Black in white

Ilyin, M.Black in white / Fig., Eksas and binding of N. Lapshin.- Moscow ;Leningrad -Union.Lenin.Communist.Youth Union.Publishing House Children.Lit., 1941. -85, [3] p.: il., fax.;19.5 x 13.7 cm. - (School library).-On the region.Publishing House: Children of the Komsomol Central Committee.Ex.: With a handle.droppings, def.: p.7-8, 25-26, 33-34 are absent..I. Lapshin, N..1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: NGPU
Publisher Центр. ком. Всесоюз. Ленин. Коммунист. Союза Молодежи. Изд-во дет. лит.

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