145. Estimates for the construction of the building of the Secondary Technical School in Kamenets-Podolsky
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 146. The estimate of the building of the two -year school named after P.A.Stolypin in the village of Kellumyaki Vyborg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 147. The project of the building of the lower craft school named after the brothers M. and P. Shanins in Kolomna of the Moscow province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 148. Projects of the Building School buildings in Mologa of the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 149. Case: Facade, cuts and poetry plans for the extension to the building of the Odessa third male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 15. The case of building a building for the Vyborg real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 150. Case: facades, cuts and poems of the building of the Orenburg first female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 151. The poetry plans of the building of the First St. Petersburg Real School
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 152. Case: facade, cuts and poetry plans for the buildings of the Riga lower craft school (?)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 153. Plan and facade of the Samara named after D.V.Kirillov lower craft school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 154. The poetry plans of the building of the Saratov Alexander craft school and workshops under him
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 155. Plans for the building of the lower technical school in Slavyansk Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 156. CASE: FASAD and cuts of the building of the Middle Yegorle lower craft school of the Stavropol province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 157. Sketches of facades, cuts and the poems of the building of the technical school in agricultural engineering in Tobolsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 158. Эскизы фасада и поэтажных планов здания технического училища сельскохозяйственного машиностроения в Царицыне
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 159. Case: facade, cuts and poetry plans for the building of the male gymnasium in Yaransk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 16. The case of building a building for the Vyborg Teacher Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 160. Plans for both the first and third floors of the auditorial corps of the highest women's courses (Moscow?)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 161. Care, plans for the first and basement floors of the building of the educational institution in Kharkov (the name is not established)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 162. Case: facade, cuts and poetry plans for the gymnasium building (the name is not established)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 163. CASE: longitudinal and transverse cuts of buildings-cases A, B, M-D, D-E, M, N, C, C, T, U (the name of the educational institution has not been established)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 164. Case: facades, cuts and poetry plans for the buildings of a craft school with a boarding house (the name is not established)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 165. Case: Facade and cutting of the main building, and plans of service buildings, including forges (the name of the institution is not established)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 166. Case: The facade of the building (with a large number of architectural jewelry, without designations and signatures)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 167. Help on the Circle of Activities and the States of the Construction Committee of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 168. Note by the Construction Committee on measures to reduce the cost of school buildings
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 169. Places of places belonging to the Ministry of Education on Chernyshev Square 2 and planned for the construction of a stone two -story shop and stone laye
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 17. The case of the restructuring of the building of the Vyazemsky female gymnasium of the Smolensk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 170. Plans of buildings and court of the Ministry of Education on Chernysheva Square, 2
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 171. The poetry plans of the buildings of the Ministry of Education on Chernysheva Square, 2
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 172. The project of superstructure of the attic floor over the building of the Ministry of Education (on Chernysheva Square, 2)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 172. Case: People's Commissariat of Education.The premises for the Petrograd branch of the fourth section [G.A.F.(State Archival Fund)] on Chernyshev Square, house 1, theater street, house 5
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 173. The poetry plans of the premises of the department of industrial schools
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 174. The General and Pathyu Planes [adjacent to the building of the Ministry of Public Education of the building of the sixth male gymnasium]
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 175. The project of the building of the teacher's seminary in Alexandrovsk by the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 176. Case: Facade and the poetry plans of the Astrakhan Technical School
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 177. The sketch plan of the Medium Mechanical and Technical School in Barnaul (Tomsk province)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 178. CASE: FASAD, PENTAGE PLANS AND CRISES OF BAKHMUT CREATED SLOW (Yekaterinoslav province)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 179. The General Plan and the situation of the territory of the Vladikavkaz second real school (courtyards, gardens, fences, sidewalks)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 18. Plan of the building of the Barnavian male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 180. The poetry plans of the teacher's seminary in Volsk (Saratov province)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 182. Estimates and drawings (facade, poetry plans and cuts) of the Zhytomyr lower craft school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 183. The estimate and project of the building for a two -year school in the village of Zirgan (Ufa province)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 184. General Plan, facade, poetry plans and incisions of the Izyumsky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 185. The poetry plans of the houses of Major General Nechaev in Kozlov (Tambov province) for the Nechaeva women's professional courses
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 186. План механической мастерской при Новороссийском университете (Одесса)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 187. Поэтажные планы Омского низшего технического училища
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 188. Дело: фасад, поэтажные планы и разрезы низшей ремесленной школы в селе Маньково-Калитвенская (Область Войска Донского)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 189. План городов Ростова и Нахичевани на Дону
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 19. The case of building a building for a chemical institute at the University of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 190. Дело: фасад и поэтажные планы реального училища в Новозыбкове
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 191. CASE: CRISES AND PENTER PLANS TO THE PROCESS OF PROGNITION AND Ventilation of the St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 192. Эскизный проект Скопинской низшей ремесленной школы (Рязанской губернии)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 193. План города Тимрока (Кубанской области)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 194. The Planning plans of the clinic at Tomsk University
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 195. Проект Хабаровского ремесленного училища (фасад, поэтажные планы, разрезы)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 196. План участка земли, принадлежавшего Харьковскому университету, с обозначением проектированных улиц и площадей
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 197. Дело о расширении здания Мариинского женского училища в городе Акмолинске
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 198. Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).CASE: CROMS AND PENTERS PROGRAMS TO THE PRODUCTION OF READING AND Ventilation of the St. Petersburg Women's Medical Institute.
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 199. Дело о постройке здания Соломбальского высшего начального училища в городе Архангельске
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 2. The case of building a building for a real school in Belebey
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 20. The case of building a building for the Velizh Male Gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 200. Смета на постройку здания мужской гимназии в городе Бийске Томской губернии и проект здания
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 201. Сметы на постройку здания мужской гимназии в городе Борзне Черниговской губернии
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 202. Проект переустройства здания учительской семинарии в годе Воронеже
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 203. Дело о постройке здания Мариинского училища в городе Закаталы
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 204. Дело о постройке здания для высших начальных училищ в городе Каргополь, Пудож и Лодейное поле Олонецкой губернии
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 205. Дело о постройке аэрологической обсерватории в Никольске-Уссурийском Приморской области
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 206. Дело о ремонтных и строительных работах в зданиях магнитно-метеорологической обсерватории в городе Павловске
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 207. Дело о пристройках к зданиям Главной физической обсерватории и надстройке четвертого этажа над главным ее зданием (Петербург)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 208. Дело о постройке здания для Петроградского Рождественского высшего начального училища в Петрограде
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 209. Журнал Строительного комитета с заключением о проекте здания городского училища в городе Пинске Минской губернии
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 21. The case of the construction of the building of the Vilensky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 210. Проект здания Поливановской учительской семинарии Подольского уезда Московской губернии.
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 211. Дело о постройке здания для городского училища в городе Порхове Псковской губернии
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 212. Проект расширения главного корпуса Переславской учительской семинарии в Бердянском уезде Таврической губернии
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 213. The case of building a central seismic station in Pulkovo
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 216. The case of building a building for a higher elementary school in the village of Putilov Shlisselburg district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 217. The Journal of the Construction Committee with the conclusion on the project of the building of the city school in the city of Radoshkevichi Vilnius province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 218. The case of the overhaul of the building of the Higher Primary School in Revel Estland province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 219. The case of building a building for a higher elementary school at the Sergievskaya Deserts of the Petershof district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 22. The case of the construction of the building of the Vilensky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 220. The case of the construction of the building of the city school in the city of Sestroretsk of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 221. The case of the construction of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Sokolka of the Grodno province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 222. The Journal of the Construction Committee with the conclusion on the sketches of a four -year -old male and two -year -old women's schools in the city of Solvychegodsk Vologda province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 223. The case of building a building for a city school in the city of Staraya Russa Novgorod province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 224. The case of the construction of the building of the Higher Primary School at the Sukhona station of the Vologda province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 225. The case of perestroika and expansion of the building of the city school in the town of Talnoye Umansky County of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 226. The case of building a building for a higher elementary school in the city of Talsen Courland province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 227. The project of the extension to the building of the Yekaterinin Teacher's Institute in the city of Tambov
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 228. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 229. The case of the construction of the building of the Higher Primary School in the town of Telekhan Pinsky district of the Minsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 23. The case of the construction of a stone fence to the building of the Vilenskaya second male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 230. The case of the repair of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Telshi Kovenskaya province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 231. The case of the construction of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Toroptsi of the Pskov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 232. The case of the overhaul of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Totma of the Vologda province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 233. The case of the restructuring of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Tukkum of the Courland province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 234. The case of the reconstruction of the building of the city school in the city of Ust-Sysolsk Vologda province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 235. The case of building a building for a higher elementary school in the village of Ust-Kuloma Ust-Sysolsky district of the Vologda province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 236. The case of the construction of the buildings of higher elementary schools in the villages of Ukhta and the Im of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 237. The case of the acquisition of a building for a higher elementary school in the city of Frauenberg of the Courland province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 238. The plan of land plots of the teacher's seminary in the village of Kutaisian province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 239. The case of the construction of buildings of the Higher Primary School in the city of Tsarskoye Selo of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 24. The case of building a building for the Vitebsk real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 240. The case of building a building for a higher elementary school in the city of Chausy of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 241. The case of building a building for the second city school in the city of Cherepovets of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 242. Case: Facade and plan of the house I.I.Vasilevsky, scheduled for the designed four -year male gymnasium of nobles in the city of Cherikov, Mogilev province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 243. Estimate for the construction of a building for a teacher seminary in the city of Cherkasy Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 244. The case of the reconstruction of the building of the Higher Primary School in the city of Shenkursk of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 245. The case of the repair and expansion of the building of the city school in the city of Shlisselburg of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 246. The case of additional work in the building of the Higher Primary School in the village of Rybatsky of the Shlisselburg district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 247. Magazines of the Construction Committee with conclusions on the project of the building of the city school in the city of Shlok Livonia province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 248. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 249. Project of the male gymnasium building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 25. The case of building a building for a male gymnasium in the city of Vladivostok
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 250. The project of a three -story building of a female educational institution
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 251. The poetry plans of the building of the city school with an apartment of a teacher-inspector (Moscow training district)
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 252. A project of a six -story building for an educational institution
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 253. The case of the project of the Izmailovskaya male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 254. The project of the building of the second male gymnasium in the city of Yekaterinodar
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 255. The case of the female gymnasium in the city of Rivne Volyn province.Facade on Directorship Street
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 256. The plan of the Stone Building of the Nerchinsk Sofia female gymnasium proposed for the real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 257. The plan of the new extension and reorganization of the old building of the Ryli female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 258. Sketch for the building of the second female gymnasium in Nizhny Novgorod
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 259. The project of the building of the female gymnasium in the city of Belozersk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 26. The case of the construction of the building of the male gymnasium in the city of Vladivostok
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 260. 1916
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 261. Church project under a real school under construction in Tsarskoye Selo
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 262. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 263. The project of a real school in the city of Stavropol of the Samara province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 264. The project of a six-class gymnasium in the village of Vorontsovo-Aleksandrovsky Stavropol province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 265. The project of the male classical gymnasium in the city of Alexandrovsk by the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 266. The project of the Arkhangelsk real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 267. The project of Vilenskaya second male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 268. The plan of the house donated by M.D.Butin for a real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 269. The estate plan intended for the building of the Temnikovsky male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 27. 40 l.
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 270. The case of the Palace of the Prince of Oldenburg in Petrograd acquired by the Ministry of Education in 1917
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 28. The case of the construction of the building of the second Vladikavkaz real school.Digging from the plan of the city of Vladikavkaz
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 29. 1915
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 3. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Blagoveshchensk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 30. The case of the construction of the building of the second Vladikavkaz real school.Option of the premises of the main building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 31. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a residential building.Construction project, floors, facades and the like
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 32. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: services.Construction drawing.Shed, glacier, laundry
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 33. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a draft greenhouse.Building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 34. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school.The project of reinforced concrete overlap of the assembly hall
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 35. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: details of the gates and fences, forking
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 36. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: details of windows, bars, umbrellas
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 37. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school.Heating and ventilation project of the main building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 38. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a heating and ventilation project of a residential building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 39. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a heating and [ventilation] project of greenhouses
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 4. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Blagoveshchensk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 40. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a plan for the location of iron beams in the main building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 41. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a plan for the location of iron beams in: a) a residential building, c) services and c) greenhouse
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 42. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz Real School: a draft water supply and sewage for the main building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 43. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz Real School: a draft water supply and sewage for a residential building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 44. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: a draft water supply and sewage for services.External water supply and sewage project
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 45. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 46. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: details of the centers for kitchens, for laundry
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 47. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: estimates for construction work on the main building and its heating
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 48. 1876
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 49. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: estimates for construction work in services
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 5. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Blagoveshchensk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 50. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: estimates for construction work and heating of the greenhouse
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 51. 51
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 52. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz real school: estimates [for construction work] for water pipelines, gutters and sewers of buildings and sites
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 53. The case of building a building for the second Vladikavkaz Real School: a revision statement to estimates and reference prices
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 54. The case of expanding the building of a real school in the city of Grozny
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 55. The case of building a real school building in the city of Yekaterinodar
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 56. The case of the construction of the building of the second female gymnasium in the city of Yekaterinodar
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 57. The case of the construction of the building of the Zorkinsky female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 58. The case of extensions to the building of the Kamensky Real School
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 59. The case of expanding the building of the Kashinsky female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 60. The case of the construction of the Kamyshinsky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 61. The case of the construction of the Keletsky female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 62. The building of the building for the Kitskovsky two -year school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 63. The case of expanding the building of the Kobelak male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 64. A project to build a building of a real school in the city of Karsun Simbirsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 65. Estimate for the construction of the building of a real school in the city of Karsun Simbirsk province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 66. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Kremenchug
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 67. The project of water heating and ventilation in the building of the Kutaissky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 68. The case of building a building for the second female gymnasium in the city of Kursk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 69. 69
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 7. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Bobrov Voronezh province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 70. The case of the restructuring of the Lokhvitsky wine warehouse under a real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 71. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Malmyzh Vyatka province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 72. The case of building a building for a male gymnasium in the city of Malmyzh Vyatka province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 73. The case of building a building for the Makaryevsky female gymnasium of the Kostroma province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 74. The case of the construction of a building for the Lesserkhangelsk female gymnasium of the Oryol province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 75. The estimate and project of the monthly gymnasium of the Zlatoust district
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 76. The case of building a building for a real school in the city of Minusinsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 77. The case of the construction of a apartment building at the building of the Moscow Gymnasium named after Shelaputin
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 78. The case of building a building for women's gymnasium in the Omutninsky factory of the Vyatka province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 79. The case of building a building for a female gymnasium in the city of Osa Perm province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 8. The case of building a building for the Bogoroditsky female gymnasium in the city of Bogoroditsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 80. The case of building a building for a real school in the city of the island of the Pskov province
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 81. The case of building a building for a male gymnasium in the city of Nezhin
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 82. The case of the resumption of the building of the Novgorod-Seversky Male Gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 83. The case of the resumption of the building of the Novgorod-Seversky Male Gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 84. The case of the construction of the building of the Novonikolaevsky real school
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 85. The case of the extension of three classes to the building of the Novorossiysk female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 86. The plan of the building of a two -year -old women's school in the city of Petrozavodsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 87. Plans of the Petrozavodsk female gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 88. 5 l.
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 89. Project of the Prague Male Gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 9. The case of building a building for the Bogoroditsky female gymnasium in the city of Bogoroditsk
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 90. The book of meetings of the highly established construction commission for the construction of a building for the Prague male gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 91. Estimate for the construction of the building of the Prague male gymnasium in the city of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 92. Executive estimate for the construction of the Prague male gymnasium in the city of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 93. Drawings for the construction of the Prague male gymnasium to the executive estimate
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 94. The case of building a building for the St. Petersburg eleventh gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 95. Project and estimate for the construction of a swimming pool at the first male gymnasium in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 96. Plans of the building of the St. Petersburg Male Gymnasium named after Alexander I
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 97. Исполнительная смета на перестройку здания мужской гимназии имени императора Александра I
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 98. Executive estimate for the restructuring of the building of the Emperor Alexander I residential building
РГИА. 733 / 224 / 99. Project, estimate for the construction of the building of the Larinsky gymnasium in the city of Petrograd
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